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关于”简单句的基本句型“的英语句子26个,句子主体:basic sentence patterns of simple sentences。以下是关于简单句的基本句型的专业英语句子。

英文句子模板1:basic sentence patterns of simple sentences


1、Web Services Business Process Execution Language, version

2.0 (WS-BPEL

2.0 or



2、The complexity and difficulty in proving equation or inequation are reduced effectively through establishing suitable probability models.

一句话: 尽管西安新厂被放行,但比亚迪需要在基本面上下更多苦功夫才能回归高增长轨道。

3、Bottom line : Despite a positive step in its stalled Shaanxi mega-plant, BYD needs to focus on basics to restart its growth trajectory.


4、From the most basic image editing to more complex projects, GIMP handles just about anything I throw at it.


5、Psychologists and sociologists, with their dumbed-down , simplistic models, seem especially incompetent at understanding our nature.


6、With microwave technology, microelement amino acid chelates can be rapidly synthesized, which has no pollution and low cost.

由于它只占用很少的内存,并提供了简单的开发方法,因此成为了开发和运行 Web 应用程序的最快速、最简单的方法之

7、Because of it's small footprint and easy deployment methods, it is one of the fastest and easiest ways to get a Web application up and running -- literally in minutes.

一 —— 基本上只需要几分钟的时间。



9 shows how to define the connection parameters so that the SQL statements run in-line.

9 显示了如何定义连接参数,以便 SQL 语句嵌套运行。

计算行的总数就是在 len(s) 语句中返回的清单元素的数量。

9、Counting the total number of lines is simply the number of elements in the list returned with the len(s) statement.


10、China is still some way off the cirrhosis death rates seen in Britain or Japan.


11、Simple Scriptable Wizard that lets you perform an undo several times.


12、However, anyone who adopts this model can tell you that it is not straightforward, and it requires proper governance and infrastructure support.


13、It is possible to guess the type using different techniques, but for the sake of simplicity, we'll stick with the name-based guess.


14、As to rule based method, it is implemented through observing and studying the characteristics of the contexts of ambiguating English word and giving the rules of disambiguation;


15、Some basic knowledge about QCD is introduced at first, such as the chiral symmetry and the large N(C) expansion in QCD.


16、Tags essentially consist of a plain antenna bonded to a silicon chip and encapsulated inside a glass or plastic module.


17、These calculations also indicate that the dimer structure is a reasonable model for the associated molecules of methane- sulfonic acid in the liquid phase.


18、A very effective technique is also proposed to infer the model order and time delay from the observed data.


19、In other words, he actually meant to suggest is that entire novel are fictional product.


20、That the subject of essential music made up by two parts: basic music theory as well as solfeggio & ear training.

21、The last time he taught it, the final time he taught it, he never got beyond the first sentence, ? "I went down to the Piraeus." What does it mean?但上次上课时,也是他最后一次讲这门课时,他根本没离开过第一句,“我南降皮里亚斯“,这句意思为何?

22、Then it gave the formula to definite sample size of combination standard deviation random sampling with replacement and sampling without replacement.在此基础上,给出了组合标准差放回和无放回简单随机抽样样本容量的确定公式。

23、Flat rate payment is one of major payment methods since it has lower run cost and easy to auditing and operate.定额结算因其审核结付方便,简单易行,管理成本低而成为目前我国基本医疗保险的主要结算方式之

24、Furthermore, the status of new developed photo-curable PU-silicone was also discussed.并对新型光固化型有机硅改性聚氨酯涂料的研究进行了简单介绍。

25、The electrode is characterized by simplicity of preparation, lower cost, easy batch production and miniaturization, and applicability in severe conditions.电极制作简单,成本低廉,易于成批生产和微型化,具有可在严酷条件下使用的特点;

英文句子26:,26、Programming model simplicity -- no special API just for calling rules.编程模型简单——不需要使用特殊 API 调用规则。

27、Vehicle Routing problem(VRP)model is constituted for single distribution center on the base of actual request, which meet basic limit condition.在考虑实际需求的基础上,建立了单配送中心的配载车辆调度模型,满足基本的约束条件。

28、The Basic Law Unit of the Legal Policy Division is responsible for the editorial work of the Bulletin.法律政策科基本法组负责《 基本法简讯》的编纂校订工作。

29、Introduce the wild animals in Hei longjiang ?简介黑龙江省野生动物的基本状况?

30、Our article simply introduces the clinical feature and epidemiology of TPP, and reports the possible correlative predisposing genes of TPP.本文简单介绍了TPP的临床特征和流行病学,报告了与其可能相关的易感基因。

31、Consider that last sentence: “Indeed, tighter, punchier prose will improve the quality of your exposition.”看刚才最后一句话:“精简有力的文章确实能够提高表达能力(Indeed, tighter, punchier prose will improve the quality of your exposition)”。

32、The article introduces the exploitation of the antistatic fabric used in light conveyer and the problems must be noticed in twisting and weaving.本文简单介绍了抗静电轻型帆布的开发,以及在捻线、织布过程应注意的问题。

33、The other day bought a new notebook, above all tagged with a non-mainstream, there are only a small part of the inclusion of a few monotonous, friends saw that I was crazy.前些天买了本新的笔记本,在上面全贴上了非主流,只是有极少的一部分夹杂着几句单调的话,朋友们看了说我是疯子。

34、Afterword, it discussed the basis theory and method. In chapter IV , a new method of eyes location is provided.然后对一些基本理论作了简单的介绍,紧接着对人脸定位的方法做了全面的论述。

35、The more basic the emotions involved, says Chordia, the less listeners want to feel like that someone is simply pushing a button.Chordia说,情感参与地越基本,就会有越少的听众想感觉成只是有人简单按了一个键。

36、In the second chapter, at the base of the theory of the BOT, this article explains the reason why we choose the BOT Project Finance in the apartment for the gray-headed .本文第二章在简单介绍BOT项目融资基本理论的基础上,解释了采用BOT项目融资方式建设老年公寓的动因。

37、A lot of technical terms have become the focus of many grammarians study, so has been the relation between sentence and reading.《马氏文通》(以下简称《文通》)的句读问题一直是人们研究和争论的焦点。

38、The basic unit of heredity;是构成遗传的基本单位;

39、The principle of phase-measuring profilometry (PMP) is introduced briefly.简要介绍了相位法的基本原理。

40、You'll know what you lack after learning. You'll know what you are confused with after teaching. …“学然后知不足,教然后知困”这句英译本中的翻译?

41、The way to turn the optical path of a small stereomicroscope (XTX) and the technology to duplicate the angle-mirror are briefly related.本文简单地叙述了小型体视显徽镜(XTX)光路转折的方法和角镜复制的工艺。

42、The electric door operator box has the advantages of simplifying the structure of the electric door and being more convenient in assembly, disassembly and maintenance.本实用新型的优点在于开门机结构简单,装配拆卸维 修更加方便。

43、In a short version, the big difference between those two versions is that they exhibits different translation feature: Ku's version is comparatively easy to understand, while Legge's scholarly.简单说来,两译本的差别在于其不同的译本特色:辜译相对而言较容易理解,而Legge译则为学者型。

44、Some historical figures' image is almost entirely monochromatic, black and white, in other words.一些历史人物的形象几乎完全是色调单一的,或者换句话说,只有黑白色。

45、Simplicity is a basic principle of UI design.简洁 是界面设计的一条基本准则。

46、One circle blade can represent one family of continuous curvature profile by performance , and is easy and effective for thin blade designing.单圆弧叶型气动性能可以代表具有连续曲率的一族叶型的气动性能。它构造方法简单,适用于薄板叶型设计。

47、There is no easy way to test your metamodels, so the best option is trial and error until the model (based on the metamodel you have built) closely matches what you envisioned.不存在用于测试元模型的简单方法,因此最好的选项是反复试验,直到该模型(基于已构建的元模型)与预想的结果密切匹配。

48、We will find time to enjoy the world music, as the baptism of the spirit.我们都会抽空欣赏世界名曲,作为对精神的洗礼。 本论文设计一个基于单片机的简易电子琴。

49、On the other hand, you know, let's be honest here, we also know the expression, " "Misery loves company."另一方面,老实说,我们都知道有句话说,“祸不单行“

50、Gray forecast model could be made good use of by reflecting changes in land use structure and the speed of trends in a stable land-use policy. It's easy to apply and based on data for less.应用灰色模型预测土地利用结构变化,在稳定的土地利用政策下,预测结果基本能反映土地利用结构变化的速度与趋势,且计算较为简单,所需基础数据较少。

经典英文句子51:简单句的基本句型,51、Glass with low hydroxyl group content prepared by the technology of the invention has the advantages of low costs, simplicity and easy operation, prominent de-watering effects and the like.本发明工 艺制备的低羟基含量玻璃,具有成本低廉、简单易行、除水效果显著等特点。

52、An easy and applicable improved mechanical design is suggested to solve the mechanical disadvantages of some types of the present super-mini underwater robots.基于目前部分超小型水下机器人机械部分的不足之处,提出了简单易行的改进方案。

53、To switch from forms-based authentication to Basic authentication, you must first turn off forms-based authentication, and then, as a separate task, turn on Basic authentication.若要从基于表单的身份验证切换到基本身份验证,必须先禁用基于表单的身份验证,然后作为单独的任务启用基本身份验证。

54、After some talk I know that these students all major in Finace or Economics or Bussiness, and some of them are seniors while most are sophomores.小谈几句我便知道了,这些学生基本上都是财税、经济、贸易专业,多数是xx年级学生,也有一些大四的。

55、Evidencing the relative courier receipt, the copy of fax or email, and Beneficiary's statement to this effect must accompany the documents presented for negotiation.我对这句话的理解是:证明相关快递收据、邮件或传真副本以及受益人的声明必须随同提交的议付单据一起发送。

56、The mechanism, structure characteristics and technical parameters of flywheel micro grinder (Model KWF - 500) were introduced in this article.本文简单介绍了KWF—500型飞轮式微粉碎机的粉碎机理、结构特点、技术参数等情况。

57、Only one cloudy sky photo have been taken as I didn't have time taking photos.今天未有时间影相,单是粗略地观赏展品已花了三句半小时。

58、The basic unit of organization was the individual trooper.冲锋队建制的基本单位是单个士兵。

59、Based on the oblique-line algorithms principle, the authors present oblique-line algorithms generating straight line, circle and ellipse. The main results are all given in recursions.根据斜线插补算法的基本原理推导出了直线、圆及椭圆等基本曲线的生成算法,其主要结果均以形式简单,实用性强的递推公式得出。


标签: 简单

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