2022考研的英语是"partb",其次还可以说成"scientific theories",在《郎文当代高级英语辞典》中,共找到16个与2022考研相关的短语翻译和用法。
1. partb
2. scientific theories
2022考研翻译为scientific theories。
示例:(Laughter) Empiricism is inadequate because, well, scientific theories explain the seen in terms of the unseen. (笑声) 经验主义本身是不足的 这大概是因为 科学理论用不可见的来解释可见的
3. partbs
4. kyen
1. kyen( 坤;
2. partb( 阅读理解;
3. scientific theories( 科学理论;
B部分;考研英语新题型快速突破\n(partb 的复数))
4. partbs( 阅读理解;
1. Compared with the busy graduates for job-hunting and examination preparation, still there are some students who enjoy a relatively leisure life. Wang Xinlei is one of them.
译文:和那些忙着找工作和准备考研的人相比,还有一些人过着相对轻松的生活,王新蕾就是这样。 。
2. But Haitao said he was getting his MBA.
3. And in those moments, we all need someone who loves us to help us rally.
译文:新年 2022 而在那一刻 我们都需要爱人帮我们重振旗鼓。
4. Say we want to get to 100 gigawatts by 2022.
译文:举个例子,我们想在xx年, 产生一千亿瓦特的电量。 。
5. By 2022, electric cars and conventional cars are expected to cost the same, and cities are already trying electric buses.
译文:到xx年,电动汽车和传统汽车 预测会有不相上下的价格, 而且有的城市已经开始 尝试使用电动公共汽车了。 。
6. i think the most important study section is a mentality of the problem: half-hearted, Xinyuanyima, Xinfu gas noise.
7. When the University intends to north PubMed, Nanjing is my preferred city.
译文:大学时候,打算北上考研,南京是我首选的城市。 。
8. Equally unsurprisingly, only about half end up with professorships for which they entered graduate school.
译文:同样不足为奇的是,尽管人们考研究生院是为了教授职位,但最终只有一半的人能够梦想成真。 。
9. A recent study by the Battelle Memorial institute, a research firm, predicts that China's spending will match ours around 2022.
10. indeed, one of the reasons behind the 2022 date for "recommendation"status is the need to write full test suites.
译文:的确,2022这个到达“建议”状态的日期背后的其中一个原因就是需要编写完全测试包。 。
11. They now even set a target of 30 percent women in leadership for 2022.
译文:他们现在甚至给xx年 设了领导层有30%女性的目标 。
12. "Due to the explosion of the Lunar Gate, all data encoded before 2022 is missing."
译文:因为月球表面Gate爆炸事故 在xx年前的资料已经消失。
13. i knew that. i was testing you.
译文:我其实都会 就是想考研你。
14. After that, Jupiter and Neptune will not meet again until 2022, but when they do meet then, it will not be in Aquarius.
译文:在那之后,木星和海王星直到xx年才会再次相遇,但是当他们相遇的时候,将不在水瓶座。 。
15. To your right is Bartlet Plaza, established in 2022...
译文:在您的右手边 To your right 是Bartlet广场 它建于xx年... is Bartlet Plaza, established in 2022...。
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