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关于”描写爱情“的英语句子50个,句子主体:Describe love。以下是关于描写爱情的雅思英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Describe love


1、Sizzling is an understatement for some Chinese property markets -- home prices in Haikou have jumped 54% in the past year.


2、、Your dream is not what you find in your sleep but what makes you not sleep.


3、"Our... findings confirmed what most parents already believe," Epstein writes, "that the best thing we can do for our children is to give them lots of love and affection.


4、In the new love interpretation, the new women proposed brand-new and acute discuss focused on the theme of "love and selfhood".


5、Neither destiny nor fate took me to Africa, wrote Fossey from her camp in Rwanda.


6、The cowboy romance "Brokeback Mountain" led the Golden Globes on Monday with four prizes, including best dramatic film and the directing honor for Ang Lee.


7、And of what would you write: Of love? Hate? Fun? Misery? Life? Death? Nothing Everything?


8、This kind of describing mode can be still used continuously in historical records, sketches of unofficial history and novels.


9、"Romantic love, " Meston and Buss write, "is the topic of more than

1, 000 songs sold on iTunes."


10、Can I sit like this every day in front of the computer for you to write "love love you so"?


11、Finally, brief tidying was made on composing conditions of biographies in history in the conclusion part, in order to provide reference for official history, and make the description more detailed.


12、Ruki : I wanted to write about an expression more profound than love.

你不只是爱情 内置在拼写检查在Firefox吗?

13、Don't you just love the built-in spell checker in Firefox ?


14、Furthermore , you can write a love story. I believe it would be wonderful.


15、Remarried "was written extramarital love story to marriage, whereas this love novels write of is all of the" love affair "word.


16、Although these works are not short at aesthetic value, their fixed pattern of creation has led to the result that all the female characters carry a uniform disposition.


17、I had to find interesting engaged couples and write up their love stories.


18、Its artistic beauty is everlasting not merely because Shakespeare succeeds in depicting a heart- quaking tragedy of romantic love but because he uses some unique images.


19、In the novel, the love story between "Zhiyong Shao" and "Julie" takes up a large amount of space, and the description of the mother-daughter relationship is the same too.

爱情属光。 它是光形成的文字,被光的手写在了那张光作的书页。

20、Love is a word of light, written by a hand of light, upon a page of light.

21、The Thorn Birds and The Scarlet Letter depict two similar women images, Meggie and Hester Prynne, both of whom live in British colonies and would search for love at any cost.《荆棘鸟》与《红字》都描写生活于英属殖民地的女性为争取爱情而付出的艰辛和展现的勇敢。

22、She devotes a whole page to her adolescent immersion in "the romantic world of Hollywood", discoursing knowledgeably on her favorite films.她花了一整页来描写自己少年时对“好莱坞浪漫世界”的痴迷,旁征博引谈论着自己喜爱影片。

23、The novel was a love story, between a bird and a whale.我的小说写了一只鸟和一条鲸鱼之间的爱情故事。

24、This study discusses love writing and reading for "Ancient China Brothel" during the late Wan-Li of the Ming dynasty.本篇论文以万历后期青楼的情爱书写与阅读为中心。

25、I love gardening, I love writing我热爱园艺,我热爱写作,

英文句子26:,26、The apple tree, which describes the love tragedy between a college student Ashurst and a country girl Megan, is claimed as "one of my best stories" by Galsworthy.《苹果树》以浓郁的抒情笔调描写了大学生阿瑟斯特与农村姑娘梅根之间的爱情悲剧,被高尔斯华绥自诩为“我最好的故事之一”。

27、BOB DOUGHTY: Louisa May Alcott wrote many exciting stories about love. Yet she never married.露伊萨写过不少引人入盛的爱情故事,她本人却从未结婚。

28、Had a chance to write you about it straight. Describe how I love you but you smile away from me.还来不及仔仔细细写下你的关于。描述我如何爱你。你却微笑的离我而去。

29、Before that time, Valentines were mainly handwritten love notes, as opposed to the mass-produced greeting cards of today.在此之间,情人卡主要是手写的爱情誓言,与今天大规模生产的贺卡不同。

30、Qin: I think that for a long time people were put off-not by the actual portrayal of young love in the book-but by others saying that they shouldn`t read or watch it.秦:我认为,一直以来人们被阻止(看《红楼梦》)并非因为书中对年轻人爱情的描写,而是其他人"他们不应阅读或观看它"的言论。

31、True, Roberts has written a gazillion love stories, but this one is a real standout.罗伯茨的确已写了无数的爱情故事,但这本书是真正的上乘之作。

32、Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind; And therefore is wing'd Cupid painted blind.爱情看人不用眼,而用心,因此长着翅膀的爱神丘比特常被描绘成盲眼。

33、It's purportedly a story about falling in love with an unpleasant man, but I read it as a love letter to sisterhood, with a small "s"; a love letter to her actual sister, Caz.据说这个故事说的是爱上一个不愉快的男人, 但是在我读后却觉得是一封写给姐妹情谊的情书, 小写的“s”; 一封写给她亲妹, 卡兹的情书。

34、Brain scans of people in love show that the old adage "love is blind" really is true.对陷入爱河人的大脑扫描证明,古老谚语“情人眼里出西施”道理是何等正确。

35、Your dream is not what you find in your sleep but what makes you not sleep.所谓梦想,不是你睡觉时梦到了什么e5a48de588b662616964757a686964616f31333361326265,而是想到了什么令你激动得没法睡觉。

36、Designed for British law librarians, this book provides good descriptions of all types of British and Irish legal materials.该书专门写给不列颠的法律图书馆长,它对所有不列颠和爱尔兰法律文献提供了较好的描述。

37、Border Town was published in 1934, the novel describes mountain tea Cave captain's two sons, Tianbao and Tan Song with Baidu people's granddaughter Tracy sent with the twists and turns of love.《边城》发表于xx年,小说描写了山城茶峒码头团总的两个儿子天保和傩送与摆渡人的外孙女翠翠的曲折爱情。

38、His caritative articles well expressed his loyalty to the unmerciful world and his role of lover to the inconstant daily life. No one devotes his love to the world than him.他饱蘸博爱的浓墨为世界这个无情者书写着忠诚,为反复无常的生活充当着情人,没有谁像他那样对世界奉献着爱。

39、The resulting scans told us many things about the brain in love (New Scientist November 2003, p18).脑部扫描结果告诉我们很多事情,关于在恋爱中我们的大脑是如何工作的。

40、"Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm, " wrote Ralph Waldo Emerson.“没有热情就不会有任何伟大的成就,”拉尔夫-沃尔多-爱默生写道。

41、In "War and Peace", Tolstoy described the depression and injuries of human beings and Czarist Russia aristocratic women in life and the pursuit of love in the male-centered society and the war.在《战争与和平》中,托尔斯泰描写了男权社会和战争灾难对人类和沙俄贵族女性在生活和爱情追求方面的压抑和伤害。

42、He describes male birds of paradise with their exotic plumage lekking (displaying) to attract mates—and also the New Guinea tribesmen who collect their feathers as a symbol of status.他描述雄性极乐鸟用它们异国风情的羽毛吸引异性,还描写新几内亚部落男子收集它们的羽毛作为地位的象征。

43、秦:我认为,一直以来人们被阻止(看《红楼梦》)并非因为书中对年轻人爱情的描写,而是其他人"他们不应阅读或观看它"的言论。Qin: I think that for a long time people were put off-not by the actual portrayal of young love in the book-but by others saying that they shouldn`t read or watch it.

44、While the novel by Tong Su, Ailing Zhang and female psychology is the ugly nature of the two female co-authors describe the performance.同时在张爱玲和苏童的小说中,女性的丑陋心理也是两位作家描写女性的共同表现。

45、Up to the present, it is unknown that so many people pour out their soul. They sing a lot of love-paeans with vehement passions.古往今来,不知有多少人为之倾倒,用炙热的感情谱写出一曲曲动人的爱情赞歌。

46、It depicted amorous couples on the mythical island of Cythera, in various stages of their metaphoric "journey" of love.这幅画描绘了在神秘的塞瑟岛上的众对情侣们,各自迈在不同爱情旅程的阶段。

47、Songyu's ode becomes the primogenitor of eroticism literature in describing female theme due to her female consciousness.宋玉的女性意识使其赋在描写女性题材方面成了文人艳情文学的百代祖。

48、Among the Ci of Ou Yangxiu, works about love reached over one half.欧的词中,写爱情的作品占全部词作的二分之一以上。

49、The writers of new sensitive group exquisitely depict a lot about "westernized love" in the form of novel when"westernized love"is getting fashionable.新感觉派作家在“洋场爱”渐成时尚之际,适时地以小说的形式对“洋场爱”进行了大量的、精细的描写和展示。

50、He sketches things.他热爱素描

经典英文句子51:描写爱情,51、The novels about the gifted scholars and beauties in early days of the Qing dynasty, mainly describe the loves and marriages of ideal female images that are unprecedented.清初才子佳人小说以描写知识阶层青年男女的爱情婚姻为主要内容,并塑造了一系列前所未有的理想女性形象。

52、(Yes, but…) Does the film portray his rumoured love affair with his aide, Clyde Tolson? (Absolutely, but…)(是的,但是……)电影描述了他与他的助手克莱德•托尔森的传说中的爱情故事吗?

53、The scans of the long-in-love also showed activity in brain regions associated with attachment, liking and bonding.对于长久爱情的扫描结果表明它与依恋、爱好和粘合程度相关。

54、Under these guidelines, the passages may not show certain socially sensitive features of the world as it was or is.在这些指导方针下,文段不能按照实际上的情况来描写某些敏感的事实。

55、In this novel, Zhang Ailing manages to picture in a unique manner the "hunger" and "falsility" in life whereas some of its plots have been regretfully stained by some falsehood.张爱玲在这部小说中以她的独特眼光描写了生活中的“饥饿”现象和“虚假性”,而这部作品的部分情节构成又令人遗憾地陷入了虚假性。

56、Love is writing letters of love in the sand.爱是写在沙滩上的爱语。

57、Your dream is not what you find in your sleep but what makes you not sleep.所谓梦想,不是你睡觉时梦到了32313133353236313431303231363533e4b893e5b19e31333361326265什么,而是想到了什么令你激动得没法睡觉。

58、It is about a robot falling in love with a human and devoting himself for their love.如果你去看电影,我推荐《机器侠》,写的是一个机器人爱上人类,为爱情奋不顾身的故事。


标签: 爱情

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