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关于”很丧“的英语句子20个,句子主体:very mournful。以下是关于很丧的高中英语句子。

英文句子模板1:very mournful


1、Punishing or firing someone that you’ve established an informal relationship with can be disheartening.


2、The two children sleep for a long time. Hansel wakes up first, and he wakes Gretel. She is very upset.


3、"They have very high expectations toward life and their disappointment and frustration with reality is huge, " says Zhang.


4、In general, this is a discouraging transit that often distorts and disintegrates the individuals on many fronts.


5、Everything was running smoothly, but I lost power with about

20 laps to go.


6、Dispiriting experiences like this will quickly damage the reputation of UK higher education abroad.

但你看起来很高兴很平静。 每次你从xx年、xx年或者xx年来的时候,你都看起来很沮丧或者很害怕。

7、But you seem happy andcalm, and usually when you come from 1998, or ‘99 or 2000, you’re upset, orfreaked out, and you won’t tell me why.


8、They must also keep swimming to keep from sinking, since most have largely or completely lost the swim bladder, the gas-filled sac that helps most other fish remain buoyant.


9、I'm not saying it makes you do stupid tackles, but you do get frustrated.


10、After losing many men through hunger during their first year in Plymouth, Mass.


11、(Answer: lawyers make more money). Especially in the world of venture financing, this is very frustrating.


12、It is frustrating to set a meeting with a customer or prospect who is a no-show.


13、Now, however, he felt helpless—and he couldn't even express his frustration through painting.


14、Straightaway, you can get a sense whether the new venture will bring you joy or distress.

“很多人对此感到沮丧和愤怒是可以理解的 - 它被很多人非常不方便,”他说。

15、"A lot of people are frustrated and angry about this and understandably so - it's been very inconvenient for a lot of people, " he said.


16、They must also keep swimming to keep from sinking, since most have largely or completely lost the swim bladder, the gas-filled sac that helps most other fish remain buoyant.


17、More and more frustration boiled over at how herky-jerky the allocation process had become.

他脸色沮丧,样子很饿。 阿切尔心想,他很可能要靠谈论埃伦·奥兰斯卡来充饥了。

18、He looked baffled and hungry, and Archer reflected that he would probably finish his meal on Ellen Olenska.


19、It eats my heart out to see all those abandoned animals at Battersea dogs' home.


20、I'm downhearted.

21、“I'm really sorry for your loss,” he said. “Have you made any funeral arrangements?”“很遗憾你失去了亲人”,他说。“你对于丧礼有准备了吗?”

22、The Confucian doctrine of the funeral of filial piety see very heavy, when at the funeral to do all kinds of etiquette.儒家的孝道把送葬看得很重,在丧礼时要尽各种礼仪。

23、Bear was so embarrassed, he went back to his cave and did not come out until spring.没有了心爱的尾巴,熊很沮丧。 它回到洞里,一直待到春天才敢出来。

24、I found that, although sometimes it was very difficult to make myself do it, it was a great help to my morale, especially if I was depressed.我发现,虽然有时要费很大力气说服自己去这样做,但锻炼对我的士气是一个很大的帮助,特别当我很沮丧的时候。

25、Sometimes you just need to get the blood circulating. Sitting at your desk all day can take a lot out of you.有时你得让血液循环流畅, 整天坐着会让你丧失很多。

英文句子26:,26、His tone is unnervingly mild, and she squeezes open one eye to look at him.他的声音里的温和让她很沮丧,她小心的微睁了一只眼偷偷的看向他。

27、Turkoglu trudged through the tunnel dejected, a towel hanging from his head.特科格鲁用一个毛巾包住了头,很沮丧的走进了球员通道。

28、The residents of Vishram are at first suspicious, then delighted, but they soon grow despondent.维什拉姆的居民起先表示怀疑,随后兴奋起来,但很快就陷入了沮丧。

29、Our 21st-century selves are so wired for instant gratification that it’s easy to get frustrated when something challenges us.生活在21世纪的我们很容易满足,同时也很容易一遇到挑战就感到沮丧。

30、Feeling angry and dejected Iwaya returns home depressed, and most of all lonely.感觉愤怒和沮丧岩屋回国沮丧,最重要的是寂寞。

31、In these days home proposed projects was very bleak, half for the funeral, half for my father idleness.这些日子,家中光景很是惨淡,一半因为丧事,一半因为父亲赋闲。

32、When you’re down in the dumps, sore, frustrated, sad, or annoyed a good laugh can be all you need to lighten your mood and to begin seeing things in a more positive light.当你很低沉,很抑郁,很沮丧,很伤心,很烦闷的时候,你需要的便是用欢笑来放松你的情绪,然后用更积极的眼光去看待世间的一切。

33、Obviously, Kang "Do not hospital" and Taiyuan "yellow pit" are two very different creature to the funeral mode.很明显,康国“别院”与太原“黄坑”是两种大异其趣的丧葬模式。

34、And I got depressed reading the book because it's about the years he spent in the prison camp.读完他在战俘营里那几年的经历后,我觉得很沮丧。

35、Few things are more frustrating than to be presented with a puzzle that seems like it can't be solved.很少有事情会比面临解不开的益智游戏更令人沮丧的了。

36、Each fight, regardless how small, will leave you drained of energy and feeling negative afterwards.每次打架,即使是再小的架也会让你耗费精力并且在事后感到很沮丧。

37、I even had trouble keeping up my end of the household chores, which my wife found very frustrating.我甚至很难做完分内的家务活,这让我的妻子非常沮丧。

38、The authors suggested that students who failed to benefit from the working-memory training found the task too difficult or boring, and became frustrated and disengaged.研究者发现那些没有从机械记忆力训练中获益的学生认为这项训练很难也很无趣,因此变得很沮丧,对待这项训练就很散漫了。

39、Imagine their dismay when they found a beautifully-cooked wallet and notes turned to ash! .可以想象他们发现一直煮得很好看的钱包、钞票已化成灰时的沮丧心情。

40、The iPhone, although locked and frustratingly placed into a walled garden, is the epitome of simplicity.虽然被锁定并且很沮丧的被放在内部,是简单的缩影。

41、He is upset and really wants to be comforted, but she leaves him alone, thinking that he wants solitude.他很沮丧并且真的需要安慰,但她离开了他,想着他需要独处的时间。

42、I was distressed to find so much vindictiveness in so charming a creature.当我发现这样一个温柔可爱的女性报复心居然这么重时,我感到很丧气。

43、One agent (Joseph Whicher) was dispatched to infiltrate Zerelda Samuel's farm and turned up dead shortly afterward.某代理人瑟芬•威尔舍被派遣潜入佐瑞妲•萨谬的农场但很快就丧命了。

44、For me, it is a cause of some upset that more Anglophones don't enjoy language.对于我来说,英语为母语的人却不享受自己的语言,这真是我觉得很沮丧。

45、The work is not yet complete; and the parts that are complete often have some performance tradeoff.这项工作仍然没有完工;而且很多部分都需要以丧失某些性能为代价。

46、This helps in many situations, especially when the person feels insecure or upset. You can simply anchor a positive emotional response and fire the anchor whenever you see the person getting upset.这在很多情景中都非常有用,尤其是当一个人缺乏安全感或者很沮丧的时候,这时你只要简单的瞄定一个正面情绪反应,然后当你看到有人沮丧的时候就抛锚。

47、As they had expected before, he became so upset, tightly catched by the worry of the missing of the mirror.正如他们所预料的,他变得很沮丧,紧紧抓住的镜子的失踪担心。

48、But then the inevitable erosion of some of their privileges has barely begun.但是他们一些必然要丧失的特权还没有开始丧失。

49、'Can you think of something to try and cheer him up? He's been low-spirited. '你能想到什么可以让他高兴起来的办法吗?他(这一阵子)一直很沮丧。

50、It's frustrating to go into the local supermarket and not be able to buy a plastic-free cucumber.去当地超市买不到不用塑料包装的黄瓜,这很令人沮丧。

经典英文句子51:很丧,51、We get depressed.还会沮丧消沉

52、We all get down sometimes, but fortunately there are a lot of things that can help!我们都会有感到沮丧的时候,但庆幸的是很多途径都能帮我们克服失落感!

53、It is adjacent to Sichuan Province, where at least 87, 000 people died in a powerful earthquake in 2008.它与四川相距很近,而xx年的四川的强烈地震中,至少有87,000人丧生。

54、About 500 died, yet the country's building standards, compared to Haiti's, were deemed a success.大约 500 人丧生,但很多房子在地震中挺了过来,比起海地来,这真是奇迹了。

55、When the tourist suddenly lost his temper, Wang became upset for being yelled at.当游客突然大发脾气,大喊大叫时,王琳感到很沮丧。

56、He has buried his wife.他已丧妻。

57、Premature crystallization would clog up their silk glands, which would likely prove fatal to the little creatures.而过早的结晶会阻塞丝腺,蚕很可能为此丧命。

58、"If you put several hundred people in there and there is some kind of event, lots of people could be killed very quickly, " Salazar said.萨拉查说:“假如答允数百名旅客游览,万一产生什么事,很多人很快就会丧命。”

59、I'm feeling rather frustrated in my present job; I need a change. (vt.使沮丧,使灰心)我感到现在干得很不顺心,需要换一个工作。

60、Arrived at university I have some incongruities is always depressed, particularly miss high school friends.刚到大学时我有些不适应,总是很沮丧,特别想念高中的朋友。

61、He said: ''I was quite upset because I couldn't buy anything for my hamster any more.他说:“'我很沮丧,因为我不能再为仓鼠买些什么了。

62、Scarlett:Oh, 'll think I'm horrible, but I just can't bear going around in black.斯佳丽:噢,妈妈,我知道你会觉得我很糟,可我受不了不管去哪儿都要穿丧服。

63、Many frustrated fishermen have seen them as pests. Mediterranean monk seals are legally protected.很多沮丧的渔夫把它们看做害兽。地中海僧海豹是受到法律保护的。

64、Alcohol consumption has doubled since the 1950s and the trend we are now seeing is likely to be linked to Britain's continually rising drinking levels, " she said."自xx年代以来,酒类斲丧增进了一倍,而我们今朝所看到的这一趋势,很年夜概与英国酒类斲丧水平的一直上升有关。

65、He threads his fingers through his hair in frustration and watches as his chocolate ice cream begins to melt.他很沮丧的用手抱着头,仿佛他的巧克力冰激凌开始融化。

66、Rene Maheu, the Director General of UNESCO, who had invited Lévi-Strauss to give this lecture, seemed upset.当时邀请列维-斯特劳斯前来演讲的总干事勒内·马厄似乎也很沮丧。

67、I was close to tears with frustration while trying to complete the difficult math exam, but I held back.数学考试很难,做题时我沮丧得差点掉泪,但还是忍住了。

68、The wagon driver felt very sad. He wandered in the streets.运货马车夫感到很沮丧,他在街上徘徊,他走过一个瀑布。

69、But those early days, however frustrating, initiated me into the ways of mountain life.虽然早期那些天的生活让我感觉很沮丧,但却让我开始了解了山里的生活。

70、Who'll toll the bell?谁来敲丧钟?。

71、I've spent a lot of time out and it's very difficult to explain how frustrating it has been.我已经在伤病中煎熬很久了,那种沮丧的感觉非常难以言表。

72、'Women express emotional distress with depression, while men express emotional distress with substance problems, ' Professor Simon said.“女性悲痛时很沮丧,而男性则表现为实质问题,”西蒙教授说。

73、If you dream of losing a necklace you will soon be suffering bereavement of a loved one.如果您的梦想,失去项链,你将很快的痛苦亲属丧亡之痛的一位亲人。

74、But he was surprised and dismayed to hear that people saw him as intolerant.但是当他听说人们认为他很偏狭的时候,他还是感到吃惊和沮丧。

75、I'll toll the bell.我来敲响丧钟。



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