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关于”鼓励学习的经典语句“的英语句子43个,句子主体:Classic statements to encourage learning。以下是关于鼓励学习的经典语句的专业英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Classic statements to encourage learning


1、The competence in collocation constitutes the focus of language acquisition, and the study of it has become the main part of dictionary compiling , corpus linguistics and cognitive linguistics.


2、Saucedo, 28, studied Chinese for four years in a university program.


3、In learning English everyone makes errors, and consequently an English-Chinese learner's dictionary should provide warnings against common errors.


4、Fossilization in inter-language is a common phenomenon in second language acquisition (SLA) and a frequently arising problem in foreign language learning.


5、As an indispensable aid in English learning and teaching, the EFL dictionary should provide lexical collocational information sufficiently and efficiently.

免疫优化计算、学习与识别,是焦李成著的一本经典书中的源程序,供大家学习! …

6、Immune Optimization calculation, learning and recognition, JIAO Li-cheng book is a classic source book for everyone to learn!


7、The Japanese honorific is always the difficult point for Chinese learners.


8、It seems you have made progress in your English.


9、The strategies of looking-up are essential cognitive strategies for language learners in acquiring a foreign language.


10、Chen Ling often helps me with my Chinese.


11、If English partners are not easy to get, then we have to create an English environment ourselves by speaking English to ourselves.


12、I've been studying Indonesian for three months.


13、Contemporary Chinese English Dictionary is a medium size dictionary for the readers who are learning and using the English language.

14、I know how to make you feel better, sugar. I'll tell you a story. 《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》 建议这些口语上百度翻译,很快的


15、I want to learn to speak the language of ordinary people often communicate with my English learning, learning slang from the start, because I live in the middle of the people.


16、He had studied Japanese for a year and a half before he took up English.


17、Our purpose of compiling this dictionary is to meet the real need of English learners whose mother tongue is Chinese.

努力寻找学伴一起练习口语。 英语角是个不错的地方,在那我们不但可以练习口语,还可以交流英语学习经验,开拓视野,提高英语学习兴趣。

18、B. Try to find some partners practicing oral English together and English corner is a good place as where we may exchange English study experience, widen our sight and improve interest in English.


19、Over recent years, the team has developed the first tri-lingual (Chinese-English-Japanese) online dictionary, known as Little D, in China, which has greatly helped the online learners.


20、Extratextual repetitions can be studied in the use of metaphors, literary allusions, and idioms.

21、As an English learner, i have been studying it for 11years.作为一个英语学习者,我已经学习了xx年。所以,请忘记它吧!

22、In order to know the use of English dictionary by students and improve teaching standard, some non-English students were investigated about the use of English dictionary by means of questionnaire.英语词典是学生学习英语不可缺少的工具,为了解我校学生使用词典情况,提高大学英语教学水平,调查了非英语专业学生使用词典情况,分析现状并提出相应对策。

23、The mysteries of learning English well are just practice and review frequently.学好英语的秘决就是经常实践练习和复习。

24、Digital Archive; Digital Library; E-learning; E-learning Supported by Digital Archive.数位典藏;数位图书馆;数位学习;数位典藏支援数位学习。

25、Wei Fang often helps me with my English.魏芳经常帮助我学习英语。

英文句子26:,26、I come back to heat up the Mandarin fever. The contest is motivating the learning of Mandarin.我再度前来,是要给正在学习汉语的广大英国青年鼓一把劲。

27、Try to find some partners practicing oral English together and English corner is a good place as where we may exchange English study experience, widen our sight and improve interest in English.寻找伙伴一起练习 口语, 英语角是个不错的地方,在那我们不但可以练习 口语,还可以交流 英语 学习经验,开拓视野,提高 英语 学习兴趣。

28、So, the aim of the present study is to optimize the treatment of lexical collocations in EFL dictionaries for Chinese learners.本研究的目的就是优化针对中国学习者的英语学习词典中词汇搭配的处理。

29、The second sort of learning is known as classical conditioning.学习的第二种形式,被称为经典条件作用。

30、3) Take plenty of ancient and classical history.大量学习古代史和经典历史。

31、But long before that first burble or coo, babies are learning the elements of language.而早在婴儿咿呀学语之前,他们就已经开始学习自己母语的音调了。

32、Mitche-a classic book about machine learning, the author is Tom M.机器学习的经典书籍,作者是Tom M。

33、The study finds that students continue to study traditionally taught languages such as Spanish, French and Italian and that interest in classical languages such as Greek and Latin remains strong.研究结果显示,学生继续学习传统教学中一直开设的西班牙语,法语和意大利语,对于一些古典语言例如希腊语和拉丁语的兴趣依然浓厚。

34、Wang Ping has learned thousands of English words.王萍已经学习了数千个英语单词。

35、This study aims to investigate two important incidental vocabulary learning strategies, contextual guessing and dictionary consulting, with 110 English learners in China University of Petroleum.本研究通过对中国石油大学(华东)110名英语学习者的调查,意在研究词汇附带学习过程中的两个学习策略:语篇猜测与词典查用。

36、The focus of language teaching has been switched from teaching-oriented to learner-and-learning-oriented method.语言教学已经从单纯的教法研究转向学习者和学习方法的研究。

37、It is also a good tool for foreigners who are learning Chinese language and culture.新华字典也是外国人学习中国语言和文化的很好的工具。

38、Mark: Your spoken English is pretty good. Please tell me about your leaming experience.马克:你的英语口语说得真不错。请给我讲讲你学习英语的经验吧。

39、During our English learning , common incorrect practice are also necessary .在我们学习英语的过程中,这些常错的典例也是很有必要的。

40、Wei Fang often helps me (to) learn English.魏芳经常帮助我学习英语。

41、As "Red and Black" this classic European literature to learn English for our profession has a profound meaning.像《红与黑》这种经典的欧洲文学对于学习英语专业的我们有着深刻的含义。

42、Standard course:Canilx classical courses are welcomed by many white collar workers due to the three-dimensional learning approach and unique specific English training schemes.标准课程:环亚西文经典课程,采用“三维学习法”,为学员提供最具个性化的英语培训方案,受到众多企业白领的青睐。

43、Joe owes much of his success in HKUST's English-medium teaching environment to his parents who always encouraged him to make the most of having native English teachers at school.懿诚在科大的英语教学环境中如鱼得水,表现不凡,这要归功于他的父母。 他们鼓励他充分利用中学由外籍教师执教英语的有利条件学好英语。

44、The compilation of an English-Chinese Dictionary for Chinese Learners cannot be accomplished without the assistance of Chinese Learner Corpus(CLEC).离开中国学习者语料库(CLEC)的支撑则不可能成功编出一本面向中国学习者的英汉学习词典。

45、The project could help tens of million of non-native speakers studying Chinese worldwide. China's rise has made Mandarin Chinese a top choice for foreign language study.这本字典将有助于世界范围内上千万的外国人学习汉语,随着中国崛起,普通话已经成为外语学习的首选。

46、If English partners are not easy to get then we have to create an English environment ourselves by speaking English to ourselves.努力寻找学伴一起练习口语。英语缴郧个不错的地方,在那我们不但可以练习口语,还可以交流英语学习经验,开拓视野,提高英语学习兴趣。

47、This dictionary is very useful to my English study. 这本词典对我的英语学习很有用。

48、Because of its high abstraction and complexity, scientific discourse often acts as an obstacle for the foreign language learners in the process of learning English.由于科技语篇高度的抽象性和复杂性,它经常成为外语学习者学习英语过程中的障碍。

49、It's takes a long time to become a excellent flight attendant. 他们已经决定学习英语了。

50、Solution: EET has EET

9 different levels of English so each students starts as the right level.

9 个学习阶段,入学前经过系统评个英语能力,选择合适的级别开始学习。

经典英文句子51:鼓励学习的经典语句,51、令人惊讶的 bsc中国英语学习网 ☆ your english is amazing. bsc中国英语学习网 你的英语太让人吃惊了。

52、Hindi-speaking natives are supposed to take another Indian language, but some study Sanskrit, a classical language, to the annoyance of speakers of India's many living languages.使用Hindi语的印度人照规定得学习另一们印度语系中的语言,可有些还在使用经典梵文得人对需要学习其它印度语言的政策不胜其烦。

53、杰出的 bsc中国英语学习网 ☆ our teacher speaks excellent english. bsc中国英语学习网 我们老师的英语说得好极了。

54、English chatting, to improve the English oral and written expression ability, to show their English assignments, exchange experience in learning English.英语聊天,提高英语口头和笔头表达能力,展示英语习作,交流英语学习经验。

55、Irve now got the hang of learning English verbs.我已经找到学习英语动词的秘诀了。

56、As a language student, you can never be come too much attached to dictionaries.作为学习语言的学生,决不要过分依敕辞典。

57、An English-Chinese dictionary is a book for learning English.英汉词典是一本供学习英语的书籍。


标签: 经典

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