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低下头在英语中的翻译是" bend one's head",在日常中也可以翻译为"hang one's head",在《英国拉丁词典》中,共找到19个与低下头相关的释义和例句。


1. bend one's head

低下头翻译为 bend one's head 。

示例:门廊很矮,他低下头才过去。 The doorway was so low that he had to stoop.


2. hang one's head

低下头翻译为hang one's head。

示例:上校低下头,低声感恩祷告。 The Colonel bowed his head and whispered a prayer of thanksgiving.


3. bow one's head

低下头翻译为 bow one's head 。

示例:他猛地低下头,及时地躲过飞来一棒。 He ducked in time to save his head from a blow from the poker.


4. I'm staring down myself

低下头翻译为 I'm staring down myself 。

示例:i'm happiest when i'm being myself, and i'm myself when i'm with you. I'm happiest when I'm being myself, and I'm myself when I'm with you.



1. undercried( 低下头)

2. duck down(低下头,弯下身)


3. looked down( 低下头;


4. undersection( 下头部;

5. lowde( 低下)

英语短语&俚语, duck duck one's head ( 迅速低下头 )

Human Earth ( 低下头是人间 )

He bowed his head His head ( 他低下头 )

They'll bow their heads ( 他们将低下头 )

lower one's head coyly ( 害羞地低下头 )

dont hang your head in sorrow ( 不要悲伤地低下头 )

I looked down ( 我慢慢地低下了头 )


1. Keep low and stay close. [ Man Shouts ]


2. Head down, keep your head down!

译文:低下头 把头低下。

3. He ducked his head to hide his admiration.

译文:他低下头以掩饰他的羡慕。 。

4. Put your head down. Like you're sleeping. Don't move.

译文:低下头装睡 别动。

5. Keep your head down, Tony.

译文:低下头 托尼 Keep your head down, Tony.。

6. But i want you to stay at least

10 feet behind the counter, and i want you to keep your head down as much as possible.


7. Heads down, everybody! Everyone stay down!

译文:大家都低下头 都蹲低身体。

8. i want you to bow in front of me, and pick up the key.

译文:向我低下头颅 先把钥匙捡起来。

9. Head down. Don't look at me.

译文:低下头 别看我。

10. Then you put your head down and win.

译文:然后你低下头 胜利了。

11. Let us all bow our heads and say a prayer for our beloved deceased friend.

译文:让我们低下头 为死去的亲人祷告。

12. And then i look down and i see my wife's panties.

译文:我低下头 看到我老婆的内裤。

13. Your pulse was racing your head was bowed low, you didn't dare look up at me

译文:你脉搏加快 你低下头,不敢抬头看我。

14. But i don't come to you hat in hand.


15. i just lower my head, and he takes the bullet!




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