已检查用英语怎么说 已检查英语翻译

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已检查用英语怎么说 已检查英语翻译

已检查翻译为英语通常说作: exd. examined,还可以翻译为inspected,在《现代英语词典》中,共找到97个与已检查相关的译文和例句。


1. exd. examined

已检查翻译为 exd. examined 。

示例:抛出错误的性质是什么(已检查,未检查)? What is the nature of the errors thrown (checked, Unchecked)?


2. inspected


示例:已检查的、用户定义的异常。 A checked, user-defined exception.


3. exd

已检查翻译为 exd 。

示例:如果该属性缺失,那么脚本输出一个警告以及已检查的记录数。 If that attribute is missing, the script prints a warning together with a count of the record examined.


4. Checked

已检查翻译为 Checked 。

示例:Hell, yes, i checked into it. I checked into it already.



1. requarantined( 已检查)


2. exd.( 试验过的;


3. inspect(检查

4. look over sth(检查)

5. CHK(检查)

英语短语&俚语, checked exception ( 已检查异常 )

surveyed before shipment ( 装船前已检查 )

checked purse ( 已检查的钱包 )

Accept checked items ( 接受已检查的项目 )

Inspection has been good ( 检查已好 )

Inspection has been good ( 检查已良好 )

Inspection registered permanent address ( 检查已注册的永久地址 )

Inspection has been good ( 检查已被良好 )

server check has

1 errors ( 服务器检查已)


1. i'll take it back to check it.


2. - Check equipment. - CHECK YOUR EQUiPMENT!

译文:检查装备 检查装备。

3. Electrical board checked, yaw dampers on and operating.

译文:电板检查 阻尼器检查,操作器检查。

4. Hope you checked to see there wasn't a body in the back.


5. i checked the charge on the main unit.


6. The supervisor has informed launch vehicle testing you are go for launch.

译文:总监已发出发射检查命令 现在执行。

7. There is an assumption of well-formedness, so no additional checks are performed.


8. Casualties. Report casualties.

译文:检查伤亡 检查伤亡。

9. Check that the computer has executed your commands.

译文:检查一下计算机是否已执行指令。 。

10. Bop Ta has visited North Korea almost 100 times, sometimes checking the recipients of handouts.

译文:Bop Ta 已走访朝鲜近100次,有时检查救济对象。 。

11. right before raid : check and recut sold auctions


12. And a very extensive one, but we have no leads.


13. The concentration of salt in her blood was found to be lethally low.


14. All right, we've had the secret service and the wedding planner go over the guest list with the video.

译文:我们已让特勤和婚礼筹备人员 对照录像检查了宾客名单。

15. Look, it's really sweet that you are calling in to check in on us but Collin already checked the drains and, we're gonna be fine.

译文:瞧 这真是甜蜜 中呼叫检查 但科林已检查 水渠 我们会没事的 他们清除出去。


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