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关于”结构的五种基本句型“的英语句子44个,句子主体:Five Basic Sentence Patterns of Structure。以下是关于结构的五种基本句型的专业英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Five Basic Sentence Patterns of Structure


1、In reverse engineering, the feature-based model reconstruction is a significant method for the model reconstruction of structural machine parts.


2、The age class structure of Acanthopanax senticosus population was stable in the Quercus mongolica forest, but they were unstable in the theropencedrymion and secondary forest.

本实用新型涉及一种压砖机曲轴的结构改进,尤其是曲轴的曲柄 处的结构改进。

3、The utility model relates to the structural improvement of the crankshaft of brick presses and particularly to that at the crank of crankshaft.


4、A novel structure with a double step buried oxide SOI (D-SBOSOI) is developed on the basis of single step buried oxide structure.


5、The company is specialized in producing various types of joint bearing structure sentinel enterprises.


6、Based on the trichotomy of fuzzy theory a synthetic evaluation model was set up for structure capability of inhered road.


7、Golden cowries are egg-shaped with a flat base and a narrow opening.


8、As a new type of marine floating structures, the design concept of the grid structure is applied to the design of VLFS (Very Large Floating Structures).


9、Umbrella fund is a fund framework which adapts to new market character. It will become main fund in international fund market.


10、A method to build dimensioning model of

2 dimensional drawing based on undirected graph is presented.


11、A novel geometric structure-based autonomous star pattern identification algorithm is presented.


12、The construction, working mechanism, technical parameters and application effectiveness of five types floatation-coalescence units was stressed.


13、Object-based Storage Technology is a new technology in storage field and gives new storage architecture.


14、According to the semantic characteristics of geological bodies, a logical structure with five components was proposed.


15、Wireless ad-hoc networks are decentralized.


16、The method for detection of TLC was established and

3 arrangement types were found.


17、Dendritic structure which has diverse architectural modeling with well seismic performance is a new structure of the space structure.


18、A cubic cell structure based on three value logic is proposed for the realization of common logic arrays.


19、As a new type structure, there were no reports and literature of the relevant studies on prestressed space composite trass at present.


20、Suggestion on more realistically modeling for stability behavior of levee on natural soft ground is also proposed on the basis of similitude consideration of inherent structure of in-situ clay.

21、A new type of HTc superconducting film thin comb resonator is designed and manufactured.本文报导了一种新型结构的高温超导薄膜梳齿谐振器。

22、GFRP is a new type structure material.GFRP是一种新型的结构材料。

23、Bow-style pre-stressed beam is a new type of pre-stressed steel structure.弓式张弦粱结构是一种新型的预应力钢结构体系。

24、Manufacture had one kind "the prototype + copy" the structure, Plato "" discusses, Yalishiduode "the form - material" saying that deferred to this kind of structure to construct.制作活动有一种“原型+摹本”结构,柏拉图的“相”论、亚里士多德的“形式—质料”说都是按照这种结构来构造的。

25、The utility model discloses an involution suction pipe. The middle part of the involution suction pipe is wound to form a spiral structure.本实用新型公开一种回旋型吸管,该回旋型吸管的中间部分绕成螺旋结 构。

英文句子26:,26、The utility model relates to a ginning and roll structure of plastic joint machine.本实用新型涉及一种塑料贴合机的轧花轧辊的结构。

27、A novel wide-angle three-branch optical waveguide with equal power division is proposed, which contains three high-index microprisms.本文提出了一种新型的宽角度等功率分配三分支波导结构,此结构包含三个高折射率微棱镜。

28、After synthesis, the structure of school curriculum as a consultative framework concludes four parts: basic curriculum, intensive curriculum, mini-courses and free learning.统整后,作为一种宏观的参考性框架,学校课程结构包括基本课程、强化课程、微型课程和自由学习四大块。

29、A hybrid model of HMM and RBF neural network is presented to reconstruct the ionic single channel current under white background noise.本文提出了一种隐马尔可夫模型(HMM)和径向基函数(RBF)神经网络相结合的混合模型,用于白噪声背景下细胞膜离子单通道电流的统计重构。

30、A wideband dipole with a novel wideband balun operating in 通过引入一种新型的宽带巴伦结构,本文实现了可工作于



31、A new type of uncooled infrared detector with polyimide thermal-isolation structure is presented.提出了一种基于聚酰亚胺绝热层的新型非制冷红外探测器结构。

32、After reviewed the development and actuality of dome structure, A new type of pre-stressed ribbed dome was presented in this thesis.本文在回顾了穹顶结构的发展及其研究现状之后,提出了一种新型的加肋预应力穹顶结构。

33、Suspen-dome is a new hybrid space structure, composed of cable-strut tensile structure and single reticulated shell.弦支穹顶结构体系是基于索杆张力体系和单层网壳而形成的一种新型杂交空间结构体系。

34、A new type of retractable structures, radially retractable plate structures (RRPS), was introduced.介绍了一种新型开合结构-径向可开启板式结构。

35、The utility model relates to a damping structure used for regulating the vibration source loading of a stacker, which belongs to a structural component of a box-shaped beam.本实用新型涉及一种能调节振源负载的堆垛机用减振结构,它属于一种 箱式结构梁的减振结构件。

36、The utility model provides an easily opened cover for bottled can, and the utility model has a novel structure.本实用新型推出了一种结构新颖的瓶装罐头易开盖。

37、They are different in governance structure. Contractual fund is focus on the external governance and corporate fund focus on internal governance.契约型基金与公司型基金在治理结构上采取了两种不同的模式,前者侧重于外部治理,后者侧重于内部治理。

38、The beam-column connections have important effect on the popular of the new type structure.作为一种应用前景广阔的新型结构形式,其梁柱连接直接影响这种新型结构的进一步推广。

39、Five kinds of aromatic dicarboxylic acids containing phthalazinone units are designed and synthesized.设计合成了五种含杂萘联苯结构的芳香二酸化合物,并对其结构进行了讨论;

40、Based on the C/S model and the B/W/S model, a design of the model of component based distributed software architecture is presented.在结合C/S和B/W /S两种模式的基础上,提出并设计了一个基于构件的分布式软件体系结构的框架模型。

41、Experimental results on several geogrids were employed to evaluate the constitutive model.本文应用几种土工格栅试验结果验证了所提出的本构模型。

42、Proposes the frame of the open media player, which may enable the player to support new media format and new transmit protocol, the player can also play the media locally and distantly.提出了一种开放式媒体播放器的体系结构,基于该结构的播放器可支持新的媒体类型以及新的数据传输协议,并支持多种流媒体数据的本地回放与在线点播。

43、The utility model relates to an antitheft structure, in particular to a lock and a key.本实用新型涉及一种防盗结构,具体为一种锁具及钥匙。

44、The invention belongs to the field of new material structures, and particularly relates to a connection structure of fiber reinforced composite section bars and concrete.本发明属于新材料结构领域,具体涉及一种纤维增强复合材料型材与混凝土的连接结构。

45、Sheet pile wall is a potential structure for water-intake project of offshore power station.板桩墙明沟结构是海岸电厂取水工程的一种结构型式。

46、The combinative bridge with rigid frame and single-ribbed tied arch is a new kind of bridge structures, and its stability problem is more serious.预应力混凝土刚构连续梁桥是在预应力混凝土连续梁和T型刚构基础上发展起来的一种新型连续梁结构。

47、The underground structure gradually forms by compressing a serious of great diameter steel pipes into the ground used as a foundation along the edge of the structure.新管幕工法是我国引进的一种新型地下结构暗挖工法,该工法以沿结构边线顶进大直径钢管为基础,逐步形成大断面地下结构。

48、This proves the correctness of the models and provides a theoretical basis for the design, calculation and application of 3D five-directional fabric structure.证实了所建模型的正确性,为三维五向织物结构的设计、计算和应用提供了理论基础。

49、A similar star network structure which is a topology structure of optical-fiber local aere network that suitable for special environment is put forward in this article.本文提出了一种适合于特殊环境使用的光纤局域网的拓扑结构——类星型结构。

50、A new evolvable image filter is designed by using this CCN structure.本文用此结构设计了一种新型的可进化滤波器。

经典英文句子51:结构的五种基本句型,51、The utility model discloses a wine bottle cap, in particular to a wine bottle cap with a cock body structure.本实用新型公开了一种酒瓶盖,具体涉及一种塞体结构的酒瓶盖。

52、In the aspect of architecture, we propose a new network management model based on services cloud, which manages the network and services by means of plenty of management services.在管理体系结构方面,本文提出了一种基于管理业务云思想的新型网络管理参考模型,它的基本思想是通过由丰富的管理业务所组成的管理业务云来管理网络和服务。

53、The utility model relates to a pen, particularly the improvement of the structure of a pen rod.本实用新型涉及一种书写笔,特别是关于笔杆结构的改进。

54、CWR track is a new technique that serves as a sign of track modernization.无缝线路是一种新型的轨道结构,是轨道结构现代化的标志。

55、Chemically planted bar in concrete structure is a new style post-embedding technique .化学植筋技术是一种基于混凝土结构的新型后锚固技术。

56、The utility model discloses an exhaust pipe suspension beam structure for front floor of automobile.本实用新型公开了一种汽车前地板排气管挂梁结构。

57、The new pattern heat-insulating heating tableware related by the utility model is a new pattern heat-insulating tableware provided with an inner container structure.本实用新型所述的新型保温加热餐具是一种具有内胆式结构的新型保温餐具。

58、Based on that, a new type structure with the cascaded variable delay interval OFDL unit is brought up.在此基础上,提出了一种级联非等延迟单元的新型结构形式。

59、A new form concrete shell aqueduct in folded plate structure is introduced. It keeps the basic advantages of the U-shell aqueduct and avoids its main disadvantages.提出了一种新型的折板式钢筋混凝土薄壳渡槽结构,它保留了U型薄壳渡槽的基本优点,避免了其主要缺点。

60、It can be concluded that humidity stress field theory builds a mathematical material which is the idealization of real matter in the manner of the classic elastic theory does.认为湿度应力场本构模型同经典弹性本构模型一样,确定了一种理想物质模型,它也只是实际材料本构关系的一种理想化。

61、The utility model relates to a tabling structure of a drum frame, comprising a combining body and a frame body.本实用新型是一种鼓框的嵌合结构,包括结合体和框体。

62、Population structure and distribution pattern of Davidia involucrata at Labahe Nature Reserve of Sichuan Province;本文研究了湖北省五峰县后河自然保护区光叶珙桐种群结构及其动态。

63、The basic structure and characteristics of a new process intensification equipment named inside-circulation rotor-stator reactor were introduced, which was used to prepare the O/W emulsion.介绍了一种新型过程强化设备——内循环定-转子反应器的基本结构及特点,并利用定-转子反应器制备油/水型乳液。

64、Based on the energy-absorbing theory, four new kinds of anti-explosion ship structural forms of double bottoms are proposed.以吸能原理为理论依据,提出船舶双层底的四种新型抗爆结构形式,建立传统形式和四种新型结构形式的有限元模型。

65、The utility model relates to an external switching structure and an external switching device based on optical fiber PCI-X bus communication.本实用新型是一种为基于光纤的PCI-X总线通信的外部交换结构及设备。

66、The utility model relates to structure of a pair of shoe heels, particularly a pair of elastic heels of shoes.本实用新型涉及一种鞋后跟的结构,特别是一种鞋的弹性后跟。

67、The structure and function is discussed detailedly in chapter five.其结构和工作原理本文在第五章作了详细的说明。

68、The invention discloses a large-span mill construction with a super heavy-duty steel structure and a design method thereof.本发明公开了一种大跨度特重型钢结构厂房结构及其设计方法。

69、The two proteins with different conformations, PrPC and PrPSc, are encoded by the same gene.两种结构异型蛋白来源于同一基因。

70、This article mainly introduced the evolution process and structure of longitudinal cut device. A new developed longitudinal cut set was disclosed.主要介绍了浮法玻璃生产线纵掰纵分装置的发展过程、基本结构和一种新型纵掰纵分装置的开发。

71、The anatomy of the two morphs was the same.结果表明两种表型的花柱解剖结构相同。



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