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1、The visit was meant to highlight tax incentives for businesses to invest in new equipment this year.


2、They also encouraged me to blog about it, and that helped immensely too.


3、Only methodologies that encourage and embrace such adaptability will be effective.


4、But I will applaud the attempt to overcome human foibles.


5、Being a positive leader, you would like to encourage him to pursue his dream.


6、Meanwhile, please note that this delegation covers only investments in the “Encouraged” category.


7、Michael also sensed Hilary's frustration and encouraged her to be open about it.


8、Collaboration is encouraged on all aspects of the class, except where explicitly forbidden.


9、Microsoft cut prices last year to encourage consumers to use legitimate versions of its software.

I can't do anything for you all but give encouragement.小河狸:哩…我除了鼓励就没办法再为你们做什么了。

10、Bidoof: Oof …


11、We also openly encourage our customers to shop around via our comparison links.

与任何具有合理链接的 wiki 一样,文档鼓励大家浏览相关链接。

12、Like any reasonably well-linked wiki, the documentation encourages browsing.


13、In fact, the regulations encourage refurbishment and re-use of computer equipment.


14、Trillion rong investing to filial piety dont understand, YiXin opposed to filial piety to encourage.


15、Dale Carnegie said, “Abilities wither under criticism; they blossom under encouragement.”


16、But Mr. Davydov said the agency still wanted to encourage commercial services.

如果你需要鼓励和动力,那么请加入WDF 论坛一起讨论吧!

17、If you need support and motivation, join us at WDF Forums!


18、This company encourage its employee to take part in the environment-protection plan by material award.


19、Recently the G8 encouraged patent-holders to participate in the Medicines Patent Pool.


20、Honor he feared injuries, again more encouraged separated, reluctantly he heaped chasing again.

21、In the budget, the chancellor should announce two measures to encourage borrowing and spending.在预算中,首相应宣布两项措施以鼓励借贷和消费。

22、That is, how much control and/or encouragement do they need from you?也就是他们到底需要你给予多少管控和/或鼓励?

23、“So-called sweatshops,” she writes, “are most definitely to be welcomed and encouraged.“所谓的血汗工厂,”她写道,“肯定应当受到欢迎和鼓励。”

24、It was not the first time Palpatine had encouraged Anakin's unfettered abilities.这并非第一次白卜庭鼓励安纳金释放不受拘束的能力。

25、Be not niggardly of what costs thee nothing, as courtesy, counsel, and countenance.别吝啬让你分文不花的东西,诸如礼貌、忠告和鼓励。

英文句子26:,26、Running a group workshop requires the skills of facilitation and team leadership.进行团队工作,需要鼓励促进和团队领导方面的技能。

27、The mediator does this while encouraging parents to reach a parenting solution.调解员在做这个工作时,还需要要鼓励他们达成平衡。

28、Reporter: Are there any other ways that Disney institutionalizes an environment for creativity?记者:迪士尼是否有其他的方法营造鼓 励创造的环境?

29、It just encouraged them to remain wounded and lashing out at me.他们的伤势依旧,而且因为受到鼓励更加无情地攻击我。

30、Then a controversy arises: whether private cars should be encouraged in Beijing?这样就引起了一场争论:北京是否应该鼓励私家车?

31、Under the encouragement with village woman friend, she adds the LPAC project on 2004.在同村妇女朋友的鼓励下,她于xx年加入LPAC项目。

32、But I strongly advise thatyou not just allow comments, but encourage them.但是我强留建议不仅仅应该允许评论,还应该鼓励评论。

33、Most of the time, we, the encourager, can bring comfort by just being with them.很多的时候 , 我们透过与他们相处,来安慰和鼓励。

34、To encourage her, I told her that Michener liked to write about animals.为了鼓励她,我告诉她,麦切纳喜爱用动物作写作题材。

35、They went up on deck to get food from huge pots.现在不能削弱发达地区的活力,也不能鼓励吃“大锅饭”。

36、Its peace has been used to encourage passiveness, and this was never the intent.它的静寂被利用,去鼓励顺从,这绝非真正的意图。

37、Next, he showed her her sins and encouraged her to confess her guilt (vv. 16-19).接下来他指出她得罪并鼓励她认罪(16-19节)。

38、Thus some churches encourage worshipers to kneel as part of the liturgy.因此有些教会鼓励敬拜者在礼仪中跪下,以示尊敬。

39、At this Home, all brothers and sisters will comfort each other and cheer up each other.在家中,所有的兄弟姊妹会互相安慰互相鼓励。

40、ESHOP MOBI LTD will encourage its service partners to adopt and post privacy policies.我们会鼓励我们的服务夥伴运用及公布“私隐政策”。

41、By giving out cash incentives of up to 300 million yuan, Tmall encouraged customers to share cash vouchers with friends via micro blogs.天猫为鼓励顾客通过微博和朋友分享现金红包,拿出了3亿元作为现金奖励。

42、Encourage their appreciation for healthy food by serving nourishing meals regularly.通过定期提供有营养的食物来鼓励他们欣赏健康的食物。

43、Endless love and courage is our gift to you, Seraphin.无尽的爱和鼓励都是我们给予你们的珍贵礼物。塞拉芬。

44、Encourages the banking industry to use more sophisticated risk management methodology and tools.鼓励银行业使用更加完善的风险管理方法和工具。

45、The second eclipse, January xx月15号会有第二个日月蚀,这同样会很鼓励你出外旅行。

15, will also encourage you to travel.

46、We encourage lot owner to donate part of their total profit for charity purpose.鼓励竞技者捐出有关展示品,作为慈善拍卖用途。

47、And when I can, I encourage them to read or go outside .在我能够做到的时候,我鼓励他们阅读或者去户外活动。

48、If you don’t think you have any ideas, I’d challenge you to look again.如果你不认为你有任何主意,我将鼓励你再看一遍。

49、We've always wanted to encourage our modding community and help them out.我们一直想鼓励我们的MOD社区并帮助他们脱颖而出。

50、Indeed, such support may incentivise infected people to comply with isolation measures.的确,这样的支持能够鼓励被感染的患者遵守隔离措施。

经典英文句子51:鼓励,51、Avoid giving gifts or money to panhandlers and children as it encourages begging.避免赠送礼物或金钱,因为它鼓励乞讨的乞丐和儿童。

52、Sister Thein encouraged them to bring the issues forward to the city council.修女泰恩(Sister Thein)鼓励他们向市政委员会反映这一问题。

53、Encouraged by Elizabeth Cady Stanton, she advocated women's suffrage.她受到伊利莎白·卡迪·斯坦顿的鼓励,开始倡导妇女投票权。

54、Teach them and encourage them to ask for help when they need it.在他们需要的时候,教他们并鼓励他们去寻求帮助。

55、Nag partner. Need encouragement to lose weight, exercise more or eat healthier?倾诉对象 瘦身需要鼓励,是锻炼多些,还是健康饮食?

56、Everybody met each other candidly and encouraged each other in the entirely course of discussing.在整个讨论过程中大家坦诚相见,互相鼓励。

57、Melissa encouraged him to take it and said she’d follow him east.梅丽莎鼓励他接受这份工作,并说她会跟他一起去东边。

58、What's more, by accumulating points the drivers will be encouraged to respond in peak hours.同时在高峰时段,通过增加积分,鼓励驾驶员应标。

59、To treat equals and superiors with respect, and subordinates with kindly encouragement.尊重上级,也尊重同事,尊重下属,给予他们亲切的鼓励。

60、We simply could not have done this without his encouragement and generous assistance.在他的鼓励和慷慨帮助下,我们才得以完成本文。

61、Popularize high-accuracy field leveling techniques, encourage the use of laser field leveling.推广高精度平整土地技术,鼓励使用激光平整土地;

62、Children's books, new or used, make great gifts and appropriate rewards for reading.她阅读以后送给她一些礼物和合适的奖赏以资鼓励。

63、That is changing, however, and Chinese courts are increasingly granting moral damages.不过现在不同了,中国的法院鼓励进行精神损失的补偿。

64、Our teacher encourages us to answer questions and to discuss with each other.我们的老师鼓励我们回答问题并且互相讨论答案

65、The coach gave us a much-needed pep talk during the half.教练在中场休息时给了我们一些十分必要的鼓励。

66、At once we encouraged visiting soldiers to carry rations with them on home visits.于是,我们立刻鼓励士兵随带口粮去作家庭访问。

67、Yet till the moment she fainted, collapsing into my arms, she encouraged, she comforted.她一直在鼓励,在安抚,直到她晕厥,倒塌在我的怀中。

68、When I decided to abandon paramedical training and become a writer, he encouraged me.而当我决定弃医从文时,他也同样给予我鼓励支持。

69、We will continue to implement and improve all of our policies and measures for encouraging consumption.继续实施和完善鼓励消费的各项政策措施。

70、EK: Are you involved with any projects that encourage girls and women in technology?你是否参加了一些在技术上鼓励女性参与的项目?



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