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关于”描写爱情的诗句“的英语句子43个,句子主体:Poems describing love。以下是关于描写爱情的诗句的高中英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Poems describing love

xx年xx月,布朗先生因皮肤疾病丹毒去世,女王在她的日记中仅用“他的离去让人很难过”这样轻描淡写的字句记录下她当时的心情。 但最近,在被发现的女王写给其密友、印度前国务卿格兰布鲁克子爵的一封信中,人们才看到女王对于男仆布朗的真实感情。

1、The Queen's own journal described her reaction to Brown's death in March 1883 merely as being "terribly upset by this loss".


2、Not long after that I was fired for writing a poem on the lid of a shoebox .


3、His poems possessed harmonious beauty: in expression, he described that fallen era in sorrow tone;


4、"Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm, " wrote Ralph Waldo Emerson.


5、It is about a robot falling in love with a human and devoting himself for their love.


6、The Thorn Birds and The Scarlet Letter depict two similar women images, Meggie and Hester Prynne, both of whom live in British colonies and would search for love at any cost.


7、In the new love interpretation, the new women proposed brand-new and acute discuss focused on the theme of "love and selfhood".


8、It could be writing such as poetry, painting, modelling, photography, fashion, webdesign. The list is endless.


9、The situation described here is clear enough: the doctor must treat a hateful patient and restrain himself from acting unprofessionally .


10、I want the man I love and honor to be something finer and higher than a perpetrator of jokes and doggerel.


11、It could be writing such as poetry, painting, modelling, photography, fashion, webdesign.


12、Ruki : I wanted to write about an expression more profound than love.


13、Besides, poetry exerts all powers to the description of women's tear stains, worried looks, distress and resentment.


14、The cowboy romance "Brokeback Mountain" led the Golden Globes on Monday with four prizes, including best dramatic film and the directing honor for Ang Lee.


15、There is no doubt that his fame mainly came from his plays, however his poems expressed a strong eagerness of love and gracefully described the mellowness of it as well.

我被他的创作热情所感动了,也使我更加热爱我的写作。 就算当一度被退稿时,我也总会想起他说的这句话。

16、He said, 'I'm really tired, but I just have to color!' His passion for art reminds me how happy I am to be a writer, and I think of what he said whenever I get a rejection letter.


17、The apple tree, which describes the love tragedy between a college student Ashurst and a country girl Megan, is claimed as "one of my best stories" by Galsworthy.


18、Among the Ci of Ou Yangxiu, works about love reached over one half.


19、For the first time, it is claimed, we can gaze into the soul of the man who wrote the soliloquys of Hamlet, Romeo and Juliet, and the love sonnets.


20、Although these works are not short at aesthetic value, their fixed pattern of creation has led to the result that all the female characters carry a uniform disposition.

21、Most of them have a job, write poetry was just a hobby, a leisure and keep holding.他们大多有一份赖以维生的工作,写诗只是一种爱好、一种闲适与守持。

22、Elizabeth Jennings believed writing a poem was "like mystical experience, a gratuitous gift" and confessed that she wrote "in order to know, to discover, to get things clear."She伊丽莎白·詹宁斯相信写诗“就像一种神秘的体验,一份免费的礼物”,她承认自己写诗“是为了了解,发现,把事情搞清楚。”

23、Gongti Poem is a genre of literary whose principal parts of description are women and their amorous affairs.宫体诗是在南朝梁代中期流行的一种以描绘女色与艳情为主体的文学形式。

24、In the poem above Wu Li describes the typical situation of an dialogue between East and West.在上面这首诗里,吴历描绘了东方和西方之间的一次对话这样一个典型的情况。

25、It depicted amorous couples on the mythical island of Cythera, in various stages of their metaphoric "journey" of love.这幅画描绘了在神秘的塞瑟岛上的众对情侣们,各自迈在不同爱情旅程的阶段。

英文句子26:,26、His scenery poem shows perceptibly by fitting scenery and feeling together. He is good at describing the natural scenery and the environment. People are often impressed strongly by his work .他的山水诗以情景交融见长,诗人善于描绘自然景物、环境气氛,作品往往具有很强的感染力。

27、The poetic writting of the being of life is studied from third sides of the unique conception, the variety of expressing emotion and the poetic expression in the second segment.下篇分独特的构思、多样的抒情和诗化的表达三部分对生命之在的诗意书写加以翔实的论证。

28、The novel was a love story, between a bird and a whale.我的小说写了一只鸟和一条鲸鱼之间的爱情故事。

29、The novels about the gifted scholars and beauties in early days of the Qing dynasty, mainly describe the loves and marriages of ideal female images that are unprecedented.清初才子佳人小说以描写知识阶层青年男女的爱情婚姻为主要内容,并塑造了一系列前所未有的理想女性形象。

30、Don't you just love the built-in spell checker in Firefox ?你不只是爱情 内置在拼写检查在Firefox吗?

31、In the novel, the love story between "Zhiyong Shao" and "Julie" takes up a large amount of space, and the description of the mother-daughter relationship is the same too.《小团圆》全书中主人公“九莉”和“邵之雍”的爱情故事占了很大的篇幅,而其中关于母女关系的描写也费了诸多笔墨。

32、He wrote lyric poems of his own in English, for he did not speak the Welsh language.他不会说威尔士语,所以用英语写抒情诗。

33、I still need time to read a book, write poems, paint a picture, look at scenes and faces dear to me.我还必要时候读书、写诗、作画、赏玩得意以及我所爱的脸庞。

34、The descriptive scene of tragic miner kids waiting for their father shows off a kind of frostiness after a battle cry, calmness after a burst of tears of blood, reaching a tremendous artistic effect.诗中描写遇难矿工的子女等待父亲归来的情景,体现了呐喊之后的冷峻,血泪之后的沉静,取得了震撼人心的艺术效果。

35、It's purportedly a story about falling in love with an unpleasant man, but I read it as a love letter to sisterhood, with a small "s"; a love letter to her actual sister, Caz.据说这个故事说的是爱上一个不愉快的男人, 但是在我读后却觉得是一封写给姐妹情谊的情书, 小写的“s”; 一封写给她亲妹, 卡兹的情书。

36、"I run my hands down your side, because it's you. I adore you and I already miss you, " says another lyric.另一句歌词写道:“我的双手抚过你的身旁,因为是你,我爱你,已然很想你。”

37、The scans of the long-in-love also showed activity in brain regions associated with attachment, liking and bonding.对于长久爱情的扫描结果表明它与依恋、爱好和粘合程度相关。

38、Green clothes and Ge Sheng in Shijing (The Book of Songs) had great effect on afterworld eloges in writing methods and feeling-expression feature.《诗经》中的《绿衣》、《葛生》在写法和抒情特色上都对后代的悼亡诗产生了深远的影响。

39、Of course, Angel knows I love to write, so she has periodically questioned my motives for never writing her a romantic piece.安吉尔当然知道我热爱写作,因此她时不时的嗔问我从不为她写诗动机何在。

40、Its artistic beauty is everlasting not merely because Shakespeare succeeds in depicting a heart- quaking tragedy of romantic love but because he uses some unique images.其艺术魅力之所以经久不衰,不仅在于它成功地描写了一出极具震撼力的浪漫爱情悲剧,更在于它运用了独特丰富的意象。

41、Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind; And therefore is wing'd Cupid painted blind.爱情看人不用眼,而用心,因此长着翅膀的爱神丘比特常被描绘成盲眼。

42、Had a chance to write you about it straight. Describe how I love you but you smile away from me.还来不及仔仔细细写下你的关于。描述我如何爱你。你却微笑的离我而去。

43、" When You Are Old" is an oft- guoted lyric Yeats wrote for his first girlfriend Maud Gonne, a noble- minded fighter for the cause of national liberation in modern Ireland.《当你老了》是叶之为其初恋女友、爱尔兰民族解放志士莫德龚因所写的诸多抒情诗中最脍灸人口的一首。

44、Firstly, in that society, "Ceremony does not descend to the common people", so free love was widespread among the folk, and many poems were about amativeness , missing each other, sweat date etc.周代社会,“礼不下庶人”,所以民间自由恋爱较为普遍,出现了很多写恋爱、相思、欢会的诗;

45、Border Town was published in 1934, the novel describes mountain tea Cave captain's two sons, Tianbao and Tan Song with Baidu people's granddaughter Tracy sent with the twists and turns of love.《边城》发表于xx年,小说描写了山城茶峒码头团总的两个儿子天保和傩送与摆渡人的外孙女翠翠的曲折爱情。

46、The writers of new sensitive group exquisitely depict a lot about "westernized love" in the form of novel when"westernized love"is getting fashionable.新感觉派作家在“洋场爱”渐成时尚之际,适时地以小说的形式对“洋场爱”进行了大量的、精细的描写和展示。

47、Aisha studied for a computer course instead, but still likes to write poetry and stories in her diary.于是爱莎就开始学计算机课程,可她仍旧喜欢在日记中写诗和写故事。

48、Before that time, Valentines were mainly handwritten love notes, as opposed to the mass-produced greeting cards of today.在此之间,情人卡主要是手写的爱情誓言,与今天大规模生产的贺卡不同。

49、Geoffrey Chaucer was an English poet, his best known work is The Canterbury Tales, which describes a group of pilgrims traveling to Canterbury to visit Thomas Becket's tomb.乔叟是一位英国诗人,他最著名的代表作是《坎特伯雷故事集》,该书描写的是一群朝圣者到坎特伯雷祭拜托马斯班别特墓地的事情。

50、In "War and Peace", Tolstoy described the depression and injuries of human beings and Czarist Russia aristocratic women in life and the pursuit of love in the male-centered society and the war.在《战争与和平》中,托尔斯泰描写了男权社会和战争灾难对人类和沙俄贵族女性在生活和爱情追求方面的压抑和伤害。

经典英文句子51:描写爱情的诗句,51、Put this on his/her pillow to find and read before going to bed.找张纸,写一首情诗或者一封情书,放在他/她的枕边,在睡前给他/她一个惊喜。


标签: 英文 爱情

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