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关于”出国留学的好处“的英语句子49个,句子主体:Benefits of studying abroad。以下是关于出国留学的好处的高中英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Benefits of studying abroad


1、Sorry for quitting at this time, but I’ve decided to study abroad.


2、Meanwhile, the management method has brought about many changes in the company. Mr. Wang once decided to send his daughter to study abroad. But now he has her dealt with the online businesses.


3、When only a few ofChina’s very best students went abroad, it was easy enough forcolleges to focus their efforts on a handful of elite secondaryschools.



3 "the countermeasures of the policy", proposed consummates several measures how to attract the person who study abroad repatriates .


5、Choosing your study abroad is a very big decision.


6、What's the advantage of studying abroad?


7、I mean, I had to study abroad as a requirement as an IB student,


8、There are many benefits to studying abroad - you will acquire cross-cultural experience, gain new perspectives on your chosen field of study, and make many new friends.

9、living in the world in terms of scientific and technological level居于世界前列的科技水平


10、Xiaoou is one of the most outstanding among the Chinese scholars.


11、Ideally, those who get "gilt" experiences abroad can return home, helping purify the domestic academic atmosphere and enhance research levels.


12、You wouldn't chop and change your mind,either remain here or go abroad.


13、The advanced subjects bank offers an important reference for choosing ones major while studying abroad in Germany.


14、Li: What kind of assistance could your council provide to Chinese students wanting to study in UK?

15、出国留学推荐信 ( Recommendation Letter for Studying Abroad )


16、Studying abroad provides an opportunity to broaden your experience and mind.


17、Li answered some questions about how to obtain offers for students with interest of studying abroad.


18、I hoped to study abroad, but fate had decided otherwise.


19、Another reason for studying abroad is that you'll gain self-confidence.


20、We are delighted and the number of students and there are increasing numbers of British students who are coming to China. This is excellent news, this is really excellent.

21、I am working in the department of teaching affairs and teaching surgery for foreign students in GXMU.现就职于广西医科大学教务处,任广西医科大学国际教育学院留学生外科学讲师。

22、We can say that going to study abroad at one's own expense has become an important channel in our country for overseas education.可以说,自费留学目前已成为我国出国留学教育的重要渠道。

23、I hear you're going to study abroad.我听说你要出国留学.

24、I still do not pay attention to your message.我还是那么没出息处处留意你的消息。

25、Some people want to study abroad so as to move there.有些人出国留学是想要移民。

英文句子26:,26、Fwe seasons of experience in marketing, in side to a bachelor's degree in management dawn major in marketing. Like to be chwhichleenged dawn a responsible job.除了主修出国留学出国留学市场学的管理学士学位,还有xx年的出国留学出国留学市场营销历程。喜欢迎战责任重大的任务。

27、It's very hard for younglings to find good jobs, what about studying abroad?怎么样找到好工作,“年轻人很难找到好工作,出国留学怎么样?”

28、Before putting forward the handling suggestions, should listen to the student's explanation.在提出处理意见之前,应当听取留学生的陈述和申辩。

29、Have you ever thought of studying abroad?你有没有想过出要国留学。

30、When you are studying abroad, the company will maintain your position but stop paying your salary.在你出国留学期间,我公司为你停薪留职。

31、The history of the Chinese students abroad shows that the students abroad from Ling-nan of the late Qing period made a great contribution to early Sino-West cultural exchange in modern time.翻开近代中国留学史,晚清时期岭南出国留学生对中国近代早期中西文化交流的贡献,特别引人注目。首先,他们是中国近代出国留学的先驱者和开拓者。

32、Fifth, change the direction of studying abroad and try to make a greater breakthrough in the scientific field.五要改变出国留学人员的留学方向,力争在自然科学领域有较大的突破。

33、PTE Academic, a new English test for people applying to study overseas, was launched at the end of 2009.作为一个新型的留学语言考试,PTE学术英语考试自从登陆中国以来受到中国学生广泛好评。

34、Though we shout to search new lor in the certainxpression, in fact we concerned which searching new market to their objects.虽然她们这次远征的目的表面上是为了显示新陆地,实际上她们关心的是为她们的产品找到新出国留学出国留学市场。

35、South Korea was 3rd. The number of South Korean students increased 9% to 75,000.韩国处于第三位,其留学生数量达到7万5千人,增长9%。

36、What are Some Good Programs for Students Traditionally Underrepresented in Study Abroad?对于以往出国留学人数较少的学生群体有哪些合适的项目?

37、Choose Academic module, if you plan to undertake further or higher education abroad.如果您计划出国留学,请选择学术类。

38、Upon returning to China these West-educated graduates are almost certainly in a better position to find employment than their Chinese-educated counterparts;再回到中国来看,比起在外留学的中国籍学生,在华留学的外籍学生更容易找到一份较好的工作;

39、Four children each have each difficulty, the eldest daughter Chang Mei home, is to catch up with his daughter to go abroad to study;四个儿女各有各的难处,大女儿常梅家,正赶上女儿要出国留学;

40、May I warmly welcome you to the Education Section of the Chinese Embassy to refresh and share your experiences of studying in China.欢迎大家出席中国驻英国大使馆教育处举办的“记忆中国,难忘母校”英国赴华留学生招待会。

41、In spite of these, the advantages greatly out weigh the dis-advantages.尽管这样,出国留学利大于弊。

42、Translated Title: British students worry Forum - UK student visa, the British immigration, studying in the UK consulting, studying in the UK DIY …无忧英伦留学论坛是目前国内最具人气的英国留学签证,英国移民,英国留学咨询,英国留学DIY交流论坛。

43、In recent years, it seems that more and more Chinese students are choosing to study abroad.在过去的几年中,越来越多的中国学生选择出国留学。

44、The expert suggested that records three mnemonics , may help everybody the solution to go abroad to study the remittance question.专家建议,记好“三条口诀”,可帮大家解决出国留学汇款问题。

45、Now, more and more students choose to study abroad.如今,越来越多的学生选择出国留学。

46、Konghai as a student abroad from Japan in Tang Dynasty makes a unique contribution to the Chinese classical aesthetics.空海作为唐代来中国留学的日僧,为中国美学做出了独特的贡献。

47、Pang Shenglong is well aware of the fact that studying abroad might not be a good investment.庞胜龙(音译)心里很清楚,出国留学可能并非一项好的投资选择。

48、The record will not affect travelling, but it will affect emigration, or future education abroad, because the country will seek for police "good citizen certificate".案底不会影响旅行,但是会影响移民,或将来出国留学。 因为该国会要求警方出示“良好公民证书”。

49、Anyway, going abroad is a good idea, rational decision can put it into use.总之,选择出国留学是好的想法,作到理性出国才能使好的想法落到实处。

50、reform taxes to attract superstars;make study abroad a rite of passage for college students;解决移民留住人才,改革税收吸引巨星,使出国留学成为大学生的惯例;

经典英文句子51:出国留学的好处,51、a beautiful social environment 美丽的社会环境 希望能帮到你~

52、Thailand makes the most delicious fried rice with diced pineapple in the world.出国留学一直是我的梦想

53、expose to the world so that students can learn lots of thing in different aspect英文是有多写多读才能读好的,给你一点论据自己完成吧

54、She rented out a room to an overseas student from Britain.她租出一间房予一个来自英国的海外留学生。

55、How do I withdraw from the Monash Chinese Incountry Program?怎样退出蒙纳士大学中国留学班?

56、The oversea student's discipline is explained by the international college.本留学生纪律由国际交流合作处负责解释。

57、But to be honest, I don't know if I see the benefits of studying in another country.但道真的,我便望不出来到外国留学无什么好处, 职称论文。

58、He rationalized his decision to go abroad for further study of literature.他为出国留学继续在文学方面深造进行辩解。

59、Securities, bonds, common stocks and debentures Research.证券,债券, 自费出国留学的条件。股票研究。

60、Already a number of people have been put under what China calls "administrative detention", usually 好多人被处以在中国称为“行政拘留”的处罚,通常就是逮捕15天以内。

15 days under arrest.

61、Many people have observed how the networks of overseas Chinese and Indians benefit their respective motherlands.很多人已经留意到移居海外的中国人和印度人给他们祖国带来的好处。

62、The improving living standard of the people has led to a nation-wide fever to study and visit abroad.中国人民生活水平的改善已经在全国掀起了一股出国留学,出国观光的热潮。

63、We need more students choosing to study abroad.我们需要有更多的学生选择出国留学。


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