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关于”保护动物的措施“的英语句子43个,句子主体:Measures to protect animals。以下是关于保护动物的措施的高中英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Measures to protect animals


1、Protective measures for different types of sand production formations are suggested.


2、New measures were introduced to help domestic workers.


3、Enhanced safeguards need to be put in place to protect the public, " Friedland said."


4、Update the afforestation; The management; measures.


5、From consideration of witness itself, the country should sophisticate every indemnifying measure and strengthen the shielding force and safeguards to the witness.


6、And these safeguards and rules are naturally addressed to human beings.


7、The two basic types of security implemented in parking garages can be classified as active and passive measures.


8、Implementation of the appropriate yield-protection factors insures that the maximum crop yield is harvested.


9、The ballast embankment is one of the positive measures of protecting frozen soils in construction of Qinghai-Tibet railway.


10、Every seafarer has a right to health protection, medical care, welfare measures and other forms of social protection.


11、At last, bring forward resolvent of the region protective policy.

“采取各项措施,保护自然保护区以外的大熊猫栖息地,这对该物种的生存来说至关重要。” 徐伟华说。

12、"It is vital to the survival of this species that measures are taken to protect panda habitat outside nature reserves, " said Xu.


13、How often do celebrities need security?


14、There are a lot of active measures to protect permafrost adopted in the construction of the Qinghai-Tibet Railway, of which one is awning.


15、Recognize that measures contributing to nuclear material security have value in relation to the security of radioactive substances and encourage efforts to secure those materials as well.



16、The ingredients, formulation, production technology, counter-measures for environment protection and labour protection during production were described.


17、The fourth discusses the lawyers' safeguard mechanism of rights and interests.


18、Animal experts say proper precautions should minimize health risks from owning a cat.


19、Safeguard is perfect, and it has over input voltage, over tube current, over filament and over power protect;


20、China has not revealed whether it will take any vent-protecting steps.

21、If a freight motor vehicle needs to bring workers, safety measures shall be taken to protect the workers.货运机动车需要附载作业人员的,应当设置保护作业人员的安全措施。

22、Therefore, we should carry out different conservation and exploitation strategy according to the status of different Cypripedium species.因此,应根据不同杓兰属植物的现状制订不同的保护和开发利用措施。

23、Rubble slope and gravel pavement are two kinds of engineering measures protecting permafrost under embankment.碎石护坡和片石护道是保护路基下多年冻土的两种工程措施。

24、Infant monkeys were fostered by artificial care.婴猴采取人工保温、人工喂乳等措施护理。

25、This is a memory-leak guard step.这是一个用于防止内存泄漏的保护措施。

英文句子26:,26、There are a lot of active measures to protect permafrost adopted in the construction of the Qinghai-Tibet Railway and the Qinghai-Tibet Highway, of which an effective one is awning.在青藏铁路和青藏公路的施工建设中,许多主动保护冻土的措施已经被采用,遮阳板就是其中有效的降温措施之

27、The urgency of strengthening lightning and over-voltage protection of telecontrol equipment is expounded with specific measures presented.阐述了加强远动设备防雷及过电压保护的紧迫性,并提出了具体的防护措施。

28、Electrical installations of buildings - part 建筑物的电气设施。第接地措施保护导体和保护跨接线。

5 - 54 : selection and erection of electrical equipment ; earthing arrangements, protective conductors and protective bonding conductors.

5 - 54部分:电气设备的选择和安装。

29、According to the application comprehensive of the shield, equipotential bonding and surge protective device, the combi…综合应用屏蔽、等电位连接和电涌保护器等基本防护措施,实现了自动化系统的雷电综合防护。

30、We have added many critical protections to guard the homeland.我们增加了许多重要的保护措施来保卫本国领土。

31、"It is vital to the survival of this species that measures are taken to protect panda habitat outside nature reserves," said Xu.“采取各项措施,保护自然保护区以外的大熊猫栖息地,这对该物种的生存来说至关重要。” 徐伟华说。

32、To protect investors' interest, ABCP programs are structured with various protections such as credit enhancement and liquidity support.为保护投资者的利益,项目还建立了不同的保护措施如信用增级、流动性支持等。

33、"This shows that protection methods can work, " says Marton-LefEevre.Marton-LefEevre表示:“这说明我们的保护措施是有效的。

34、Such guards also protect against fraying by roe deer .这种保护措施还可防止獐鹿摩擦损伤。

35、Such an area will ensure that identification to the consumable test report is maintained at all times.该区域应有保护措施,随时保护所作的耗材试验报告标记。

36、Pending the availability of vaccines, several non-pharmaceutical interventions can confer some protection.在获得疫苗之前,若干非药物性的干预措施可提供一定的保护。

37、Trials are under way to give H.I.V. drugs as a protective measure to uninfected people at high risk.为高危易感人群提供H.I.V.药物作为保护措施的试验也在进行中。

38、Tick IPM practices are covered under pest and wildlife management guidelines (NOFA Standards for Organic Care).蜱虫防治措施已经包含在害虫和野生动植物管理指南(NOFA有机地保护标准)中。

39、The non-protected slag muck accounts for 65%;无工程保护措施的渣堆占总数的65%;

40、The elderly at the nursing home have some protections, but not much.看护之家的老人们已经受到一些保护,但这类措施为数不多。

41、Taped seams offer an extra measure of protection against moisture.编带接缝提供一个额外的保护,防潮措施。

42、Post-exposure treatment should start right away and only be stopped if the animal is a dog or cat and remains healthy after 暴露后的措施立即启动,只有当动物是狗或猫并且10天后仍保持健康,才能停止暴露后的措施。

10 days.

43、The national university libraries should not only take some concrete measures of the protection, but also suggest promulgating the People's Republic Non-Material Cultural Heritage Protection Law …民族高校图书馆除了应采取一些具体保护措施,还应建议尽早出台《中华人民共和国非物质文化遗产保护法》,将非物质文化遗产保护纳入有序的法制轨道。

44、Methods On the base of microsurgery technique, one-thread round suturing way was used for the vessel sutures, and the aorta and the lung artery were dissected separately.方法单人以显微外科技术,缝合血管应用一线环形缝合首尾打结法、为保护供心采用两步法切断升主动脉和肺动脉及妥善的心脏移植物保护措施。

45、And you don't have much protection.你并没有什么保护措施。

46、These measures include the provision of disinfectant hand washes and footbaths at selected points around the reserve, and regular disinfection of site infrastructure.有关措施包括在保护区内指定地点放置消毒洁手液及脚盆,保护区设施亦会定期消毒。

47、The protective strategies of collecting seeds for breeding and enlarging planting area should be carried out.对粘木的保护应采取采种育苗,扩大其种植面积的保护措施。

48、Relay protection and auto mechanism are the important ensure measures for reliable supply and stably running power grid.继电保护和自动装置是电网安全稳定运行和可靠供电的重要保障措施。

49、In certain cases the use of conservation-oriented protective technology is unavoidable.某些时候,维护导向的保护技术则是不可避免的必要措施。

50、Measures shall be adopted to protect fry of aquatic animals when channeling or using water from water areas that specialize in producing such fry.在水生动物苗种重点产区引水用水时,应当采取措施,保护苗种。

经典英文句子51:保护动物的措施,51、In the multitudinous protection permafrost project measure, the ventilation embankment is one kind protects the frozen earth positively the project measure.在众多的保护多年冻土工程措施中,通风管路基是一种积极保护冻土的工程措施。

52、Most high school football programs lack similar regimens to avoid overheating among its players.绝大多数高中足球队缺少类似的保护措施以防止运动员体温过高

53、Protection: Drinking frequently can help protect against salivary stones.保护措施:常喝水能帮助防止唾液腺结石。

54、Conservation measures have been in place for the species since 2001 when it was given near-threatened status.自xx年起,这种动物已濒临灭绝,人们已开始采取措施对其加以保护。

55、Foreign Investor's Right Protection Guarantee and Measures Law;《国外投资者权利保护保障和措施法》;

56、According to Croll, the workloads need to carry their own protection.据Croll称,工作需要担负起它们自己的保护措施。

57、The awning is one of the main measures, which is used on the side slopes of the Qinghai-Tibet Highway, Qinghai-Tibet Railway and Qingkang Highway embankments.在青藏铁路和青藏公路的施工建设中,许多主动保护冻土的措施已经被采用,遮阳板就是其中有效的降温措施之

58、Vegetation is a economic effective control of soil and water conservation.植物措施是排土场复垦初期既经济又有效的水土保持措施。

59、Also this article showes on the guiding ideology for protection planning of the ancient town and the various protective measures.并深入探讨和提出了古城保护规划的指导思想和各项保护措施。

60、In brief, the IPPC provides an international framework for the harmonization of national phytosanitary measures.简要地说,国际植物保护公约(IPPC)为国内植物检疫措施的调和提供了一个国际框架。

61、For tinnitus, protection like ear plugs or ear defenders help.戴上耳塞或者护耳器等保护措施可以防止耳鸣。

62、Plant protection. Integrated pest and disease management (IPM) has the objective to reduce production losses due to pest and disease infestations .病虫害综合防治措施的目的,是保护作物不病虫危害造成减产。

63、Biodiversity in Nanbanhe river natural reserve is abundant, and the ways of resource management and ecological monitoring are operated well there.纳板河自然保护区生物多样性极为丰富,建立以来实施了资源管理和生态监测等适应性管护措施并取的成效。


标签: 动物 保护

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