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关于”描写的优美“的英语句子21个,句子主体:Beautiful description。以下是关于描写的优美的专业英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Beautiful description


1、True, Roach's beautifully dry voice peters out in Packing For Mars ' brusquely hokey conclusion; "Let's go out and play, " she writes.


2、Words cannot describe the her beauty.


3、The objects of his description are materials confined by time and space, and yet they become objects of beauty and spiritual feasts in his works.


4、In an era in which the numerical superiority of adversaries is expected to remain large, electronic scanning can offset that advantage.


5、Good oral-English, excellent writing and reading abilities;


6、Describes the calculations needed to choose the optimum motor, wheel and winch sizes.


7、The possible values are upper case first (U), lower case first (L), and off (X).

Rococo 描述了18世纪派生于巴洛克风格的欧洲艺术风格,该风格以过多的装饰为特色,诸如饰以优美精细的贝壳和羽毛。

8、Rococo describes the 18th-century European style that grew out of the baroque and is characterized by profuse ornamentation, such as graceful and delicate shells and foliage.


9、The painter mostly adopted realistic painting methods, but also used some folk and traditional Chinese painting techniques.


10、No one indebted for others,while many people don't know how to cherish others.


11、The Ewoks find their origins in the original Star Wars drafts, when tribes of Wookiees united to repel the technologically superior Imperials from their forest world.


12、It is strongly recommended that you write an article depicting your conviction in love at first sight and that will be rewarding to make your thoughts well-refined.


13、That retains both advantages possessed by stress space formulation omd strain space formulation of plasticity.


14、Must have excellent command of English both spoken and written.


15、In the airmail, Jack described the beauty of Africa.


16、Sketch is the one of basic courses of fine arts speciality .


17、In the first section, the writer describes the fact of European women's preoccupation with beautification.


18、Even the most compelling, imaginative writer cannot out produce the substance at the heart of a well researched essay.


19、Under the Tuscan Sun, a Hollywood film based on a novel of the same title, gives us a vivid description of the Apennines, of the food and scenery in the area and the happy life under the bright sun.


20、The mood for reading is perfectly described by Ch'en Chiju (Meikung): "The ancient people called books and paintings 'limp volumes' and ' soft volumes';"

21、He felt strongly, thought clearly, wrote beautifully, and acted with high courage, never swerved by his own interests or the chaning fashions of opinion.他感受敏锐,思想透彻,写作优美,作为勇敢,绝不为本身利益而动摇,也不因俗见而改变。

22、Comments should try to remain the advantages of compositions to top students.评语写作应想方设法永保优等生的作文“优势”。

23、From writing stories of her father to growing up to be a outstanding writer, Aya kept on seeking for the characteristic of her own and doing her best in the field of literature.从描写父亲生前的纪事开始,到成长为一名优秀的作家,幸田文在文学的世界里努力地进行着自己的探索。

24、Built-up letter: Graphic term for a letter which is first drawn and filled in after.绘描字体:美术设计名词。指先勾描字体轮廓,然后填色。

25、However, apart from his perfect taste in colour and in style, Duccio excelled in the essentially Greek elegance of his portrayal of ordinary life.然而,除了他对于色彩和型式的完美感受,杜奇欧也善于从日常生活的描写中突显出希腊人的优雅。

英文句子26:,26、Fourier techniques provide a particular elegant framework from which to evolve a description of the formation of images.傅立叶方法提供了一个特别优美的框架,从它发展出一种描述成象的方法。

27、The documentation describes it as a "graceful" show/hide, which translates, for a show(), to a combination of a fade in and a sliding out.相关文档将 hide() 描述为 “优美” 的显示/隐藏,对于 show(),就是综合淡入和滑出的效果。

28、That’s one of the reasons she wrote Homesick, a fond recollection of growing up in Mississippi, published last year.这也是促使她撰写《思乡》一书的原因之 该书去年发表,描述了她在Mississippi长大的美好回忆。

29、V. Propp emphasized the priority of Systematic description relative to Genetics in his Morphological study of folktale.普罗普的故事形态学研究强调了系统描写相对于发生学研究的优先性。

30、The price tag is $1,150.价签上写的是1150美元。

31、But the sink priority described the priority rank order of competetion for photosynthate between alternative sinks. Seeds had been described as high priority sinks.而库的优先权描述的是各库器官需求同化物的优先次序,种子被认为是优先权最高的库。

32、The contents about how to execute conformance testing on multifunction vehicle bus (MVB) devices and how to realize the test in MVC Frame are expounded.重点描写了对多功能车辆总线(MVB)进行一致性测试所包括的内容、测试的方案和步骤,以及如何在MVC这种优秀的框架中实现。

33、"You are probably the best actress in the world, which, combined with your extraordinary beauty, makes you unique, " Burton wrote.理查德在一封信中写道:“你可能是世上最优秀的女演员,你的美貌让你更加独一无”


34、Porkchop Hill, Hamburger Hill, The Bridges at Toko-Ri, Twelve O'Clock High,and In Harm's Way are excellent depictions of wartime experiences.《猪排山》、《血肉战场》、《独孤里桥之役》、《十二点正》、《火海情涛》都是很优秀的描写战时经历的电影。

35、As a result of the latest laser scanning technology, and compared to traditional CCD scanners, excellent depth of field scanning solution 3300 longer, wider scanning area.由于采用最新的激光扫描技术,与传统的CCD扫描仪相比, 优解3300的扫描景深更长,扫描区域更宽。

36、It was a beautiful letter. But there was no way, beyond the name Michael , to identify the owner.这封信写得非常优美,但其中除了迈克尔这个名字之外,没有任何能够识别失主的东西。

37、Travel Notes essays, whether or Tai Ge of Interest are written in clear and meaningful, beautiful Smart, sketched a picture of pieces of beautiful art;杂记文不管是山水游记还是台阁名胜记都写得清新隽永、灵动秀美,勾勒出一幅幅风景优美的艺术画卷;

38、English reading and writing capability is required and speaking is preferred.较强的英语阅读和写作能力,口语优秀者优先。

39、Rabelais also praised the power and intellect of people and call on us to respect life, through which humanism is emphasized.借助对战争的描写,拉伯雷表达了赞美人的力量、发挥人的智慧、尊重人的生命、强调人的品德的人文主义战争思想。

40、The appearance description of characters in the prose of the pre-Qin and the two Han dynasties is filled with necromancy, spirit of reason, the beauty of elegant delicacy and monstrous absurdness.先秦两汉散文对于人的形貌描写,贯穿着巫术与理性精神的矛盾并存、壮观秀丽之美和怪异荒诞之美的错杂。

41、Promises are often like the butterflies, which disappear after beautiful hover.凋谢是真实的 盛开只是一种过去

42、The text concerning choice and filling shall subject to the writing contents.本合同文本中涉及到的选择、填写内容以手写项为优先。

43、Fluent in English listening, speaking, reading, writeing is a prefer.英语听说读写流利优先考虑;

44、The good performances and broad application area of the fluoroplastics FS-40G are described. The development of FS -40G has got invention patents from PRC and USA respectively.描述了氟塑料FS—40G的优良性能及其广泛的应用领域。该材料的开发分获中、美发明专利。

45、The Chinese American woman writer, Amy Tan, describes the colliding between Chinese and American culture, and its influence on the Chinese-American's mind.美籍华裔女作家谭恩美的《喜福会》描写了四对母女之间持续不断的矛盾冲突,展示了中美两种文化的碰撞,以及这种碰撞对华裔心灵上的影响。

46、In sum, whatever ups and downs the brushwork of Ukraine may encounter, it will sturdily reserve its invariable principles, which is the exquisite portrayal of the nature and passionate lauds to life.总之,乌克兰绘画无论经历了多少风雨晴晦,总是顽强地保留着那永恒不变的原则——对自然的优美抒写,对生命的热情赞美。

47、Instead of writing hymns to his boss, like many of his peers, he made songs about the soft light in Moscow windows.他可以不象他的许多同行那样为“大老板”写赞美歌, 取而代之的是,描绘莫斯科夜晚的万家灯火。

48、As Steptoe described it: "I laid her down, all pink and furious, and saw at once that she was externally perfect and beautiful."正如斯特普托描写的:“我把她放下来,一身粉红,喧闹,然后我马上发现,她完好无损而且美丽。”

49、"I had a very happy youth," she wrote, describing expeditions to bullfights and fun times with her cousins.“我的年轻时代非常快乐,”Lopez写道,描述着从前前去斗牛的探险行动以及她与表兄弟们度过的美好时光。

50、The transmuting locus of modern female authors' description of humanity refracted the change of times, expressed authors' aesthetic interest and also reflected some artistic discipline.新时期小说人性描写的嬗变轨迹,折射出时代的变迁,体现了作家的审美情趣,反映了一定的创作规律。

经典英文句子51:描写的优美,51、Her beauty surpasses all description.她的美丽超出了人力所能描绘的限度。

52、Meanwhile, a two-pass scanline optimization method was present, which processed optimization along and across the scanlines.同时引入了一种两级扫描线优化方法,它从水平和垂直两方向进行扫描线优化。

53、By default, the optimizer considers this type of scan.默认情况下,优化器考虑这种类型的扫描。

54、The book by C.K. Prahalad describes the commercial opportunities offered by the 由普拉哈拉德(C.K. Prahalad)撰写的这本书描述了世界上每天靠不到

2.5 billion people in the world who live on less than $2.50 per day.


55、Porkchop Hill, Hamburger Hill, The Bridges at Toko-Ri, Twelve O'Clock High, and In Harm's Way are excellent depictions of wartime experiences.《猪排山》、《血肉战场》、《独孤里桥之役》、《十二点正》、《火海情涛》都是很优秀的描写战时经历的电影。

56、A group of four peasants dancing the rondo in quick time couldn't have been painted more delicately by Teniers.(由木偶表演的)一组以快节奏跳着回旋曲的农民,就算坦耶斯(Teniers),也不能把这景象描绘得更加优美。

57、Indeed the viewer's attention is constantly brought back to the pale, clear body of the goddess, beautifully drawn and modeled with paint of the subtlest colours.事实上,观者的注意力立即被吸引到女神白皙洁净的躯体上,它以最微妙的色彩和优美的笔触被描画和塑造出来。

58、One of the last subject matters I would expect on dust artwork is a beautiful landscape, but careful shading can create a gorgeous vista.我最期待看到用灰尘艺术的手法创作的优美风景,细致的描影法能够实现。

59、So we have, for instance, a chapter on how a medieval warming trend spurred Viking exploration of Greenland and North America.比如,有一章描写了北欧海盗被一段变暖的气候趋使发现了格陵兰和北美;

60、The subordinate pass of big coefficients that belong to a previous threshold becomes the first step during the encoding process.使前一阈值下大系数的辅扫描编码和解码优先进行,构成一个新的辅扫描过程;

61、After the above discussion, this thesis optimizes the models of multi-objective by Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), and gives the detail description of basic optimal steps.然后利用粒子群优化算法(PSO)对建立的多目标的模型进行优化,给出优化设计的基本步骤的描述。

62、At Cothen he composed some of his finest chamber music ( music written for a small number of players.在寇顿,他创作了一些他最优美的室内乐(一种只为少数几个乐师演奏而谱写的乐曲)。

63、Medea and Meng are two typical works on abandoned women in the history of ancient Greece and China over 《美狄亚》和《氓》是两千多年前古希腊和中国典型的两部描写弃妇的作品。

2,000 years ago.

64、When The Theoretician writes code, it is so "elegant" that mere mortals cannot make sense of it.当理论家写代码的时候,他的代码是如此的“优美”,以至于我们这些凡人根本就看不懂。

65、Simplex optimization and Powell optimization are introduced to study the real magnetic immersion lenses and the corresponding optimization programs are written.将单纯形优化法和Powell优化法引入到实际的磁浸没透镜系统的优化计算中,编写了相应的优化程序。

66、Beautifully written, and really displaying the scope of Yorke's voice, which I believe to be one of the best and most moving of his generation.写得十分优美,很好地展现了Yorke嗓音的宽度。 我觉得他的嗓音是同辈中最为出色和感人的。

67、Its shapely art structure and the using of line drawing are really outstanding.其曲线的艺术结构和使用的线描是真正优秀的。

68、By combining one or two of these frameworks with Ajax and PHP, you can write rich and visually appealing Web applications.通过结合使用这些框架、Ajax 和 PHP,可以编写出外观优美、功能丰富的 Web 应用程序。

69、As we all know, men and women BOTH show off and exaggerate their "good sides" while downplaying and hiding their negative traits at first.我们都知道,男人和女人都会在一开始展示并夸大他们的“优点”,轻描淡写或隐藏弱点。

70、Dancer and choreographer Gregory Hines is a study in fluid grace as he pivots barefoot against a seamless backdrop.舞蹈家兼编舞格雷戈里·海因斯(Gregory Hines) 在一个天衣无缝的背景前光着脚旋转的特写呈现出流畅的优美姿态。

71、Painting "Mountain" won the outstanding award in the "Second Sketch Exhibition".作品《山风》参加“第二届素描大展”并获优秀奖。

72、In addition, the maximum scan time corresponding to the optimized scan path is given.最后给出了优化扫描方式下系统允许的最大扫描时间。

73、As Franklin said: The learned fool writes his nonsense in better language than the unlearned; but still it is nonsense.有学问的愚人写出胡言乱语的时候,使用的文字会比没有学问的愚人优美;但他写下的东西到底还是胡言乱语。

74、Figure 图

5 depicts a sample instance of the chunk prioritizer specs.

5 描述了数据块优先排序器规范的一个示例。


标签: 优美

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