父母通常被说作:" Parenting"还可以翻译为 les parents,在《在线英语词典》中,共找到17个与父母相关的翻译和例句。
1. Parenting
父母翻译为 Parenting 。
示例:父母总是为子女担忧。 Parents are ever fearful for their children.
2. les parents
父母翻译为 les parents 。
示例:他们待我如同父母。 They were like proxy parents to me.
3. parents -
父母翻译为 parents - 。
示例:我父母去年离婚了。 My parents split up last year.
4. Father and mother
父母翻译为 Father and mother 。
示例:i have no father or mother I have no father or mother
1. parent(父母
2. parental(父母的
3. parenthood(父母身份
4. in potestate parentis(父母授权)
5. parent aspiration(父母抱负)
英语短语&俚语, Parenthood Parenting Parenting Early Years ( 为人父母 )
godparent kummi peterschap rodzice chrzestni ( 教父母 )
Texts on the Sutra of Filial Piety ( 父母恩重经讲经文 )
Illustration of the Sutra on the Profound Kindness of Parents ( 父母恩重经变相图 )
mila rodino ( 亲爱的父母邦 )
Parent kolleginen eltern euren Kindern ( 父母亲 )
grandparent grandparents ( 祖父母 )
The Thing About My Folks with my parent my pare nots ( 我的父母 )
parental love My Parents Love Love From Parents ( 父母的爱 )
1. i got pulled over, all right?
2. From my parents? My parents?
译文:我父母留给我的 我的父母。
3. Your parents? Well, how great for you.
4. What about you? What about your parents?
5. Your parents are mine, and mine are yours!
译文:你的父母是我真正的亲生父母, 我的父母才是你的亲生父母。
6. Mother and father's names?
7. His parents... uh, his parents-
译文:他的父母... 他的父母...。
8. Grandparents, parents, their sons and daughters.
译文:祖父母,父母, 他们的儿女。。
9. My parents will try to find me.
译文:我父母会试图找我的 我父母不会。
10. Well, my parent is his parent.
11. Yes, now, we do have your mother's consent... here.
12. Mm-hmm. What about your parents?
译文:- 父母呢?。
13. Mine, too. Birth and adoptive.
译文:我也是 亲生父母 养父母都死了。
14. So were my parents, their parents before them.
译文:我父母穷 祖父母也穷。
15. We can't choose our parents. They are who they are.
译文:父母就是父母 不由我们选择。
标签: 父母
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