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关于”可以每天背的软件“的英语句子40个,句子主体:Software that can be memorized every day。以下是关于可以每天背的软件的xx年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Software that can be memorized every day


1、Users will download an Ubuntu software template from OpenVZ.


2、Now everybody is scrambling in both hardware and software.


3、Is it not enough that malefactors of the world are writing and distributing new Malware every day?


4、This is an app switcher that is always available.


5、Each development team member's workstation had the following software


6、Joint Iteration Demos - At the end of each iteration the working software is demonstrated to the project sponsors.


7、If you'd like, you can then have your publishing software fill in details for each covered work.


8、"Agentless discovery" means the software automatically crawls an IP network to record every device and piece of software attached to it.


9、So some of our software can quickly recognize it.


10、Set your software timer to stop you every half hour or so.


11、So Android, like every large software product on the planet, infringes numerous Microsoft patents.


12、It is a "world wide celebration of Free and Open Source Software and the community behind it."


13、By 1856, the company could produce 150 weapons per day using interchangeable parts, efficient production lines and specially designed precision machinery.


14、But we can--everything.


15、Summary: Andromeda Sky View is a planetarium software, that can show you an interactive sky map on your Windows Mobile device.


16、Application software and File System are upgradable over the Internet.


17、At one extreme, each subscriber can be hosted on a dedicated set of hardware and software.


18、And the fact that these payment apps can sit within messaging apps means you can settle bills without even interrupting your group chat.

you can walk in the soft sandy beach, walked the waves.夏天可以吹到凉凉的海风,冬天的海风也不会很冷…可以漫步在软软的沙滩上,踩着海浪。

19、The sea breeze blows cool in summer, winter, cold winds will not …


20、Microsoft will announce on Nov

11 a new partnership with Sina Inc's UC, a software providing instant-messaging service, according to the National Business Daily.

21、Each LED can be used as a period of three, soft printed circuit board, on the back with double-sided adhesive for paste, small size, easy installation.每三个LED可以作为一段,软性印制电路板,背面带双面胶,用于粘贴,体积小,安装方便。

22、By 1856, the company could produce 150 weapons per day.到xx年,该公司每天可以生产150件武器。

23、For seeds of betrayal in return, sprouting from my memoir.背叛萌芽在追忆里每一处柔软

24、Each software service can act as a service provider or requester.每个软件服务均可充当一个服务提供者或请求者。

25、His innate artistic sense can be seen in each piece of work.在他每一件作品中,都可以看到他浑然天成的艺术感。

英文句子26:,26、The software is flexible in terms of how frequently a certain SNMP device is polled and what OIDs you wish to monitor on each device.该软件可以灵活设置特定SNMP设备的查询频率,还可以设定每个设备上希望监控的OID。

27、Two softgel per day with meals.两个软胶囊每一天的饭菜。

28、Each resource can be edited with the most appropriate software because it's stored in its own file.每种资源可以用最合适的软件编辑,因为都存储在单独的文件中。

29、The beauty of this approach is that you can run the testing software as often as needed.这种方法的美妙之处在于:每当需要时,就可以运行测试软件。

30、Sure . You can send E-mail to each other every day through the internet.当然。你们每天都可以上网发电子邮件给对方。

31、Go to “Every Week” and customize which days you want the event to repeat.进入“每周”可以自定义你想让哪一天的事件重复。

32、I began to carry her downstairs every morning, and upstairs every night, and my aunt came every day to look after her.我开始每天早上背她下楼,每天晚上背她上楼,姨婆也天天来照顾她。

33、Designing our software can record every Personal audio information to finish the program, the discs can be taken away.我们设计的软件可以记录下每个人的音频资料,节目做完, 还可以刻盘。

34、Everybody involved in a software project can do a lot to avoid a BBM and to smooth its dramatic impact.软件项目中的每个人都可以做很多以避免 BBM 并平滑其巨大的影响力。

35、Daily stand-ups, continuous integration and iteration demo’s can help to foster inspection and adaption of the architecture as well as the development of software.每天站立会议,持续集成和迭代演示不仅可以帮助软件开发,也可以有助于架构的检查和改进。

36、If the previous app doesn’t do much for you, you can still learn for free how much time of the day you use Firefox. Track it with this nifty extension – as seen on Lifehacker.com.如果上一个软件对你没用,你还可以了解自己每天在 Firefox 上花了多少时间。

37、Based on the MORTRAN software, a corrected method to consummate the all-sky background brightness is given.提出了基于MORTRAN软件的修正完善方法,建立了全天空背景亮度数据;

38、Because the characters of terrain created each time can be different, this software can supply useful large area digital terrain data for terrain match testwork.由于每次生成的地形特征可以不相同,所以该软件可为地形匹配研究提供有效的大面积地形数据。

39、Main Categories menu, each classification of the main menu can have numerous sub-menu, more convenient management software.有4个主分类菜单,每个主分类菜单中可以有无数子菜单,更方便管理软件。

40、You can join any 你可以参加为期4个月的软件测试课程,也可以拿出半年或者xx年的时间考取软件测评师文凭。

4 months duration software testing course or can do diploma in software testing which is typically of

6 months to

1 year.

41、One example is custom background colors for files and file-sets.一个例子是对文件和文件夹可以自定义背景色。

42、At the end of every software development phase, such as SRS and LLD, we should re-estimate our software size and adjust our project plan.在每一个软件开发阶段的结束,正如SRS和LLD,我们可以重新评估软件的规模并调整我们的项目计划。

43、At the end of the day, there is no magic wand that will optimize your software for you.在每天日落时,并没有魔法杖可以帮助您优化软件。

44、There are sometimes 50, 000 new forms of malware for Windows released in a day.要知道,针对Windows的新形式恶意软件有时每天释出超过50000个。

45、You can find them from the main support Web page for each product, or globally from the main software library.您可以从每个产品的主支持网页中或全局地从 主软件库中找到它们。

46、The specific software within each virtual image is represented by the software module name metadata.每个虚拟映像内的特定软件使用软件模块名称元数据加以表示。

47、This is the picture will be replaced by a new application software to create dynamic video, It also can add to the background music and voice.这是将一个新的应用软件所取代创建动态视频图像,它也可以添加背景音乐和声音。

48、Today’s startups stand on the shoulders of older technologies. Simpler technologies can reach more people.是的,开发芯片可能比开发软件要“难”,且开发互联网软件也许会更容易,但今天的创业都站在旧技术的肩上,而简单的技术可以普及到更多的人。

49、In the background are the antennas of Strykers armored vehicle.背景中可以看到Strykers装甲车的天线。

50、With software monitoring each wheel, stability and traction control can also be built-in.用软件监测每个轮子的状况,稳定性和牵引控制就也可以嵌入了。

经典英文句子51:可以每天背的软件,51、You can use MSN, yahoo and other chat programs to chat in English.你可以用MSN,雅虎或其他聊天软件用英语聊天。

52、You can set the backups to occur either weekly or daily, and you can get email digests of backup activity.你可以设定每周或每天备份一次,还可以得到备份活动的邮件摘要。

53、A trial version of this software is available for download.本软件的一个试用版本可以 下载。

54、Free software means that everyone is free not only to obtain and use the tool kit but also to modify and redistribute it, provided that certain conditions are met.自由软件 意味着每个人不仅可以自由地获得和使用这个工具包,还可以在满足某些条件的情况下修改并重新发布它。

55、Instead, they have to tweak their software to make sure it works for each device.他们只得修正他们的软件以保证在每一个手机硬件上都能工作。

56、When Madan trained software to hunt for this signature in the cellphone data, a daily check correctly identified flu victims 90 per cent of the time.马丹训练软件获取手机数据里的这种签名。 每天的检查可以使识别90%的流感受害者。

57、Classen noted that any hospital can use the Global Trigger Tool.克拉森指出,每家医院都可以使用”全球触发”软件。

58、First, the installation time for the client-side software at each new client company is less than a day.首先,每个新的客户公司客户端软件的安装时间少于一天。

59、You may edit the file to enable repositories or disable them.您可以编辑该文件来使软件库生效或失效。

60、Flash Software Description: About Another White Winter Holiday, This screen saver is full of snow-clad scenes complemented with a cool blue background.软件许可:免费附带广告这个屏幕保护程序充满以一个凉爽蓝色的背景,白雪覆盖的场景。

61、Examples include 'MarkSim' to simulate daily weather for up to 100 years anywhere in the tropics, and 'Homologue' to compare climate and soil throughout the tropics.例如他们用“MarkSim”软件模拟热带任何地方至多xx年每天的天气,以及用“Homologue”软件比较热带各地的气候与土壤。

62、Each reveals important things about China. Each helps place its tragedies and triumphs into a richer context. And each presages the bigger pivots ahead in China's course.其中每一件都可揭示有关中国的重大事务;每一件都可为这xx年的悲喜提供丰富的背景;每一件也都预示着中国今后路线的更大转机。

63、A network mirror can be used to supplement the software that is included on the CD-ROM. This may also make newer versions of software available.镜像站可以用来替补那些包含在光碟片里的软件,也可以用来提供较新版本的软件。

64、It can run any software which compatible with S60 platform.是否所有的S60 软件都可以使用呢?。

65、XP teams build software in two-week "iterations", delivering running useful software at the end of each iteration.XP队伍通过两周的“迭 代”来建立 软件系统,在每一个迭 代结束时提供可以运行的有实际用途的 软件系统。

66、Recommendations: One softgel daily.建议: 每天一软胶囊。

67、The programs it executes are configured through a set of configuration files, which can be dropped into place by packages or by the admin.对于每个 事件, 其处理程序都可以通过软件包或管理员指定的一组配置文件定制。

68、At yesterday's iPhone OS 今天我们讨论一个帮助糖尿病人的iPhone软件LifeScan(强生公司所有),该软件可以和蓝牙血糖仪实现无线连接。

3.0 announcement, diabetes software company LifeScan (owned by Johnson &Johnson) unveiled an iPhone app that wirelessly connects to a Bluetooth-enabled glucose meter.

69、CTLM self-diagnostic background software to monitor for potential faults and to log quality-assurance data for service purposes;CTLM-自我诊断背景软件,可检测潜在的错误并且记录质量保证数据以供日常维护所用;

70、At first, the introduction introduced the research background, including the state-of-the-art of MSBS and the basic structure of its software and hardware.首先,在绪论中介绍了磁悬挂天平系统的研究背景、国内外的发展现状以及这套系统的软、硬件基本构成;



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