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关于”写季节的5句“的英语句子24个,句子主体:Write five sentences of the season。以下是关于写季节的5句的高二英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Write five sentences of the season


1、The Lakers are 5-2 against the Rockets in Houston over the last four seasons.


2、On the day before the

2)bass season

3)opened, he and his father were fishing early in the evening, catching

4)sunfish and

5)perch with worms.


3、Conclusion: The distributions of 5-HT1B-and 5-HT1D-receptors were of difference in rat TG and PA.

调整包括5路春季预, 20路压缩阻尼和25路反弹阻尼可调。

4、Adjustments include 5-way spring preload, 20-way compression damping and 25-way rebound damping adjustability.


5、Which means, even if we don't get a season

5, season

4 should run as planned.


6、So with the holiday gift-giving season under way, I write this column for parents who may be asked by children for a dog or a horse.


7、This season, he's averaging 23.7 points,

5 rebounds and

3.9 assists.



8、In 2004, the first 5-day long Lishui Photography Cultural Festival introduced its brand to the world.


9、Write approx.

5 news-type articles per month (interviews required);


10、The despill operation is placed after the processed foreground and before the comp node, as shown in Figure 5-11.


11、5 Capital A is number 65.


12、You got so many new fans after season

5 and you were the best in that season.


13、The Ultimate Fighter Season



14、Each class will have no more than

5 students .


15、Make a short list of 4-5 things.


16、More importantly, it took me

5 minutes to write the two listings.

5 分钟。


17、Five short season cultivars (SSC) with no premature senescence were selected to cross with

5 SSC cultivars with premature senescence.

5 个早衰的短季棉品种进行部分双列杂交。


18、She writes, “The seasons were so regular that you could almost predict that the long, monsoon rains would start falling in mid-March.”


19、Rice planting season begins in April and May.


20、Note:Small letters means significant at 5% level. FW indicates fresh weight.

21、This biome usually has warm temperatures year-round and alternating dry and wet seasons (Figure 5-12, top graph).这种生物群落通常有温暖的气候全年和交替旱季和雨季(图5-12 ,图的顶端) 。

22、The Mountain View, California, company also said that the cost per click decreased roughly 公司表示,第二季度平均每次点击成本比去年同期下滑约13%,但比上一季度增长5%.

13 percent year-over-year, but increased

5 percent from the previous quarter.

23、The 5-time Pro-Bowler hasn't played this season but spent the last two with the Chiefs .这名5次职业球员未在此赛季中比赛,但在上两个赛季为酋长队效力。

24、Note: The little and capital English letters indicate the difference in 5% and 1% level, respectively, by LSR test.注:表中数字后小写和大写英文字母分别表示LSR测验5%和1%水平的差异显著性。

25、Listing 清单

5 shows how to write to RMS using a stream

5 展示了如何使用流向 RMS 中写入数据

英文句子26:,26、Of the 结节型2例共5个结节,其中结节边缘见磨玻璃征及内见支气管充气征2个;

5 nodule-type foci in

2 cases,

2 had ground-glass opacities and had air bronchogram in nodules.

27、I need 5-15 technology articles written every day.我需要每天5-15技术编写的文章。

28、Per capita non-biodiesel domestic usage of all vegetable oils has declined for 各类植物油的国内人均非生物柴油用量已连续5个季度下降。

5 consecutive quarters.

29、The book is intended for children aged 5-7.这本书是为5至xx岁的儿童所写。

30、5: In February and March he directed a double season of opera and oratorio.在xx年xx月和xx月,他指挥了两个季节的歌剧和清唱剧演出。

31、The secondary attack rate of seasonal influenza ranges from 5% to 15%. Current estimates of the secondary attack rate of H1N1 range from 22% to 33%.季节性流感的续发率从5%至15%不等,而据目前估计,甲型H1N1流感续发率在22%至33%之间。

32、Background: Montreal was famous as its 背景:蒙利特利尔因为它每年4到5个月的冬季而闻名。

4 to

5 months-long winter every year.

33、“Forget the 她在给笔者的邮件中写道,“清晨5点起床跑步? 还是算了吧。

5 o’clock wake-up to run, ” she wrote.

34、Experienced writers who can rate a 能被分到5组的老到写手,自然也能在这找到好处。

5 and find assignments can dowell here too.

35、The temperature there may be 那里的温度夏季可能比冬季高5倍。

5 times higher in summer as compared to winter.

36、How many episodes can we expect to see you in for Season 5?你在第五季里有多少集的戏份?

37、Calculate 384ml x 计算384毫升以升为单位,写出答案。

5. Give the answer, in L.


38、The note was written in Italian and was dated April 这张字条是用意大利文写的,写于xx年xx月xx日,就是拉斐尔去世的前一天。

5, 1520—the day before Raphael died.

39、By using the CTA approach, you can use the time savings to increase your coverage by writing new tests (see the discussion of Principle 通过使用 CTA 方法,您可以利用节省的时间来撰写新测试增加您的覆盖率(参见在下面的原则

5 farther below).

5 中的讨论)。

40、Among your friends, is there anyone who writes 2/4/5 slash fanwork?你朋友的名单里有人写2/4/5 配对的斜线同人吗?

41、The company also said it would cut its quarterly dividend to 这家公司表示它将削减其季度股息,从35美分削减至5美分。

5 cents from 35 cents.

42、Incredible details of 它可以展示1-5纳米尺度上的所有细节。

1 to

5 nm in size can be detected.

43、During the peak summer months, appraisers and home will likely be booked 5-10 days out.在繁忙的夏季,估价师和家庭很可能会预订5-10天。

44、ZetaTalk Comment 5/22/2010: Certainly, this is not yet a blending of the seasons.齐塔人之声xx年xx月xx日“评论”:当然,几个季节还没有混淆。

45、Pripyat once had some 50,000 residents.普里皮亚季曾经有大约5万名居民。

46、Quarter assessment, assess the work performance in the quarter, the assessment date is September 1-5 and will be put off if it is holiday.季度考核,对当季度的工作表现进行考核,考核实施时间为下月的1~xx日,遇节假日顺延。

47、The best symbol of this season was Ron Artest blowing a dunk in the third quarter.罗恩-阿泰斯特在第三节时将球扣飞是湖人队本赛季的最好写照。

48、Growing azolla has less effect on increasing the grain yield in present cropping season, however, azolla incorporated as manure the rice grain yield of present season increased by 5%.养萍对当季水稻产量增加效果不大,而养萍后翻压对当季水稻产量可提高近5%。

49、Its maker says 疫苗的制作者表示,明年流感季来临时将会准备好5百万剂疫苗。

5 million doses will be ready for next year's flu season.

50、Please write a 5-6 page essay on one of the following topics;在下面所列论题中选择一个,写一篇5-6页的文章。

经典英文句子51:写季节的5句,51、Wachovia slashed its quarterly dividend to 瓦乔维亚宣布将季度派息从每股0.375美元大幅削减至0.05美元,如此一来每季可节约大概7亿美元.该行今年已经将派息削减了92%.

5 cents per share from 37.5 cents, saving about $700 million of capital per quarter. It has lowered the dividend 92 percent this year.

52、Fall class registration starts this week, 6/5/04.xx月xx日起接受秋季班注册。

53、I average about 5-10 journal entries a month, and I usually begin a new entry by typing a question or a problem I want to solve.我一般每月能写5到10篇日志,而且我在写每一篇日志时总要先写上一个我希望解决的问题。

54、CPI for the first quarter this year gained CPI今年第一季同比上升5%,而PPI同比上升

5 percent on a yearly basis, while PPI rose

7.1 percent.


55、In the past's two seasons, the Boteler average absented 21. 在过去的两个赛季中,巴特勒平均缺席21 。5场。


56、Learn how to season and pan sear one side of the rack of lamb for a gourmet lamb chop recipe with expert cooking tips in this free 5-star cuisine video clip.了解如何季节和泛瘢痕之一的烤羊肉侧美食羊排在这个自由的5星级美食视频剪辑与专家食谱烹饪技巧。

57、Result showed that the seeds stored for 结果表明:在0~5℃条件下,光皮桦种子贮藏10个月时仍保持45.0%的发芽率,种子寿命延长,满足了调节播种季节的需要。

10 months under 0~5℃ still kept a germination percentage of 45.0%. The prolonging of seed longevity could meet the need of regulating the sowing seasons.

58、Unemployment continued to rise in June, reaching a seasonally adjusted rate of xx月份的失业率继续上升,经季节性调整后达到率为

5.4% in April-June, up from

5.3% in March-May.

5.4 % 高于3到xx月的

5.3 %。

59、She cameoed as anne Boleyn in a Man for all Seasons.在《所有季节的人》中她扮演安妮·波列思做了一个特写。

60、We beat them 5-1 in our previous match this season.我们在本赛季的早先一场比赛中5比1大胜过他们。

61、Generally, early June to October is the rainy season and November to May is the dry season.通常说来,xx月初到xx月是雨季,xx月到第xx年xx月是干季。

62、I watch the《Gilmore girls》(我今天看了三遍《吉尔莫女孩》第一季(

5) third today.


63、If the code from the file's image is allowed to execute, some 4-byte value in the first DLL module will be overwritten with the value 如果文件映像的代码被允许执行,那么第一个DLL模块中大约有4个字节的值将被值5改写。


64、Frampton, Kenneth. "Seven Points for the Millennium: An Untimely Manifesto. " The Journal of Architecture 弗兰普顿。〈千禧年的七点:不合时宜的宣言〉,《建筑学报》5(2000春季)

5 (Spring 2000).

65、Nokia, however, shipped 108.5m units in the third quarter, which is down 8% on the same period last year and only up 5% on the previous quarter.而诺基亚在第三季度的出货量为


66、Paul wrote, "Much more then, having now been justified by His blood, we shall be saved from wrath through Him" (Rom. 使徒保罗写道:「现在我们既靠著他的血称义,就更要藉著他免去上帝的忿怒」(罗马书5章9节)。


67、Highland Winter Camouflage: 5-colour (tan, light green, medium brown, dark brown and black) in a "Flecktarn" pattern based on the German 5-colour Flekctarn camouflage.高地冬季迷彩:5色(褐色,浅绿,中棕,暗棕和黑色)斑点图样,类似德国的5色斑点迷彩。

68、In Japan, the Nomura/JMMA Japan Manufacturing Purchasing Managers Index rose to a seasonally adjusted 54.7 from 53.8 the previous month.日本xx月野村/日本资材管理协会(JMMA)采购经理人指数(PMI)经季节调整后自上月的53.8升至54.7.

69、Objective Comparing different seasons sugar-containing infusion hot pressing disinfected after different locations on the same sterilization 5-Qiangjia base furfural content.目的:比较不同季节含糖输液热压灭菌后同一灭菌车上不同位置5-羟甲基糠醛含量。

70、Time and rain assisting, a humble gastronomical announcement had become a profound piece of advice.为招引食客而写的这一微不足道的广告,在季节和雨水的帮助下竟成了一种有深远意义的劝告。

71、Now, with a mere five weeks left before the storm-chasing season ends, the VORTEX2 team is anxious to head out.现在,距离追风季节结束只有5个星期了,旋风2号团队渴望在剩下的时间里有所斩获。


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