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关于”一些好听“的英语句子41个,句子主体:some nice。以下是关于一些好听的xx年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:some nice


1、I wish that I could sing better, more melodiously, but then perhaps you would never have consented to listen to me.


2、Patient: I haven't been able to hear well for some time and it seems to get worse as I get older.


3、I had been hearing the rumblings about Linux for a little while, and heard that it was getting more user friendly and that I could install it on my home PC.


4、I am interested to hear what you have to offer us in return.

5、不全相信;怀疑地看待 You must discount much of what he says. 他说的好些话,你必须打个折扣听。


6、Just then, Chen research walked to come over to hear these.


7、They read deep and learned books to him, and then the lightest and most trifling that could be found, but all to no purpose.


8、The acoustics are not very good, I have trouble understanding some bit.


9、"I kept hearing some female voice, as if a woman was saying mioaw-mioaw all the time, " an air controller said.


10、I just took a lot of classes and sat in on a few.


11、Give good hearing to those that give the first information in business;


12、Try to keep in touch with people posotively,don’t be alone.


13、But often that requires some changing of deeply-held traditions, and some uncomfortable discussions among families and friends.


14、John's are much better, by the way, which is why Thursday will be a much better lay-- a better lecture.


15、At a dinner party a shy young man had been trying to think of something nice to say to his hostess.

他还向希拉里 传授如何驯服不友好听众 的 秘诀:说一些能让听众情绪振奋 的话题。

16、And he also gave Hillary a valuable political lesson in how to tame an unfriendly crowd: produce something the audience can cheer.


17、The acoustics is not very good, I have trouble understanding some bit.


18、Listen to soft music.


19、Did you hear the way she rambled on about the animals, pretending that they talked?


20、You must discount much of what he says.

21、When I first started listening to the CA music produced by Monk, some of the best-sounding CAs seemed to me to be examples of the Gnarl.当我第一次开始聆听 Monk 生成的 CA 音乐时,一些最好听的 CA 对我来说就像是 Gnarl 的例子。

22、Freda : I like old songs, but some of the new songs are good, too.我也喜欢老歌,不过有些新歌也挺好听的。

23、Jn. 约六60 他的门徒中有好些人听见了,就说,这话甚难,谁能听呢?

6:60 Many therefore of His disciples, when they heard this, said, This word is hard; who can hear it?

24、You have heard some explanations.大家已听到一些解释。

25、It sounds to me as if things are better than you suppose.听上去情况似乎比你想象的要好一些。

英文句子26:,26、I wanted no one to take notice of me, so that I could observe these famous creatures at my ease and listen to the clever things they said.我希望的是谁都别注意我,让我心神宁静地观察一下这些知名人士,好好听一听他们妙趣横生的言语。

27、While these benefits may sound great at first glance , a fast rod can be frustrating.虽然这些听起来很大好处乍一看,可以快速棒沮丧。

28、He braced himself to hear what the boss would say.他做好准备听老板会说些什么。

29、Chinese think these people speak great English because they don't know the difference.中国人认为这些人英语很好,因为他们听不出好坏。

30、Oftentimes, the very first question I get at the end of a presentation is, 'O. K. , that's all very nice, but when is the brain finished?通常,我讲完之后听到的第一个问题是,‘好的,这些都很好,但是,大脑什么时候发育好了呢?

31、Later I heard some people around, Baotai Metazoan children could hang good.后来听说周围一些人,保胎后生的宝宝,都挺好的。

32、All of which I knew, but it was good to hear from someone else.所有的这些我都明白,但是最好还是听听其他人说的。

33、cookie 点心 答案补充 family (father and mother I love you)

34、Those who are auditory learn best by hearing, and "talk" to themselves more in their minds.而那些“听觉系”的人最好的学习手段是听,他们更经常在脑袋里和自己说话。

35、Additionally, varying degrees of hearing loss can present challenges for children as well. Some children experience hearing loss at higher frequencies and some have difficulties in the lower range.此外,不同程度的听力损失儿童面对着不同的挑战,有些听力损失儿童在高频损失较重,有些则是低频听不好。

36、When one listened carefully, one could hear some meows .当你仔细听时,可以听到一些喵喵声。

37、Take advantage of this to get new fitness tips and answers to your questions. (Learn more about How to Find the Right Personal Trainer.)利用这个机会,好好学点健身的诀窍,问些你想要知道的问题(多打听一下如何才能找到一个好的私人健身教练。)

38、Say less, and hear more.少说一些,多听一些。

39、During the wait, some students listened to a funny tape, whereas others heard a humorless speech or nothing at all.在等待中,一些学生听滑稽的录音带,而其他人则听一个不好笑的演讲或者是什么也不听。

40、Okay these--you guys are all right, everything that I heard was a correct answer.很好 这些原因--你们说的都很对,我听到的每一个答案都是正确答案

41、I heard some explosion.我听到一些爆炸声。

42、Some of you have seen it before.有一些人听说过

43、“Yeah.” He sounded morose. “It's been a bad year.” He seemed to wilt.“是的。”听起来有些忧郁,“这将是糟糕的xx年。”他好像在畏缩。

44、People come back from vacation and kind of sugarcoat everything.人们度假归来,总爱说些好听的。

45、Are you a good listened willing to learn something from others?你是否是个好的聆听者,愿意从他人那里学一些事?

46、It's safe, it's reliable, it's loving. What I mean to say is, it's feel-good music.这些歌曲安全、可靠、深情,我想说的是--它们是一些听上去感觉非常好的音乐。

47、Indeed, MUTV viewers with pin-sharp hearing might have been able to pick up bits of this discussion in the background of my commentary.确实,曼联电视那些耳朵够好的观众一定也能听到一些我们转播席的背景声音。

48、Ok. I have heard of that we also have to pay some land use tax, right?好的,我听说我们还必须要交一些土地使用税,对吗?

49、Shocking as it sounds, failure can be a good thing.听起来有些令人震惊,失败可能会是一件好事。

50、I want to quote to you a couple of them.我想引用一些他的话给大家听听。

经典英文句子51:一些好听,51、But, with performance-review season in full swing, some people are bound to hear negative comments.不过,随着绩效考核季节的到来,一些员工肯定会听到不好的评价。

52、So what if you approach a group of girls and say something stupid?如果你接近一群女生,又说一些不好听的蠢话,结果会怎样?

53、Listen more than expressing.多听一点,少讲一些。

54、I have many hobbies. I like almost all kinds of sports and I also like classical music.他也喜欢听音乐,读一些好书,或者出去吃夜宵(宴?

55、The acoustics are not very good, I had trouble understanding some bits.音响效果不太好,有些地方我听不太清。

56、In some respects, the findings are curious, Emberson said, because when overhearing half a conversation you're actually hearing less sound than you'd hear while listening to a full conversation.恩博森说,这些研究结果在有些方面令人好奇,因为一个人在旁听一半对话时听到的声音实际上要比倾听完整的对话时听到的要少。


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