水墨画翻译为英语可以这样说: Chinese brush drawing,还经常被译作 Ink Painting,在《实用全新英汉双解大词典》中,共找到20个与水墨画相关的释义和例句。
1. Chinese brush drawing
水墨画翻译为 Chinese brush drawing 。
示例:这是一种现代中国水墨画极其少见的表现语言。 This is a very rare representational language in contemporary Chinese ink painting.
2. Ink Painting
水墨画翻译为 Ink Painting 。
示例:中国画与水墨画的区别到底在哪里呢? What are the differences between Chinese painting and wash painting?
3. ink and wash painting
水墨画翻译为 ink and wash painting 。
示例:我又开始学水墨画。 I start my Chinese painting class again.
4. chinese painting -
水墨画翻译为 chinese painting - 。
示例:Application of Glue and Kalinite in Chinese Painting 浅析胶矾在中国绘画艺术中的运用
1. ink and wash(水墨画)
2. wash painting(水墨画)
3. ink painting( 水墨画;
4. inkwash drawing(淡墨画;水墨画)
5. water ink( 纸上水墨;
英语短语&俚语, Chinese ink painting Chinese ink and wash Chinese figure painting ( 中国水墨画 )
portrait ( 用水墨画 )
chinese ink painting ( 中国水墨画技法 )
Chinese Painting Free Chinese Painting Live Wallpape Chinese Pai ( 中国水墨画动态壁纸 )
Calligraphy&Sumi-e ( 书法笔与水墨画笔 )
1. The indistinct touch of ash gray insinuates the rolling clouds and wreathing mists of Chinese ink landscapes.
2. i once saw an ink portrait of your grandfather.
3. We should play limbo next.
译文:《地狱边境》 2D水墨风格解迷游戏。
4. Gray black straw, with the misty rain misty rain drenches the south, like fans of the Li River ink.
5. in the ink spot test about 80% of the people will in general see the same figure, the same illusions.
译文:但是在墨画测试中 大约80 %的人 会看到同样的画面 同样的想像。
6. He worked at Nanjing with Tung Yuan.
7. Who knows what kind of natural joy in the mood to describe the Wuzhen, given her as a beautiful ink.
8. Qiu Deshu focused on creativity of ink painting out of his potential as he was not out of any academy or school.
9. While in Taibai Mountain, will feel like the body into an ink painting.
译文:而身临太白山,会觉得仿似身入一幅水墨大画之中。 。
10. The inker automatically Get empty to turn device, prevent ink from being dried .
11. Dark red, plain, lilacinus, wet spring melt in the misty jungle of trees, such as the family poured ink stipple rendering color.
12. Suddenly, the water seems to be waking up to that moment is slightly undulating ink ripple vague, hazy on the horizon.
13. The inker automatically Get empty to turn device, prevent ink from being dried .
译文:着墨辊有自动空转装置,使机器暂停时水墨不致干涸; 。
14. The liveliest moment of the evening took place near the end, when two bidders vied for a Qing Dynasty ink painting titled 'Peony. '
15. An exhibition of the ink sketches of Li Keran is held in Beijing.
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