冰激淋通常被说作:" icecream"还网络中常译为" Ice Cream",在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到31个与冰激淋相关的释义和例句。
1. icecream
冰激淋翻译为 icecream 。
示例:我打赌他们有好吃的冰激淋。 I'll bet they have yummy ice cream.
2. Ice Cream
冰激淋翻译为 Ice Cream 。
示例:我把奶酪、坚果、冰激淋视为仇敌。 My nemeses: cheese, nuts and ice cream.
3. Ice cream parlors
冰激淋翻译为 Ice cream parlors 。
示例:她额外给了他们几份冰激淋。 She gave them extra helpings of ice cream.
4. gelado
冰激淋翻译为 gelado 。
示例:A day in a Gelado's life reveals how they've risen to the challenge. 下面将向你展示狮尾狒全天的生活, 看看它们如何面对挑战
1. ice cream makers( 冰淇淋机;
2. nicma(abbr. National ice Cream Mix Association 全国冰激淋调制食品协会; National ice Cream Mix Association 全国冰激凌配料协会)
3. nicmas(abbr. National ice Cream Mix Association 全国冰激淋调制食品协会; National ice Cream Mix Association 全国冰激凌配料协会\n(nicma 的复数))
英语短语&俚语, Blood and Ice Cream Trilogy ( 血与冰激淋三部曲 )
Ice Cream Sandwich Android Ice Cream Sandwich ( 冰激淋三明治 )
eat some ice cream ( 吃冰激淋 )
SOFT-ICE ( 软质冰激淋 )
Freeze-E Frosty's ( 冰激淋工厂 )
Ice Cream Craze ( 疯狂冰激淋 )
2 Ice Cream Craze ( 疯狂冰激淋)
an ice-cream ( 一个冰激淋 )
1. My nemeses: cheese, nuts and ice cream.
译文:我把奶酪、坚果、冰激淋视为仇敌。 。
2. The way he looks, he couldn't even lick an ice-cream cone.
译文:-他的样子... 他连吃冰激淋都不会。
3. it's because, without leaving your armchair, you can simulate that flavor and say "yuck"before you make it.
译文:而是因为你坐在椅子上 就可以想象肝和洋葱的口味的冰激淋是怎样恶心了。。
4. Okay, you can not eat ice cream.
5. A pumpkin pie with ice cream?
译文:南瓜饼和冰激淋 ?。
6. - i don't think she wants an ice-cream.
译文:- 我猜她现在不想吃冰激淋。
7. Believe it or not, one of those dishes is an ice-cream sundae, with not one but two layers of ice cream, bacon, and maple-flavored syrup.
8. Dhara, my partner thinks she knows why you stole the ice cream truck.
译文:Dhara 我搭档好像知道 你为什么要偷那辆冰激淋车。
9. Oh. Who needs ice cream when you've got dessert like this?
译文:有了这种甜点 谁还想吃冰激淋啊?。
10. Chocolate pecan, please. With ice cream.
译文:来一份巧克力山楂饼 再加一份冰激淋。
11. i'll bet they have yummy ice cream.
译文:我打赌他们有好吃的冰激淋。 。
12. i'd get an ice cream cone for every book i read so
译文:每读一本书我都能吃个冰激淋 所以。
13. And it is because of you that i missed out on having gelato with Stan Lee.
译文:还是因为你 我错过了 和Stan Lee吃意冰激淋的机会。
14. Warm with milky ice cream?
译文:奶糖冰激淋 ?。
15. There is an ice-ceam shop.
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