1. this
示例:这水不宜饮用。 This water is unfit to drink.
2. it
示例:啊 – 这真可怕。 Ugh – it was horrible.
3. now
示例:这窗子关不上。 The window won't shut.
4. 1819 This is the focus of this article.
这翻译为 1819 This is the focus of this article. 。
示例:but it's far from the finished article. but it's far from the finished article.
1. hereon(这之后随即
2. hereupon(这之后随即
3. took him( 抓住他这)
4. which means(这意味着)
5. with my luck( 我这运气)
英语短语&俚语, First Love A Little Thing Called Love First love this little thing The Crazy Little Thing called Lo( 初恋这件小事 )
Here I am Hi-Ne-Ni I'm Here and i'm here ( 我在这里 )
Leon shape of my heart Professional Leon - The Professional ( 这个杀手不太冷 )
This is it michael jackson's this is it This Is The Way IT'S LIKE THAT ( 就是这样 )
DHCP client DNS Client D Client ( 我不需要这东西 )
1. Ah.. What can we do to kill the monkey?
译文:啊 这这这 这如何是好啊。
2. - Me, too! Sign here, sign here.
译文:签这 签这。
3. Oh, no. This is sad. This is...
4. This is all very good. This is all great.
译文:这很好,这很棒。 。
5. Here... here... here... here.
译文:这 这 这 这。
6. What kind of dance is this?
7. it's... it... you could...
译文:这 这 你应该...。
8. These shadows. This shifting of ashes of a dead past, these doubts...
译文:这幽灵 这昔日的阴霾 这怀疑。
9. it's, uh... it was no problem.
译文:这... 这没什么。
10. Oh, it's super insane. it's... it's...
译文:非常疯狂 这 这...。
11. Eeny, meenie, miney... mo.
译文:这 这 这... 这。
12. Most people our age adulate him
译文:别回去,这... 这...。
13. That's... that's very clever.
译文:这... 这很聪明。
14. This is it. This... this is it.
15. This trap, trap, trap, why me?
译文:这陷阱 这陷阱 这陷阱 偏我遇上。
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