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1、He shook his head despondently.


2、This means that if we feel depressed, we accept our feelings of depression.


3、Keisuke hung his head dejectedly.

4、. Don't let this get you down. 不要为此灰心丧气。


5、But his fans have also shared in his frustration when his concentration deserted him.


6、Ah Mui's funeral will be very grand and glamorous, even surpasses that of Gor Gor . Total cost HK$2 million.


7、Feeling angry and dejected Iwaya returns home depressed, and most of all lonely.


8、G-induced loss of consciousness;


9、After this event, people who are depressed will get depressed again. It's all superficial.

10、Don't let this get you down. 不要为此灰心丧气。


11、Father gave a rueful laugh.

12、The sad story depressed me. depress 表示“使消沉,使沮丧”。


13、But then the inevitable erosion of some of their privileges has barely begun.


14、Being found losing ability to work.


15、You look dispirited.


16、Funeral music has coexisted with the funeral custom since the customs formation.


17、With addiction comes obsessive thoughts, compulsive behaviors, lost time and productivity, lost relationships and marriages, lost physical and mental health.


18、He was robbed of confidence.


19、Who'll toll the bell?


20、Loosing ability to work.

21、Puyi, who is just like an outcast, read out the abdicate rescript.如同丧家之犬的溥仪也随之神情沮丧地宣读了退位主诏书。

22、Their courage oozed away.他们的勇气渐渐丧尽。

23、I'll toll the bell.我来敲响丧钟。

24、I feel down in the dumps today. 这真让人沮丧。

25、So,France goes into great mourning.所以,法国进入国丧

英文句子26:,26、Ren again for the end of mourning.又以丧为仁之端。

27、I'm downhearted.我感到灰心丧气。

28、But any loss of life any loss of innocent life, is particularly painful.但是,任何生命的丧失,任何无辜生命的丧失,都令人特别痛心。

29、Principle of outdated be losed.过期权利丧失原则。

30、You feel deflated. Enervated.你灰心丧气,感到无力。

31、She was disabled by blindness.她因失明而丧失视力。

32、Alone and palely loitering?独自沮丧地闲荡?

33、The bereaved is/are still in mourning.丧亲者仍在带孝。

34、He lost his father at five.他xx岁丧父。

35、I know that F. P. A insurance doesn't cover losses on consumer goods.我知道安然险不包孕斲丧品的各种丧失踪。

36、Wang Lin was very sad.王林非常沮丧。

37、As for loss of territory, it often happens that only by loss can loss be avoided; this is the principle of "Give in order to take".关于 丧失土地的问题,常有这样的情形,就是只有 丧失才能不 丧失,这是“将欲取之必先与之”的原则。

38、He has buried his wife.他已丧妻。

39、I am sohelplessland desponding .我是如此的无助和沮丧。

40、Black is a token of mourning.黑色是居丧的象征。

41、Hamilton looks crestfallen.汉密尔顿看起来垂头丧气。

42、Nine percent sobbed at weddings.九% ,毛在婚丧嫁娶。

43、I felt dispirited.我感到灰心丧气。

44、If you’re broadcasting the station “Depression 108.7” then others will treat you like you’re depressed.当你正在播出“沮丧108.7”,别人就会像你真的沮丧时对你。

45、Hakka funeral rites is the complete expression of death sense and the funeral custom′s essence.客家丧葬礼俗是对生死观念和丧葬习俗本质含义的完整表现。

46、Don't misdirect your frustration.不要迁移沮丧。

47、We all left dejected.我们都只剩下了沮丧。

48、We get depressed.还会沮丧消沉

49、Being found to lose ability to work.丧失工作能力者。

50、Under the influence of the new outlook, the funeral customs changed in some ways.在新式丧礼观的影响下,五四时期的丧葬礼俗也发生了变化。


52、Alone and palely loitering?独自沮丧地游荡?。

53、Jobs lost: 519, 000丧失的工作机会:519 000

54、He looks blue.他显得神情沮丧。

55、The Khan's brother and general, Amurat, died in the fighting, which further dismayed the Tatars.汗的兄弟和将领,阿穆拉特,在战斗中丧生,这进一步使鞑靼人沮丧。

56、You seem to be upset.你看起来有点沮丧。

57、God tells me not to faint.神叮嘱我不要丧胆。

58、You could die that night.你当晚就有可能丧命。


标签: 英文

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