关于植物的英语单词 英语

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关于植物的英语有两种说法,可以翻译为in respect to,还可以翻译为in regard,在《英英汉-英英汉词典》中,共找到50个与关于植物相关的释义和例句。


1. in respect to

关于植物翻译为in respect to。

示例:你和爸爸要靠写关于植物的文章获取酬劳,但是你却非常讨厌尘土。 You and Dad get paid to write about plants, and you hate dirt.


2. in regard

关于植物翻译为in regard。

示例:科学家已发现关于植物利用水分的更详尽的情况。 Scientists have discovered more details about how plants use water.


3. with regard to

关于植物翻译为with regard to。

示例:爸爸,我需要记住一个关于植物繁殖周期的单元。 Dad, I need to memorize a unit about the reproductive cycle of plants.


4. concerning


示例:Speculations concerning the flying saucer 关于飞碟的推测



1. concerning(关于


2. regarding(关于


3. in regard(关于…

4. in respect to(关于)

5. with regard to(关于)

英语短语&俚语, that book about plants ( 那本关于植物的书 )

Questions About Plants ( 关于植物的问题 )

vegetable ( 关于植物的 )


1. These were the angiosperms - flowering plants.

译文:这些是被子植物 就是显花植物。

2. He talked mostly about animals and plants, but also about languages evolving and becoming extinct.

译文:他基本上谈的是动物和植物, 也有关于语言进化和灭绝。 。

3. This is a herbal to end all herbals,

译文:植物学 这本书包含所有植物。

4. My story is actually not about plant propagation, but about pollen itself.

译文:我要讲的不是关于植物的繁殖, 而是花粉本身。。

5. And i want to tell you about a project to save plants.


6. - Uh-huh. Yeah. - it almost looks like a tropical plant or something...


7. The book gives handy hints on looking after indoor plants.

译文:这本书提供了关于如何照料室内植物的有用信息。 。

8. Dad, i need to memorize a unit about the reproductive cycle of plants.

译文:爸爸,我需要记住一个关于植物繁殖周期的单元。 。

9. Epiphyte is also known as plant-bacterium; it has the characteristic of plants.

译文:真菌又称植物菌,具有植物的特性。 。

10. List of cultivated plants in South China Botanical Garden, Academia Sinica .


11. Vegetation prospecting for thallium includes plant indication and plant ore.

译文:铊的植物找矿包括植物指示和植物矿石。 。

12. Plhelpless ishs can not live without the sun and other animwoulss arenwoul exception.

译文:植物没有太阳不能活,植物也不例外。 。

13. Now interestingly, there are many legends which are associated with this plant.

译文:有很多有趣的 关于这种植物的故事 。

14. Then thanks to your botanical scholarship... you must find it cruelly apt that i was persuaded to bring such fruit.

译文:感谢你的关于植物的知识 你一定觉得这是很残忍的。

15. Growth is growth. Plants are plants.



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