专心致志用英语怎么说 专心致志英语翻译

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专心致志用英语怎么说 专心致志英语翻译

专心致志的英语有三种说法,可以翻译为 Commitment,其次还可以说成"with single-hearted devotion",在《郎文当代高级英语辞典》中,共找到41个与专心致志相关的译文和例句。


1. Commitment

专心致志翻译为 Commitment 。

示例:如果她专心致志,坚持到底,她本可以成为一名杰出的钢琴家。 She could have been a brilliant pianist if she'd put her mind to it.


2. with single-hearted devotion

专心致志翻译为with single-hearted devotion。

示例:这是一个固定职位,需要专心致志和勤奋工作。 This is a permanent appointment, requiring commitment and hard work.


3. keep one's mind on

专心致志翻译为keep one's mind on。

示例:她对工作专心致志。 She is dedicated to her job.


4. Concentration

专心致志翻译为 Concentration 。

示例:Wealth concentration is always a lot higher than income concentration. 财富集中度总是 远高于收入集中度。



1. without single devotion(专心致志地)

2. settle down to(专心致志于)


3. engulf oneself in(专心致志地…


4. wrapped up(a. 专心致志的;


5. absorbedly(入神地,专心致志地;

英语短语&俚语, concentrate on settle down to sth bone up on be absorbed in ( 专心致志于 )

dedicated rapt ( 专心致志的 )

be bent on doing sth ( 专心致志地做某事 )

absorbedly with attention with great application mindedly ( 专心致志地 )

be immersed in ( 沉浸于 专心致志 )

be intent on ( 对某事专心致志 )

put one's back into sth lose oneself in bury in sth bury oneself in sth ( 专心致志于某事 )

be absorbed in ( 专心致志的做 )

He dedicated to process transactions He dedicated processing transactions ( 他专心致志的处理事务 )


1. absorbed in his work. He was comple


2. For a few days after getting into the water the toad concentrates on building up his strength by eating small insects.


3. You never applied yourself.


4. if you were paying attention, it wouldn't have happened.

译文:如果你专心致志 本不会出事。

5. Good to see you're prepared.


6. This is a man who means to start a war and if we don't stay focused, he'll succeed.

译文:他图谋发动战争 如果我们不能专心致志 他就会得手。

7. The resentment and passiveness deep in my heart disappeared, and i could once again concentrate myself on studies.


8. This is a permanent appointment, requiring commitment and hard work.

译文:这是一个固定职位,需要专心致志和勤奋工作。 。

9. There are some questions that require my entire concentration.


10. Let's get through today, let's keep our eye on the prize, let's focus,

译文:因为那只会使我生气 先过了今天 盯住目标 专心致志。

11. it was really crowded, as it is around the holidays, and she was filling out some forms and she was really focused.

译文:因为马上要过节了,邮局里人很多, 她当时正在填表格, 专心致志地写着。 。

12. She's wedded to her job.

译文:她专心致志于工作。 。

13. And i think this speaks to a spectrum that goes from complete self-absorption, to noticing, to empathy and to compassion.

译文:我认为这有一个范围 从完全的专心致志 到注意对方,再到感同身受,最后同情 。

14. You had some brilliant insights in here, but if we're gonna make this work, you need to buckle down and focus.

译文:你的见解有些独到之处 但是我们要想做好的话 你必须专心致志。

15. Oh,i was focusing on my work.

译文:哦 我刚才正在专心致志地工作。


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