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1、Many other animals dig tunnels in the earth.


2、You know, in this region who are the boss.


3、I said confidently.


4、The plough dug a series of furrows across the field.


5、The Yintai-Hanghua underground passage in Beijing CBD area under-passes the existing south section of Guomao Bridge. Construction of the passage will inevitably affect adjacent bridge foundation.


6、The numerical simulations shows that the cooling effect of underground air tunnel is better with the increase in tunnel length and depth, and is worse with the increase in air velocity.


7、DOGGETT looks at her questioningly .


8、He is an aristocrat to the very marrow of his bones.


9、The axis of the Earth is tilted 23.5 degrees relative to the Sun and the ecliptic plane.

10、I'm 190 cm( 读one hundred and ninety centimeters ) tall. 1英尺等于12英寸,1英寸相当于



11、Pipe-jacking machine is a largely special equipment for digging city's underground pipelines, tunnels through rivers or mountains and subways' tunnels and laying pipelines at the same time.


12、I don't know. The short answer is I don't know.


13、Then, how do you know the letter is poisoned?


14、And on the day of the equinox, the plane of Earth's equator is intersecting the ecliptic – or plane of Earth's orbit around the sun.


15、The approaches to the garrison have been heavily mined.


16、The pedestrian subway network stretches under Mody Road, Middle Road and Nathan Road. The Subway Link will be fully air-conditioned and equipped with travellators for greater convenience.

I confess that I will always keep up appearance to cover up my own predicaments. shabbygenteel (在落落魄的狀?

17、I confess that I will always puff myself up at my own costs.


18、"Ah?" said the Hedgehog inquiringly.


19、"I- I don't know, " stammered Shasta.


20、When asked why, the engineers coyly said "You'll see.

21、Bear the doctor asked stuttered.熊医生结巴地问道。

22、Only the universe knows.只有天地万物知道。

23、Artwork showing space debris in low and geostationary Earth orbit.这张作品显示了近地轨道和地球同步轨道上的太空碎片。

24、The sender and receiver channels act in pairs.发送方通道和接收方通道成对地起作用。

25、There’s no other way of saying it.没有别种说法。

英文句子26:,26、Frankly, I do not know.坦白地说,我不知道。

27、He is british to the backbone .他是地地道道的英国人。

28、I know that barrack.我知道那地方。

29、Sandy runway: length 640 meters, 沙地跑道:长640米,宽10米环形沙地跑道。

10 meters wide circular sand track.

30、However, the full Yangpai writer, while yet to be a thoroughly dutiful son.然而,这位十足洋派的作家,同时却又是一个地地道道的孝子。

31、Do you know about Earth Day?你知道地球日吗?

32、Dedicating his life to education, Mr Ouyang professed to be an out-and-out teacher.欧阳先生一生教书育人,他将自己评价为一个地地道道的教书匠。

33、stop here 会议到此结束 the meeting stop here 我记得我们老师每次读完单词后,说的是“stop here"

34、Soil corrosion is one mostly type of pipeline corrosion failure. Research on soil corrosion for buried pipeline is important to ensure pipeline operation safely.土壤腐蚀是埋地管道钢腐蚀失效的主要模式之一,开展埋地管道土壤腐蚀研究,将有效地保障管道的安全运行。

35、The exit of the tunnel is concealed.地道的出口开在隐秘的地方。

36、That will not always be the case. 情况不会永远是这样。

37、You must be able to speak perfect Hindi.你必须能够说一口道地的印地文。

38、The equator engirds the earth.赤道环绕地球。

39、H'm, that place I know.嗯,那个地方我知道。

40、Of course. I'm a dyed-in-the-wool badminton fan.当然了。我是个地地道道的羽毛球迷。

41、The land for traffic except rural roads in the old LCM is combined with newly added land for pipeline transportation to become the land for traffic in the new LCM;旧地类交通用地中除农村道路外,其余的和新增加的管道运输用地组合为新地类交通运输用地;

42、I inquired politely.我客气地问道。

43、"Esme?" he asked calmly.“艾思梅?” 他冷静地问道。

44、I know we can love deeply, tenderly and lastingly.我知道我们彼此深深地,温柔地持久地爱着对方。

45、Antwerp Street Map Offline 维也纳(奥地利)离线街道地图



46、Seismic traces abound in singularity, which is essentially attributed to the first arrival of wavelets.地震道蕴涵有丰富的奇性特徵,而地震子波的起跳点是形成地震道奇性特徵的主要原因。

47、And this means nothing other than that starting from there I cannot go (这道道地地意味着,从这里开始,我该适可而止了。

7) any further.

48、Originally, the old woman was an out-and-out flower-lover.原来,老人是一个地地道道的爱花人。

49、I'm a dyed-in-the-wool badminton fan.我是个地地道道的羽毛球迷。

50、It's a monastery for Taoists. People pray. Do you know that place?它是道徒们祈祷的地方。你知道那个地方吗?

经典英文句子51:地道,51、The carpet was smeared with white streaks of paint.地毯被一道道白漆印弄脏了。

52、Zanhua heaven and nature.赞化天地、道法自然。

53、We know the period, we know where apogee is, we know where perigee is, - we know the orbital period-- anything we want to know.知道周期,知道远地点,和近地点在哪里,知道轨道周期-,知道了想知道的一切。

54、The cut, as I told you, is somewhere other than where we put it.这个切割,如同我告诉你们的,是道道地地我们所说的某个地方。

55、I'm seriously considering joining a monastry and taking holy orders .我正在慎重地考虑进修道院当修道士。

56、但是你若觉得现在的情况只会是暂时,不会长久,你就可以反过来说That will not always be the case.“情况不会永远是这样。

57、This new track may also be used In UMT, metro lines and elevated lines.此种道床轨道可在城市轨道交通的地面、地下和高架桥上应用。

58、Sid asked sarcastically.席德讽刺地问道。

59、I know it negatively.而是被动地知道的。

60、We the Earth around the sun to the track known as the ecliptic, the moon around the Earth to the track known as the White Road.我们把地球围绕太阳公转的轨道称为黄道,把月球围绕地球公转的轨道称为白道。

61、The track of the revolution of the earth is called ecliptic, and the imaginary circle vertical to the earth's axis is called equator.地球围绕太阳运行的轨道叫“黄道”,在地球中央有一条假想的与地轴垂直的大圆圈,这就是赤道。

62、Each intersection point would have to be made into an overpass and underpass .在每一个交点处都有一条是地面通道,一条是地下通道。

63、What is fan Can not guess right, to tell you the truth, my father is out-and-out is smoke fan.猜不出来吧,告诉你吧,我的爸爸是地地道道的是烟迷。

64、I love nature, I hope everything is naturally occurring. 自然=Natural 我的回答你还满意吗~~

65、He'll never give credit to a Lancashire team-he's Yorkshireman to the backbone.他从来不相信兰开郡队——他是一个地地道道的约克郡人。

66、i will always appreciate the help you gave me and cherish the time we spent 。thanks anyway 再提一些你们发生过的事(让你觉得他很好的事)

67、The accident took place on a site where two road tunnels (south bound tunnel & north bound tunnel) and a ventilation tunnel were to be built.事发地点是一处工地,正在建设两条行车隧道(南行隧道和北行隧道)和一条通风隧道。

68、Road running Road flyover, cross the street not far from.天桥地道横行道, 横穿马路离不了。

69、I'm exhausted.I wish you happiness as well! 这样说就可以的

70、There is nothing good playing. 没好电影可看。

71、The question "Do not the unbelievers see that the heavens and the earth were joined together (as one unit of creation), before we clove them asunder?"像“不信道者难道不知道吗? 天地原是闭塞的,而我开天辟地。”

72、Their accent couldn't fool a native speaker.当地人一听口音,就知道他们是外地人。

73、May the grace of the Lord grant safe path to my family till enternity, Amen. 我的回答你还满意吗~~

74、I asked suspiciously.我怀疑地问道。

75、Or are they worth the extra cash?难道它们真地值这多出来地钱?



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