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关于”求助的词组“的英语句子34个,句子主体:phrase for help。以下是关于求助的词组的专业英语句子。

英文句子模板1:phrase for help


1、Suppose you are asked to remember the following list of words: man, bench, dog, desk, woman, horse, child, cat, chair.


2、Each group consists of 30 Chinese-English word pairs. All four groups are matched in word frequency and word length.


3、They had no one to appeal to.


4、Participants were first presented with, and asked to learn, pairs of words.


5、The verb “to service” means basically to help or to assist.


6、The auxiliary "dao" in Hanzhong dialect serves not only as an aspect marker but also as an adjective suffix.


7、In sum, what mentioned above all belongs to the features of Japanese accessory word and auxiliary verb.


8、Assist member's of DCN group to change products and solve customer's special requirements;


9、Some kinds of poems are very strict about rhyming.


10、Most of technical terms in computer English are formed by giving new meaning to common words, creating new lexis and adopting technical phrases including many initialisms and clipped words.


11、In Chinese, the classification of the auxiliary verb and the adverb always have dispute.


12、Some verb parameters have a set of hints associated with it to help you enter appropriate values.


13、After surveying all the structures with "de", we hold that there are three different "de" in modern Chinese, they are auxiliary verb, auxiliary word and affix.


14、The linguistic object is not defined by the combination of the written word and the spoken word:the spoken form alone constitutes the object.


15、How to use auxiliary verb better ?


16、The experimenter reads

20 phrases which are then remembered by the subjects.


17、The group compared people's use of "function words, " which rarely carry any meaning on their own, but help build context in conversations.


18、To counter the dark side's consumption, Palpatine turned to a bizarre combination of technology and Sith magic.


19、The function word includes preposition, auxiliary, conjunction.


20、The "de" in Sheyang dialect can be used as verbs, auxiliary verbs, auxiliary words, and it has become a function word.

21、Significant differences of the RT were found between the students with learning disabilities and high-achiever in affective words categorizing task; 学业不良组与学业优异组被试对学业相关词以及情绪词的三种不同词性词语判断的反应时均存在显著差异;


22、Team members couldn't figure out what was wrong and turned to him.小组成员都找不出问题的原因所在,转而向钱老求助。

23、Computers have generated lots of new words and phrases.有很多由电脑衍生出来的新词和词组。

24、The package structure of a project can help to keep requirements, documents and view organized.项目的包结构可以协助保持需求、文档和视图的组织化。

25、Please help me pursue godliness with contentment.求祢帮助我们,以知足的心追求敬虔。

英文句子26:,26、Highlight tall auxiliary verbs in a text. Discuss which tenses take the highlighted auxiliary verbs.把文本中所有的助动词标出来。讨论每个助动词所表示的是什么时态。 塐。

27、So I have to turn to the Chinese-English dietionary for help from time to time. But mine is lost.然而我经常遇到一些不知如何用英语表达的词,所以我必须时不时地求助于汉英词典,但是我的丢了。

28、Verso can be used to practice vocabulary.帮助你练习词汇的工具。

29、What is a helping verb, then?那么究竟什么是助动词呢?

30、It can be used both as the structure auxiliary words and as the mood auxiliary words.“哩”有其特殊作用,它既可做结构助词,也可做语气助词;

31、The chapter four investigate the other two groups, and research the replacement the words of three terms in group.散论部分,考释了其他两组名物词,探讨了三组词语的更替。

32、This dictionary enables us to understand English words.这部词典能帮助我们理解英语词汇。

33、The DOT approach assists an organization through understanding its needs and challenges related to its ability to meet objectives and goals of the business.DOT 方法通过了解组织的与其满足企业的目标和目的的能力相关的需求和挑战来帮助组织。

34、It divides the auxiliary verbs in the Marriage Destines to Awaken the World into three kinds:possible, willing and responsible. It fixes the boundaries of each kind with meaning as its main criterion.在分析中确立了认定助动词的五条标准,并以意义为主要标准将《醒世姻缘传》中的助动词分为可能、意愿、应当三类,并界定了各类助动词的范围。

35、Ask your health care team for help. The team can give emotional support. They can refer you to other sources of help.向您的医疗组寻求帮助,他们能够提供情感上的支持,提供给您获得其他帮助的途径。

36、The aim is to help distinguish expressions and words, and words and non-words.以期有助于人们更好地分辨表达法和用词、词与非词的划界等。

37、The first kind is made up of the first letters of other words. These are called acronyms.第一种是由单词的首字母组合而成,被称为首字母组合词。

38、It's OK to ask for help when you need it; don't be afraid of going to someone for help.需要帮助的时候,寻求帮助是可以的:不要害怕向某人寻求帮助。

39、As aid to the lesson about city places, I made some flashcards. I taught them how to read by introducing sound groups of the words.作为辅助,我制作了一些单词图卡,我教大家如何根据字母组合发音规则朗读单词。

40、Reword that slightly, and you have the battle cry of half the men I dated.稍稍重组一下词汇, 我约会过的男人中起码有一半会为他“助阵呐喊“。

41、Power words are key words and phrases that you should try to use during the core part of your cover letter; paragraphs two and three.你需要在求职信的核心正文(第


42、Listen and choose the words or expressions you hear.请选出每题里你所听到的词或词组。

43、Now they are asking for help on how to begin a discipleship group in the area.现在他们正在寻求帮助,希望知道如何在当地开始有门徒小组。

44、While in the revising-process, the Chinese is used to help the student writers to modify some ungrammatical and awkward words and expressions.在写作过程中,汉语被用来帮助修改一些不合乎英语语法规则和习惯的单词及词组。

45、I'll read each word twice. Give the spelling, meaning and part of speech of each word.每个词念两遍,要求你们写出拼法、词义、词类。

46、Reading helps you build your vocabulary.读书能帮助提高词汇量。

47、SAP is designed to help organizations quickly and confidently deliver expected application functionality and reliability to meet the business needs of the on-demand organization.SAP 被设计用来帮助组织快速和可靠的交付应用程序期望的功能性和可靠性,来满足组织要求的业务需求。

48、He says foreigners have been coming to IOM's regional office in Pretoria asking for assistance.他说,在南非的外国人到国际移民组织驻比勒陀利亚的办公室寻求帮助。

49、He object of the verb with that word in front of the body followed by accusative particle.他动词跟宾语,即前面的体词后面跟宾格助词。

50、Words do not automatically follow the object, that word in front of the back of the body can not be with accusative particle, in addition to only fill in the nominative particle.自动词不跟宾语,即前面的体词后面不能跟宾格助词,除此之外只能填写主格助词。

经典英文句子51:求助的词组,51、Due to the handling of default Boolean combinations for filler terms, the matching focuses on non-filler terms if there is a combination of filler and non-filler terms in a search.由于辅助词会与默认的逻辑值组合,所以如果搜索中包含了辅助词和非辅助词,那么这时匹配只关注于非辅助词。

52、This course is the intermediate level of the basic japanese. students will learn modal auxiliary verbs. they will be able to give a request to ask permission and helps.这门课是中级的基础日文,学生们将会学到情态助动词,他们将能够用日语提出请求,征求同意和寻求协助。

53、let me call the roll. 点名(固定词组)

54、In the words of the PRSA, "Public relations helps an organization and its publics adapt mutually to each other."在PRSA的词,“公共关系帮助一个组织和它的公众适应相互互相。”

55、New Criteria for English Courses for General Middle School requires that teachers should help Students develop effective learning strategies.新中学英语课程标准要求教师要帮助学生发展有效的词汇学习策略。

56、Don't ask interpreters to provide "word-for-word" interpretation.不要要求口译员提供“字词到字词”的口译。

57、To put in the vertical words, you need to walk all the arrays simultaneously, using the crossword helper code to look for possible matching words.要放入垂直方向的单词,需要同时访问所有数组,使用纵横字谜助手代码查找可能匹配的单词。

58、FAO shall undertake adequate consultations with the donor and seek its concurrence before finally approving projects using funds contributed by that country.粮农组织应与捐助方进行充分磋商,并首先寻求捐助方的同意,再最后批准由该国提供的资金资助的项目。

59、As a result, we can supplement a words grammatical meaning if it is followed by accessory word and auxiliary verb.于是我们可以通过在词之后接续助词、助动词这一手段来补充词的语法意义。

60、ERP streamlines processes within your organization and helps you meet business needs more efficiently and quickly.ERP让你的组织程序合理化,帮助你发现商业需求更快更有效率。

61、Firstly, it delimits the object of the study, distinguishes between numeral adjective interrogatory pronoun and numeral phrase and concludes that numeral is a type of closed word class.首先,在理论上明确了研究对象,对数词与助词、形容词、疑问代词、数词词组作了区别,得出了数词是一个封闭的词类的结论。

62、When the judge calls out the word, spellers can ask for help.拼字比赛的基本规则是,当评委会念出一个词,参赛者可以请求帮助。

63、Each team 每队出2名选手,1人在白板上听写出这组单词,1人从旁协助,有1分钟检查时间。

2 players,

1 write them down,

1 help.

1 more minute for double check.

64、"In order to continue to use the generic term 'netbook' we filed the case. We are asking for a decision to clarify that the use of 'netbook' does not infringe anyone's rights, " said Mulloy.Mulloy说道:“为了能继续使用“上网本”这个通用名词,我们正在寻求法律帮助以澄清对该名词的使用不会违反任何人的权利。”

65、GHI is now seeking funds to start this work.现在地质灾害组织正在寻求资助以开展这项工作。

66、If you seek help in the forum, please set a deadline. Any helpful answer is appreciated and will be credited several coins (usually 2-10 coins) as an encouragement.欢迎求助和应助,求助者请设定求助有效期,对于回答有帮助的应助者将奖励精弘币2-10枚。

67、Modern historians and archeologists often turn to etymologists for assistance and occasionally get some advice from them, but in principle, it is word historians who need help.现代历史学家和考古学家常常向词源学家求助,偶尔也从他们身上得到一些建议,但大多数情况下是研究单词的历史学家们需要帮助。

68、Part 《儒林外史》助动词与汉语各时期助动词的比较。

2 compares the auxiliary verbs in Ru Lin Wai Shi and those of each period of Chinese development.

69、Take out you write book . Find the words, write and read them . Let's do it . (让学生拿出抄写本写下自己所要帮助的机器人的字,从而让单词组成手臂。

70、Some studies have proven that Pin Yin helps first or second year pupils a great deal in their learning of Chinese characters.研究结果发现,与普通话组相比,拼音对方言组儿童学习字词的积极作用在帮助他们再认已学过的词时最大。

71、One group unscrambled words associated with being old like 'Florida', 'helpless' and 'wrinkled' while another group unscrambled words unrelated to age.其中一组谜底都是些与衰老有关的单词诸如“佛罗里达”,“无助的”以及“起皱纹的”。 另一组的单词与年龄无关。

72、Fifth, the problem of the auxiliary "can".助动词“能、会”的问题。

73、Organizations that use requirements templates, which reflect tested procedures for producing quality requirements, can help in this regard.组织机构使用可以反映生产质量需求的测试程序的需求模板,在这个方面有所帮助。

74、比赛时不要紧张,Deep breath. Smile always help you.Good luck for you.

75、As he had a weak case and could not defend himself, he had to resort to sophistry.他理屈词穷, 只好求助于诡辩。


标签: 英文

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