为国争光的英语有三种说法,可以翻译为reflect credit on one's country,在日常中也可以翻译为"win glory for the motherland",在《英汉百科词典》中,共找到21个与为国争光相关的释义和例句。
1. reflect credit on one's country
为国争光翻译为reflect credit on one's country。
示例:在国际贸易展览会上,我国的出口商为国争光。 Our exporters proudly kept the flag flying at the international trade exhibition.
2. win glory for the motherland
为国争光翻译为win glory for the motherland。
示例:拿大奖,为国争光,让全世界小孩都看我的动画片。 Gain many prizes for nation. Children all over the world will watch my cartoons.
3. win honour for the country
为国争光翻译为win honour for the country。
示例:我梦想自己有一天也能成为一名自豪的体育健儿,为国争光。 I dream that one day their own can also become a proud athletes, winning glory for the country.
4. struggle for the glory of the country
为国争光翻译为struggle for the glory of the country。
示例:So, no other sign of a struggle. no other sign of a struggle.
1. win honour for...(为...争光)
2. zhengguangmeisu(争光霉素)
3. bleomycin(博莱霉素;
英语短语&俚语, He brings honor for China He won glory for China ( 他为中国争光 )
to win honors for the motherland ( 为祖国争光 )
1. You did me great honor tracking that ship to the moon.
2. - You put invercargill on the map.
译文:- 你给咱英威卡吉争光了。
3. The mission cannot but gain by your success.
4. ruled Assam for six hundred years and brought glory to the Assamese people.
5. i'm not sure what i'll be, but i'll make you proud of me.
6. Never afraid to take one for the team.
7. To honor the House of Batiatus.
8. Took the taunts and abuses of the entire village, just so that one day they would make the country proud.
译文:忍受全村人的冷嘲热讽与辱骂 只为了她们有天能为国争光。
9. With the training she will get... she'll win honor for our school and for our city.
译文:再说呢,经过几年的训练... 可为咱们学校,咱们县争光。
10. Whoever excels shall have the chance to earn glory for our clan
译文:你们谁练得最好 就有机会替本门争光。
11. What kind of soldiers are you? How can you gain honor for Chiba like this?
12. The name batiatus will be honored.
13. Through those eyes you'll see the light again... for the glory of Satan.
译文:通过这眼睛你将重见光明 为撒旦争光。
14. What? "Glory to Local Militia. End to foreigners"?
译文:民团争光 杀尽洋人。
15. You may look like a bride, but you will never bring your family honor!
译文:你虽看起来像新娘 可是永远不会为你们家争光。
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