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1、It is necessary to clarify the experience of torture for us to research on his achievements in poetry.


2、Fyodor was as quick with a song or a story as any traveling bard, and his deep, resonant bass voice often rang out over the sound of a clanging hammer as he worked.


3、He is one of the committee members of China Writers' Association, director of Poetry Art Committee of Hebei Writers' Association.


4、Hanshan Temple is not big, but it is because of Zhang Ji's poetry is famous in Hanshan Temple, on the wall, is the history of the famous poem about Hanshan Temple.


5、Further complicating the picture, Milton places this scene of observation with extraordinary care at the moment of evening.


6、Huang Kui's poetry also comes from the earth, from the private sector, from the life of a heavy compression.


7、The scenery of the Jiuyi Mountains and of the Xiao and Xiang rivers below is often mentioned in Chinese poetry.


8、Why not sing a verse of "All the way my Saviour leads me, what have I to ask beside?"

我木讷的搞怪做作让C捧腹大笑。 但是诗歌却编织了一个强有力的诅咒。

9、My literary pretensions made C splutter with laughter, but poetry weaves a potent spell.


10、By the grammar of rhetoric, knowledge was structured as poetry and dialogue -- subject to interruption, questioning, and parenthetical diversions.


11、In other words, the reader'scomprehension is an ostensive-inferential process, namely, it is a non-demonstrative inferential model according to the ostensive information adopted by the poet.


12、The thesis aims at formulating the development and emergence of the Self in Dylan Thomass poetry.


13、My brother wrote a great deal more than he finally used in his finished work, so fertile was his poetic inspiration.


14、This thesis will study mostly his insipidity of poetic style, his pioneering spirit on subject matter and his contribution to poetry theory.


15、It was Lowell who was the roaring, self-lacerating, tragic king of the poetry jungle.


16、Poems or essays that flow from the pen of a great writer can hit injustice hard.


17、After the Beijing poetry group emitted rumor about Haizi, Yihe and I invited him to drink.


18、With his distinct voice and accessible language, America's two-term Poet Laureate has opened the door to poetry for countless people for whom it might otherwise remain closed.


19、Want to learn a foreign poem you'd better translate it first. However , translation is a recreative process.


20、What cats lack in retail homage, they do make up for in embroidered quotations and cheesy poetry.

21、In the poetry art, does without authorization the seven-character lyu especially, the language light cutting, discusses energetically, opens the Song person harbinger.在诗歌艺术上,尤擅七律,语言浅切,议论风发,开宋人先声。

22、May God arise, may his enemies be scattered; may his foes flee before him.(大卫的诗歌,交与伶长。) 愿神兴起,使他的仇敌四散,叫那恨他的人,从他面前逃跑。

23、His poetry and the play obtained people's praise at that time, including its foe FuShe writer.他的诗歌和戏剧在当时就得到了人们的称许,包括其仇敌复社文人在内。

24、Nearly all joined in singing this hymn, which swelled high above the howling of the storm.差不多所有的人都唱起这首圣诗,歌声昂扬缭绕,盖过了暴风雨的号啸。

25、Critics have concentrated too much on the elements of her poetry, without really looking at what it is saying.评论家过多地集中评论她诗歌的形式,而没有真正看其内容。

英文句子26:,26、I will evade all those which are unrelated to poetry, utilitarian, worldliness, adulation, ugliness, falsehood, emptiness.一切非诗歌的、功利的、世故的、谄媚的、丑的、假的、虚的东西,我都会避之。

27、As adopted the materials of modern poetry made broad, originality, depth of research and explore effective A Long, researchers pay little attention to its aesthetic poetry;作为对现代诗学做了涉猎宽广、独具匠心、深刻有力研究和探讨的阿垅,研究者对其诗歌美学关注不够;

28、No manipulative choice or distortion of the cultural-loaded images is allowed in the translation practice.在诗歌翻译中,对原作的文化意象进行任意取舍或扭曲都是不当的。

29、Abstract: Speaks the Chinese literature, lets poetry which first by no means the human thought that but is "the article" or "the article".摘要:讲中国文学,最先让人想到的并非诗歌,而是“文”或“文章”。

30、Modern Chinese poetry and the tradition, according to Lai Yuhuang, should be weighed in the historical context since miscellaneousness and heterogeneousness characterize the tradition of poetry.赖煌根据时下混杂相生、相互歧异的诗歌传统,提出应将现代汉诗的传统问题,放在其寄身的历史语境中进行评判。

31、It's a kind of picture for me of the linguistic environment, if you will, of modern poetry.对我来说,如果你愿意这样想的话,这就是现代诗歌语言环境的一幅图画。

32、You can think about Crane's images of the Brooklyn Bridge in this course that abandoned woodpile that some worker has left in the poem called "The Woodpile."你可以想一想,在我们课程中,克兰诗中的布鲁克林大桥,那被抛弃的木柴堆,在诗歌“柴垛“中一些工人放弃的柴垛“

33、It always pays little attention to Liu Changqing s poem, let alone has special article expounding its symbolic image.历来对刘长卿诗歌少有重视,对其象征性意象更无专文论述。

34、Whatever else it may be, everyone's always agreed that modern poetry is difficult. You will probably too.不管是什么,每个人都会赞成,现代诗歌是艰深的,你或许也会认同这点。

35、He dismissed poetry as “a kind of ingenious nonsense,” and the one time he attended an opera he fled at the third act.牛顿对诗歌艺术不屑一顾,认为那是一种精巧的废话。 他也会在一场歌剧表演进行到第三章的时候就逃走了。

36、Speaks the Chinese literature, lets poetry which first by no means the human thought that but is "the article" or "the article".讲中国文学,最先让人想到的并非诗歌,而是“文”或“文章”。

37、He has two kinds of characteristics in the development history of Chinese symbolism poetry school:pioneer and floater .在中国象征主义诗歌的发展过程中,他身兼两种角色:开拓者和游离者。

38、Zhengmin, once studied abroad, had been deeply influenced by western modernism in her early creations.留学西方的郑敏先生,在早期的诗歌创作中曾经深受西方现代主义的影响。

39、The influence of metaphysics on poems can be traced back to the Wei and Jin dynasties, when metaphysics coming in- to being.玄学对诗歌的影响可上推至魏晋之际玄学初起之时。

40、Some of the unique characteristics of Kyrgyz culture could be found from the art pieces and poems.吉尔吉斯文化中一些特征可以从艺术品残片和诗歌中发现。

41、And I think it's possible to see that one of the purposes of this poem is precisely to correct that situation.我们可以看到他这首诗歌的目的之


42、You can think about Crane's images of the Brooklyn Bridge in this course that abandoned woodpile that some worker has left in the poem called "The Woodpile."你可以想一想,在我们课程中,克兰诗中的布鲁克林大桥,那被抛弃的木柴堆,在诗歌“柴垛“中一些工人放弃的柴垛

43、Oftentimes they are a collective memory, but I was the only one who chose to move them into poetry.它们常常是一种集体的记忆,但我是唯一一个把它们变成诗歌的人。

44、These different language styles show the value of Dai Wang-shu's poems language style.这些独具特色的语言风格,充分展示了戴望舒诗歌语言独特的艺术价值。

45、This impact, looming in his poetry, formed a unique aesthetic style and cultural connotations.这种影响在王维的诗歌中若隐若现,形成了别具特色的美学风格和人文内涵。

46、This is because: on the one hand, Li He's unique style of poetry itself has a very high artistic value;这是因为:一方面,李贺风格独特的诗歌本身具有极高的艺术价值;

47、In this thesis, the author makes a tentative and more comprehensive study of poetry translator's subjectivity.在文中,作者对诗歌译者的主体性进行了一次较为全面的尝试性研究。

48、It's not poets who are crowned with gold as they learn the song no other men could learn.不是那些颁予金冠冕的诗人,因为他们学的歌是其他人无法学的。

49、Susan Bassnett s theory of "transplanting the seed" can be served as the guidance to the translation of poetry.巴斯内特的“种子移植”理论,对诗歌翻译有着一定的指导意义。

50、Finally what to need to be pointed out is, this article impenetrate with the thinking of nationality and poetry, the ultimate attention is the modern spallation of national poem.最后需要指出的是,本文以对民族性和诗性的思考贯穿全文,最终的落脚点却在民族诗歌的现代蜕变这一点上。

经典英文句子51:诗歌,51、Furthermore, based on this understanding, we can recognize the rich meanings and levels of style of Jian'an poems.进而,可以此为基础认定建安诗歌中的“风”与“骨”的丰富内涵层次。

52、It's the same desire for some kind of sacrificial substitution that, I think, is fueling the poem's ending.这和为诗歌最后的结尾火上浇油的,牺牲性的替代是毫无差别的。

53、Poetry is, in Frost, an encounter between fact and desire: what we want and what is.诗歌,对弗罗斯特来说,是一种事实和渴望的相遇:,我们想要的和它本身。

54、Under the collision of Eastern and Western cultures, the poet Wai-lim Yip experienced from the exile, the dislocation to searched, and the return process, which manifested in his poetry.在东西文化碰撞中,诗人叶维廉经历了从放逐、错位到寻觅、回归的过程,这些体现在他的诗歌中;


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