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关于”中成分的讲解“的英语句子46个,句子主体:Explanation of ingredients in。以下是关于中成分的讲解的初三英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Explanation of ingredients in


1、Then the approximate solutions of mid-course trajectories are obtained by the combination of these solutions.

DB2 Viper 中引入的带注释的 XML 模式分解特性可用于将 XML 文档整个或部分地分解成关系表。

2、The annotated XML schema decomposition feature introduced in DB2 Viper can be used to decompose XML documents, wholly or partially, into relational tables.


3、Hence, with SOA, monolithic applications are broken into standardized services.


4、This is why my introduction has concentrated on the requirement for electrolytic capacitors.


5、Single, Dual and Tri Tones have been defined in full.

周总工程师给空中突击旅的成员们讲解了武直-10的研发和性能,突击旅成员们兴奋不已。 。

6、Chief engineer zhou to air commando brigade members with arms straight -

10 research and development and the performance of commando brigade members excited.


7、Analyzing their speech into its constituent parts, we knew that the strength of it consisted in the justice of it.


8、We show the field lines and we show them settling down into molecules.


9、Resolves all of these mediation policies into a single mediation policy.


10、Among biblical critics a tralatitious interpretation is one received by expositor from expositor .


11、The teacher will correct the mistakes and explain the important and difficult points.


12、The Normal Distribution Tutorial: A tutorial on the Normal or Gaussian distribution.

关于分解 Rose 模型的额外信息可以在 Robert Bretall 的演讲稿中找到。

13、Additional information on divvying up a Rose model can be found in Robert Bretall's presentation. Here are a few key points worth noting from his discussion of model structure


14、The teacher has cleared up the harder parts of the story.


15、We need not turn every sermon into a covenant theology lecture in order to interpret the Scriptures covenantally.


16、In this seminar, Ms. Qi Zhang will answer these questions, and share her insightful knowledge and experience with the audience.


17、In the final section, this explanation is more detailed.


18、Explain the circulation of Hand-Jueyin, Hand-Shaoyang meridians.


19、Your audience will be more engaged, because your presentation is not a repetitive sequence of click-speak, click-speak, click-speak.

时间表: 30 分钟演讲, 30 分钟分组讨论, 60 分钟分组汇报演讲。 没有中间休息!

20、Time allocation:

1). 30 minutes presentation,

2). 30 minutes group discussions,

3). 60 minutes group presentation. No breaks!

21、In the "Explainer" column reprinted below, she described how these sorts of numbers are calculated.在以下转载“讲解”栏目的文章中,她讲解了这类数字是如何计算出来的。

22、Part 第

2 focuses on the common use of drill-down lists as a navigation method, and Part

3 focuses on forms, groupings, and other more advanced topics.

2 部分集中讲解将下钻列表作为导航方法的常见用途,第

3 部分集中讲解表单、分组及其他更高级的特性。

23、I believe CYCU TMC will be one of the best clubs in the near future!相信在未来中原大学国际演讲会将成为最优秀的分会之一!

24、Though I didn't adequately cover the page object model, that's exactly what I'm going to do in a future article.虽然我没有充分的讲解页面对象模型,那是我以后的文章将要讲到的东西。

25、Intervention: Small-group, 20-minute, didactic teaching sessions in which the endoscopic criteria for determining polyp histology by using narrow-band imaging were described and demonstrated.干预措施:小组教学,20分钟讲解区分息肉组织学的的窄带成像的内镜标准并进行演示。

英文句子26:,26、I had been through five interviews with a company.我已去过一家公司的五场面试了.

27、Thirdly, the constructing of the CR after the foundation of the PRC is dissertated.第三部分主要讲新中国时期修建成渝铁路的实施状况;

28、It looked like A is just falling apart on its own into these products. Mr. Lindemann got around and said, well, why would A just want to fall apart.它看起来A自己分解为这些生成物,林德曼先生到处宣讲并且说,好,为什么A会想分解。

29、To explain the circulation of Du Meridian, Ren Meridian.分析讲解督脉、任脉的经脉循行。

30、Now thou, O Belteshazzar, declare the interpretation thereof, forasmuch as all the wise men of my kingdom are not able to make known unto me the interpretation: but thou art able;你要说明这梦的讲解,因为我国中的一切哲士,都不能将梦的讲解告诉我;

31、This is the hardest section to explain.这是最难讲解的一部分。

32、It shows that more and more people know how they can benefit from this biggest non-profit international educational organization.这证明了愈来愈多的人了解他们可以从演讲会中获得很多成长的机会。

33、BUT, read the theorem statements --- which will be covered in the lectures, mostly.但是要阅读定理的陈述——大部分将会在课堂上讲解。

34、when we turn to the question of affirmative action next time.我们要讲的反歧视行动问题的探讨,下回分解。

35、The set of discs fathoms the exercise of wrist routine in interlinked hand skills.本套光碟讲解手串子中的腕套。

36、Military Parade is a crucial part in the military ritual.讲武是古代军礼的重要组成部分。

37、Explain the circulation of Hand-Shaoyin, Hand-Taiyang meridians.分析讲解手少阴、手太阳经的经脉循行。

38、Quite when a part of teacher teaching still limited to the explanation grammar knowledge ﹑ key difficulty and so on.相当一部分教师讲课时仍局限于讲解语法知识﹑重点难点等。

39、Junior high school biology textbooks mentions that enzymes can digest starch into glucose, protein into amino acids, and fat into fatty acids that are the nutrients to be absorbed by the cells.国中生物课本也谈到,酵素会将淀粉分解成葡萄糖、蛋白质分解成胺基酸、脂肪分解成脂肪酸,这些养分才能被细胞吸收利用。

40、Formally, horizontal partitioning or sharding P(D) of a dataset D is a decomposition of D into N mutually disjoint sets Di such that正式来讲,对数据集 D 的 P(D) 进行水平 分区 或划分就是将 D 分解成相互不相交的 N 个集 Di 且

41、The first step is that the teacher explains and gives a demonstration and the students imitate and practise it bare-handed.分成五个步骤,第一步是教师讲解示范和学生徒手模仿练习;

42、Most of the programs have audio files with explanations of key words. Some feature programs impress me a lot.大部分节目都配有精美的图片,音频和中英文解说或是重点词汇讲解。

43、To understand the motivation for active patterns it's we need to first understand pattern matching in F#.为了理解本文讲解活动模式的动机,我们需要首先理解F#中的模式匹配。

44、We will point out some of the major differences as we go along.在讲解过程中我们将指出其中的一些主要区别。

45、China's economic success is explicable by normal economics.从常规经济来讲,中国的经济成功是可以解释的。

46、And the Prince had to tell the story of his own enchantment and deliverance at least ten times.王子只好把他自己中了魔法以及解脱苦难的经历讲了又讲,少说也讲了十遍。

47、Rectifiers are the critical components in a smelter potline .整流器是熔炉电解槽中的关键组成部分。

48、With this presentation, I am going to give you some tips and some drills that is going to help you go faster. 在本视频中,我将讲解一些游蝶泳的秘诀,介绍几个蝶泳分解练习,目的是帮助大家游的更快。

7 n. x;

49、We can take an otherwise labile vaccine and embed it in a solid glass formulation.他讲到,“我们可以把一种性质不稳定的疫苗植入固体玻璃成分中。

50、A:Can you explain this part to me? B:Sure.把这部分给我讲解一下好不好.B:当然.

经典英文句子51:中成分的讲解,51、In my next column, I'll walk you through the process of adding (rolling in) and removing (rolling out) data partitions.在下一篇专栏文章中,我将讲解添加(移入)和删除(移出)数据分区的过程。

52、Because there was so much conciliation, as well as some meaty confrontation, the applause interruptions, more than ninety of them, took the speech to eighty-one minutes.因为其中有很多和解的意愿要表示,也有一些耐人寻味的对质,演讲被掌声打断有90多次,最后演讲持续了81分钟。

53、The following sections go through the steps of partitioning a sandbox into a multi-tier configuration. Figure 下面几节讲解将一个沙箱分成一个多层配置的步骤。

2 shows a sandbox topology and a multi-tier setup

54、Most of the programs have audio files with explanations of key words.大部分节目都配有精美的图片,音频和中英文解说或是重点词汇讲解。

55、The phenomenon of the race and competition is very important and difficult in teaching the"Digital Cir."数字电路课程中的组合逻辑电路中的竞争与冒险现象这部分内容是课堂讲解的一个重点和难点。

56、The preacher in China will generally develop a sermon that includes 18-22 paragraphs that each will take about 通常,中国的传道人要形成的一篇讲章包括18-22个段落,每个段落要讲述大约2分钟。

2 minutes to preach.

57、You won't get everything I'm talking about in the lectures, if all you do is the readings.你同样无法了解我在讲座中所讲的全部,如果你只是一味的阅读。

58、Explain the circulation of Foot -Taiyang, Foot-Shaoyinmeridians.分析讲解足太阳经,足少阴经的经脉循行。

59、Explain the circulation of Hand-Taiyin, Hand-Yangming meridians.分析讲解手太阴经、手阳明经的经脉循行。

60、Your training in hermeneutics, and exegesis will prepare you well for teaching the exposition in the sermon.你的释经学的训练和解经训练将为你在讲道中解释圣经做充分的准备。

61、People gathered to hear the expositor in the gallery .在美术馆里人们围著听讲解员的讲解。

62、Professor Craig Wright: Yes, the instrumentation. Can you elaborate on that?教授:对,乐器编成。你能详细跟我们讲解一下吗?

63、The nomograms provided can be used to calculate the above parameters under the conditions of various decomposition pressures and heating temperatures in the traditional aqueous solution…叙述了用等压似三元相图计算尿素工艺中减压加热分解工序中的甲铵分解率、总氨蒸出率以及分解后的气液组成的方法。

64、It is widely used to decompose a rational function into the sum of partial fractions.在数学学习中经常要将有理函数分解成部分分式之和。

65、The 540+ pages were easy to read and understand, partly told as a story. I read it in one week.超过540页的篇幅,其中一部分是在讲故事,阅读和理解起来并不困难。

66、During digestion, protein breaks down into amino acids, the building blocks of cells.在消化过程中,蛋白质被分解成氨基酸--构成细胞的原料。



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