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关于”写节日“的英语句子29个,句子主体:Write Festival。以下是关于写节日的xx年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Write Festival


1、The reminiscence in Cheng Naishan's novel only symbolizes the Shanghai' s modernity course while the reminiscence in Wang Anyi s novel focuses on the full history of the city.


2、Slow and Steady: Stephen King has explained that he always writes

10 pages a day, every day of the year (even holidays).


3、Screenwriters also work as continuity writers, providing the scripts for previews of coming programs, television station announcements and advertising copy for in-program sponsors.


4、The festival is the populace entertainment festival.


5、They kept also the feast of tabernacles, as it is written, and offered the daily burnt offerings by number, according to the custom, as the duty of every day required;


6、I wrote about cars Jan.

13 and about aluminum Jan.



7、Also, look for anniversaries and specific days that could trigger a blog - this might be Thanksgiving Day, or Mother’s Day, or whatever can provide you with something to write about.


8、This Specially Wrote This Diary.


9、Consider some specifics. Pearlstein wrote


10、I have a habit of writing a journal.


11、Teach Piao told us to write a diary, so I am.


12、Thanks to The Wall Street Journal, I've conducted a giant writing experiment on being cheap, penning thousands of words on the subject over the past

18 months。


13、This takes place on the first day of Lent, which occurs between February

2 and March



14、Gao Hongbin wrote in the diary.


15、This section should be bold face and written in all capitals.


16、On the Affirmation and Realization of the Right to Know in our Country--Written on the Day, when Chinese Journalists'Day was Established.


17、And then on Boxing Day,


18、He writes exclusively for China Daily.


19、Then in accordance with what is written, they celebrated the Feast of Tabernacles with the required number of burnt offerings prescribed for each day.


20、Xi xi, is a holiday;

21、Invalid date. Please specify YYYY-MM-DD, one per line.无效的日期。请按“年年年年-月月-日日” 格式填写,每行一个。

22、Dr Karenga liked the characteristics of the African festivals so much that he used them to write the Seven Principles of Kwanzaa.卡伦格博士是如此的喜欢非洲人的节日特色以至于他用这些写出了宽扎文化节七个原则。

23、Those who can make life’s mundane details interesting garner a large audience.那些能把日常生活细节写得风生水起的人赢得了大批听众。

24、But other features might be specific to different sections -- for example, these sections were created on different dates, and they might replace different component articles when assembled.但是其他特性可能是针对不同章节的,比方说各个章节撰写的日期不同,在编篡时可以替换了不同的成分。

25、I have tons of journals filled with nothing but scribble.我有很多日记本什么都没写,除了乱写乱画。

英文句子26:,26、Do you learn English that way? 用英语写日记如何?

27、Block 日期-写下每次活动的月和日,但不写年(例如,4/21)。

3 Date -Enter the day and month of the transaction, excluding the year (for example, 4/21).

28、They have what we call fiestas.他们也有类似于我们狂欢节的节日。

29、Statistically, the diarists scored much worse on health measures than the non-diarists.数据显示,写日记的人在健康指数上的得分比不写日记的人低。

30、What a stupid holiday.多蠢的一个节日。

31、We learn songs to build vocabulary, write journals to improve writing, go to parties to learn communicating, and do volunteer works to practice social skills.老师会让我们用学唱歌的来积累单词,写幼稚的周记提高写作,节日会有派对让我们学会跟人交流,参加志愿者来提高社交能力。

32、In his book On Writing, King says that he writes 史蒂芬.金(Stephen King):在他的《写作》一书中,他说他能从不间断的每天写下十页,即便是在节假日也一样。

10 pages a day without fail, even on holidays.

33、Spring Festival is the most popular festival in china.夏节是中国最普通化的节日。

34、The last verse in Judges read, " 25 In those days there was no king in Israel ."而士师记的最后一节这样写道:「 25 在那些日子,以色列中没有王,各人都行自己看为对的事 。」

35、Before log files are written to the log files, they are first written into buffers.在日志记录被写入日志文件之前,它们首先会被写到缓冲区。

36、Calligraphic writing — If you've got elegant handwriting, you can pick up gigs writing or addressing wedding invitations, holiday cards and more.书法书写——如果你能写一手好字,你就可以接一些演奏会作品,结婚请帖或者节日贺卡的活来做。

37、It's not often you see a holiday sentiment scrawled on a scrap of gunny sack.你很少能见到这样的贺卡啊,怀着对节日的祝福,在破麻布口袋的一块碎片上随意涂写一番。

38、Just be aware that for international destinations, ticket control and passport checks will occur on boarding the train.不过,在火车证上填写旅行日期时,请务必填写第二天的日期。

39、Fewer bytes written to disk.写入磁盘的字节数更少。

40、XFS uses the writeback journaling policy.XFS 采用回写日志策略。

41、Finish the birthday card for one of the birthday people.写张生日卡给其中一个生日的人。

42、Ganesh chaturthi is an important festival in india.甘尼许节(有译作伽内什节)是印度一个重要节日。

43、What do we write?日记中写些什么?

44、But when it comes to routine memos,letters,fact sheets and forms,they save a lot of time by relying on previously written material.但是,如果所要写的是日常工作的备忘录、公函、资料汇总和表格的话,他们就会依靠以前写过的文字资料来节省大量时间。

45、NOR flash memory can typically be programmed a byte at a time, whereas NAND flash memory must be programmed in multi-byte bursts (typically, 512 bytes).NOR flash 内存通常一次可以编写一个字节,而 NAND flash 内存必须编写多个字节(通常为 512 字节)。

46、The memoirs are said to contain remarkable day-to-day detail written in a vivacious style as well as numerous corrections and spelling mistakes.据说,回忆录中包括一些值得注意的日常细节,写法生动活泼,还有不少修改痕迹和拼写错误。

47、Yaoyao's hobby is keeping a diary.瑶瑶的爱好是写日记。

48、Calligraphic writing — If you’ve got elegant handwriting, you can pick up gigs writing or addressing wedding invitations, holiday cards and more.书法书写——如果你能写一手好字,你就可以接一些书法表演,书写结婚请帖或者节日贺卡的活来做。

49、The Double Nine Festival is the festival for the elderly.重阳节是老年人的节日。

50、I had not written logs, and have time to write today Gan log before the Department would like to write for a long time.我好久没写过日志了,今日甘有时间写日志都系想了好久才写下。

经典英文句子51:写节日,51、c. Keeping English diary if possible. 写英语日记.

52、Start a daily journal to write your thoughts in.开始写日记,记录自己每日所思。

53、Coming through in flying colors, Hindu devotees celebrate Holi, the festival of color, dance, and crowds, at the Banke Bihari temple in Vrindavan, about 87 miles from New Delhi, on March xx月xx日,享受在飞舞的彩色中,印度教信徒在距新德里87英里的维伦达文班克比哈里寺庆祝洒红节,这是色彩的节日,舞蹈的节日,人们的节日。


54、So with the holiday gift-giving season under way, I write this column for parents who may be asked by children for a dog or a horse.因而,在赠送节日礼物的季节到来之际,我特地为那些可能被孩子们要求要一只马或者狗的父母写这个专栏。


标签: 作文 万能 节日

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