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1、The river bank is the scenery accompanying me.


2、A sightseer from upstairs watches you.


3、Typical scenic beyond the frontier and region and custom of combined Mongolian and Chinese culture composed perfect and distinct natural landscape of Hongjiannao scenic area.


4、In modern landscape architecture design, it is of great importance to succeed to the reasonable principle and artistic skill, and take on the characteristic of the ages.


5、It is not only a spectacular scene , but also a viaduct which bestride the valley and the communication center throughout at the east-west Binhai road.


6、Lost landscapes, manly cut by half!


7、Scenery as fine as postcards.

我们游览了巴黎的风景名胜。 。

8、We'd toured the sights of Paris.


9、Weathering, Karst Landscapes, and Mass Movement.


10、In the background is the cloud (white), from which the tornado formed


11、There are a lot of scenic spots in Wuhan.


12、Qianxi is the township of Chinese chestnut with Poetic and picturesque landscape, Boundless rives and vast mountains.


13、The sightseer watches you from the balcony.


14、As a sightseer watched you from a tower.


15、LE PAYSAGE is a beautiful and airy restaurant with floor-to-ceiling windows that offer views of the beautiful lake scenery.


16、The scenery there was beautiful beyond description.


17、But people do not stay long.


18、There are many beautiful views in Beijing.


19、Id like to travel to some places of interest.


20、The island's scenery isn't bad indeed.

21、Keeps silent, is the good scenery.不言不语,都是好风景。

22、Famous Theorems define the mathematical landscape.著名的定理决定数学的风景。

23、Yanshan eight sceneries" is the general designation of eight scenic spots of Beijing."燕山八景是北京的八处风景名胜的统称。

24、Chengde is famous for its beautiful scenery.承德以它的美丽风景而著称。

25、Alone the way, is the most beautiful scenery.独走的路,是最美的风景。

英文句子26:,26、Chinese landscape images collected from the network.中国风景图片搜集自网络。

27、At Whalley Gallery Café, where McIlroy and his girlfriend, Holly, have gone to enjoy paintings of city landscapes and cars.是欣赏城市风景画和汽车,还是欣赏城市风景和汽车的绘画。怎么理解,谢谢。

28、Yuncai Wang, Ph. D. and Associate Professor, Department of Landscape Architecture and Tourism, Research Institute of Landscape Science, Tongji University.王云才,博士?同济大学风景科学与旅游系、风景科学研究所副教授。

29、Mist often blurs the landscape.薄雾常常使风景暗淡。

30、Remember the Primrose Hill set?还记得报春山上的风景吗?

31、The sightseer on the tower watches you.看风景的人在楼上看你。

32、Strip mining deforms the landscape.露天开采毁掉了风景。

33、Leshan is a scenery touristy city.乐山市是风景旅游城市。

34、Wolong National Natural Reserve: Wolong is situated in the southwest of the Wenchuan County, 130 kilometers (81 miles) from Chengdu.卧龙风景区:卧龙风景区位于汶川县西南部,离成都100公里。

35、Wen Shiguan in Chengshan Scenic Area.文史馆在成山头风景区内。

36、Concise and natural decoration outshines any complicated design, outside the window lies the most splendid landscape.不用过多的装饰,有的是那份简单和自然,却又不失华丽。窗外的风景就是最美的风景线。

37、Oh, you mean sceneries in Huangshan Mountain.噢, 你是说爱黄山的风景呀!

38、There are risks to the outlook.不过其发展前景也存在风险。

39、Jade is a scenery, beautiful and magnificent;玉是风景,亮丽、华彩;

40、Where are the most famous scenic spots here?这里著名的风景点在哪儿?

41、That lake is a picture itself.这片湖泊风景如画。

42、What Do Landscape Photographs Tell?何咏思风景照讲述了什么?

43、Scenic Area accounted for 风景旅游区占国土面积

20.8% of land area, is a city of tourism resources, with Walled Laos Creek wins with seven scenic areas.


44、The landscape unrolled under the speeding plane.那风景展现在我们面前。

45、The scenery on the top is beyond description.在顶部的风景是无法形容。

46、Unique landscapes are the principal part of Phoenix Valley Scenic Spot, along with flora landscapes, water landscapes and thick ethnic folklores .凤凰谷景区以奇特的地学景观为主体,兼有植物景观、水景景观和浓郁的民族风情。

47、The lake is a picture itself.这片湖泊风景如画。

48、Not only is the scenery here beautiful.这里可不光风景秀丽。

49、I'm just actually enjoying the scenery.其实我只是过来看风景的。

50、Snake charmers are a spectars in India.玩蛇者在印度是一道风景。

经典英文句子51:风景,51、What a killjoy shitbag he is.他真是个煞风景的屎蛋。

52、I enjoy appreciating scenery by the riverbank.我喜欢在河边看风景。

53、Dafeng Gate scenic spot is located in Zengcheng White Water Village Scenic Spot, which resembles a green emerald inlaying between the White Water Fall area and Nankun Shanjing area.大丰门风景区位于增城白水寨风景名胜区内,像一块碧绿的翡翠镶嵌在白水仙瀑景区与南昆山景区之间。

54、Part five and six are case study in which Emei Mountain and Qianshan Mountain National Parks of China are aimed.第五和第六部分是案例研究,分别以峨眉山风景区和千山风景区为讨论对象;

55、The beauty of the scenery defies description.风景秀丽,笔墨也不能形容。

56、A digital painting of the landscape.一幅数字绘制的风景画

57、Stress natural scenery and humanity landscape coordinative harmonious garden characteristic;突出自然风景与人文景观协调和谐的园林化特点;

58、There - all the sights and attractions can be reached on foot.有 - 所有的风景名胜和旅游景点,可步行到达。

59、Remember the lane scenery last year dimly.记得去年门巷风景依稀;

60、Local folk arts and traditional Chinese landscape painting provide patterns for different embroidery styles. Designs on embroidery include flowers, birds, landscapes, fish, and human figures, ect.本地民间艺术和传统的风景画为不同的刺绣风格提供了图样。刺绣的花样有花、鸟、风景、鱼、人物等。

61、There are a lot of scenic spots in Jingzhou.荆州的风景点很多。

62、Sculpture garden scenery botanical garden construction;雕塑园风景园林建设;

63、Main attractions include the charming scenery of clouds bun Mountain Provincial Nature Reserve.主要景点有风景迷人的省级自然保护区云髻山。

64、Jingting Mountain Scenic Area consists of five scenic spots: The Two Towers area, sitting alone floor area, a peak area, Qingshuitang scenic resorts and White Horse Lake.敬亭山风景名胜区拥有五大景区:双塔景区、独坐楼景区、一峰景区、清水塘景区和白马湖景区。

65、The drive to the coast is beautiful.开车去海边的风景美极了。

66、Snake charmers are a spectacle in India.玩蛇者在印度是一道风景。

67、This view is absolutely breathtaking.这里的风景简直是太美了。

68、Yuntai Mountain and Qingtian River Scenic Spot is located in Henan Province, it is a new popular scenic spot in China.云台山,青天河风景区坐落在河南省,在那里可以观山,看水,欣赏河的两岸风景,是一个新兴的,热门的的旅游景点。

69、Landscape planning is defined from landscape design. It is a planning process which access land for appropriate uses.风景园林规划与风景园林设计不同,规划是一个让土地能够合理使用的过程。

70、Now the south shows a nice view.正是江南好风景。

71、Second, update the landscape character on Kuling town .其次,更新牯岭镇景观风貌。

72、A Yes. Landscapes and traditional art.A 是的,风景和传统艺术品。

73、The grass is greener on the other side of the fence.隔岸风景好;

74、Naturally, scenic landscape painting is very beautiful, with the most prominent Waterscape ;其中自然风景旖旎如画,以水景最为突出;

75、The scenery here is simply amazing.这里的风景真是美不胜收!

英文句子模板76:Landscape,76、Most of the works on show are landscape and genre paintings in various styles.展出的大部分作品是各种风格的风景画和风俗画。

77、Managing landscape planning and design projects.管理风景园林规划和设计项目。

78、Will look through the scenery, merchant extremely.将风景看遍,喜洋洋至极。


标签: 风景

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