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关于”中的谓语“的英语句子43个,句子主体:predicates in。以下是关于中的谓语的考研英语句子。

英文句子模板1:predicates in


1、In modem Chinese appellation ways, one of the spouses talking with other relatives, usually refers to their spouses from the listener' appellation viewpoint.


2、Kinship term is a kind of language phenomenon.


3、In most districts, or cantons, the most commonly spoken language is a variation of German called Schwyzertutsch (meaning Swiss German)


4、The language-based literature is a type of literature based on one of languages and their scripts .


5、Those research values in language, culture and pragmatics are very greatness.


6、In a feedback oscillator the negative resistance will be evident only as an alternating current parameter of the circuit .


7、The variables to which the obligatory participants in the scene correspond in the dictionary definitions or in the metalanguage definitions is called the semantic valence of the predicate.

如果您希望自定义或扩展预定义的谓词集,则谓词集语法非常重要;而如果您希望自定义 XSLT 映射文件,则参数化谓词语法非常重要。

8、The verb set syntax is important if you want to customize or extend the predefined verb set, whereas the parameterized verb syntax is important if you want to customize XSLT mapping files.


9、If you want to change the definition of the word order, can be described as Dry is a folly.


10、So write the so called source code which is in a specific language.


11、The act of producing a meaningful linguistic expression is called locutionary act .


12、Difference between Chinese and Uyghur addressing term detailed reflected translation in Uyghur of "A Dream of Red Mansions".


13、Predicate Calculus language of the traditional semantic component of the mathematical logic of a very rich branch.


14、It is on the language use and interpretation that rhetoric and pragmatics converge.


15、This article had a considerable research on the Addressing terms in the Book of Song Dynasty.


16、When a non-verb predicate sentence is turned into English, there must be a verb in it, which complies with the implicit feature of Chinese language and the explicit feature of English language.


17、They got the machine tool repaired in no time.


18、Lastly, discuss the generalization problem of Chinese and koren kinship terms.


19、Do Japanese auxiliary and Chinese preposition correspond to each other in the grammar?


20、Analyzing the achievement of the name research and combining the folk custom culture with the language main body, the "mother" name's evolution in the Putian dialect has been described.

21、In two-valued predicate logic a class of special interpretations of first language with nonempty finite domains is introduced.在二值谓词逻辑中引入了一阶语言的一类特殊解释,该类解释中的解释域取为非空有限集。

22、In address term, the appellation is deeply influenced by traditional culture, which carries rich and profound cultural connotation.称谓语中,对人的称谓深受传统文化的影响,它承载着丰富、深厚的文化内涵。

23、Profound food culture has a great influence of Chinese Vocabulary. There are many diet-related vocabulary. I found in the teaching process that students interested in them.博大精深的饮食文化对汉语言语汇的影响可谓巨大,与饮食有关的语汇处处可见,笔者在教学过程中发现,留学生对此类语汇很感兴趣。

24、For each predicate in the query, Query Tuner adds statistics annotations for the referenced columns in the predicate and also the cost estimation for the predicate对于查询中的每个谓词,Query Tuner 为谓词中的引用行和谓词的成本评估添加了统计数据注释

25、French it may be said is the " of " big language in " of " small language, outer language kind one's deceased father important place is had all the time in grinding.法语可谓是“小语种”中的“大语种”,在外语类考研中一直占有重要地位。

英文句子26:,26、The overstep-appellation in the Lao Qida and Piao Tongshi can be classified as official name that is demoted and relative appellation is externalized.《老乞大》、《朴通事》中的“越位”称谓语包括官职称谓的降用和亲属尊长称谓的外化。

27、The present thesis compares kinship terms and social address terms in Chinese and English, and discusses how to achieve functional equivalence in C-E and E-C translation.对汉英语的亲属称谓语和社交称谓语进行了对比,探讨了如何在英汉互译中实现功能等值。

28、Therefore, full awareness as well as good understanding of the social and cultural roots behind them will contribute to proper translation of personal appellations on the level of pragmatic equival…因此,了解汉英称谓的差异以及差异背后的社会文化根源有助于我们从语用对等的层面正确地翻译称谓语。

29、Translation consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source language, first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style.所谓翻译,是在译语中用最切近的自然的对等语再现原语的信息,首先是意义,其次是文体。

30、Korean grammar points is complicated, many beginners were dashed to grammar knowledge into the dizzy brain expansion.韩国语的语法点可谓纷繁复杂,许多初学者被迎面冲来的语法知识击得头晕脑胀。

31、Two years later they bought Warsaw-based Uroda toiletries.两年后,他们又并购了谓语华沙的乌诺达化妆品公司。

32、Is, you can have the is of predication and the is of identity.是,你可以用是表示谓语,表示身份。

33、"A Dream of Red Mansions" as the Chinese classic, which use many people in here, the addressing terms used by a very rich.《红楼梦》作为中国古典名著,其中人物繁多,所使用的称谓语非常丰富。

34、Some C-E translations of university title appellation terms were compared and the chaotic situation of present translation was found out.本文将搜集到的一些汉语校园头衔称谓语的翻译进行对比发现了校园头衔称谓翻译的混乱。

35、Translating consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source language message, first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style.所谓翻译,是指在译语中用最切近而又自然的对等语再现原语的信息,首先在语义上,其次在文体上。

36、The followings of Steve Jobs office sayings are introduced by the media to China.以下就是中国媒体引荐给中国民众的所谓“乔布斯语录”。

37、Your duty is to look after the sick child.你的责任是非谓语动词的用法照料这个病孩。

38、The predicate must be defined in a vocabulary, so it is associated with the namespace URI of the vocabulary.谓语 必须在词汇表中定义,以便它与词汇表的名称空间 URI 关联。

39、I used to be self- abased in my English because I didn't have a clear sense of grammar in my mind, and I always did poorly in my exam.我曾经在高中时候英语水平处班级中等,对所谓的语法是一头雾水,考试成绩也很不理想。

40、At the same time points out Argot Literature has the nature of argot.指出所谓隐语文学指的是具有隐语性质的文学。

41、First, the discourse in the new tradition of modern literary theory is basically different from "inability to say" in literary theory's "aphasia".第一,现代文论新传统所谓的“话语”与文论“失语症”所说的“失语”有着本质的不同。

42、One guy tried to pick me up using something he called “the muffle voice.一个哥们用他所谓的“腹语”,想跟我搭讪。

43、This kind of false certification and false attainments falls under the behavior of 'major reckless speech.此种未证谓证‘未得谓得,是属于大妄语的行为。

44、A reference to an XSLT verb mapping file, which translates the parameterized verbs into the plug-in specific staff query language.一个到 XSLT 谓词映射文件的引用,该引用将参数化谓词转换为特定于插件的人员查询语言。

45、Relative relationship exists widely in human society, and correspondently kinship terms, terms that mark this kind of relationship, become a common component of nearly all languages.亲属关系是人类社会中普遍存在的一种人际关系,相应地标记这种关系的亲属称谓语也就成为世界上每一种语言中都具有的语言成分。

46、It is applied in the Chinese language in specific variants, characterized by their respective locutionary meanings and sinicizing the address form of foreign origins.姓名称谓在汉语表达中常以其特定的变称形式出现,且每种变称形式都各有其表意特色,外来语姓名称谓也受此影响而“汉化”。

47、Words with same morpheme but opposite refers to two-syllable compound word, which are a group of words the same morpheme and the morpheme-order against each other.所谓同素异序词,指的是双音节复合词中,构词语素相同且语素序位互逆的一组词。

48、It is called the Diski after a local term for football.这就是所谓的Diski后,当地的足球术语。

49、Nearly one-fifth of the Chinese verbs are translated into English non-predicate verbs; 接近五分之一的动词译为非谓语动词;


50、The concept of language sense is ' understandable yet indescribable in SLA.在二语习得中,语感这一概念可谓“可意会不可言传”。

经典英文句子51:中的谓语,51、Happenning to coincide, Yangzhou School is at the height of the development of traditional Chinese linguistics.不约而同的是,中国传统语言学发展到扬州学派也可谓鼎盛。

52、In 1998, PanFan, in an assay entitled as On Extensive Use of Addresses of Relations, talked about the characteristics and causes of extensive use of kin terms in Chinese.xx年,潘攀先生在《论亲属称谓语的泛化》一文中详细阐述了亲属称谓语泛化的特点及原因。

53、This book helped to inspire so-called ordinary language philosophy.此著催生所谓日常语言哲学。

54、Here is an is as a predication.这里的是是谓语。

55、The old man can neither see nor hear.那老人既看不见,也听不见。(连接谓语)

56、By the early 20th century, many reformers felt that it would not be possible for China toprogress unless its written language was brought into harmony至20世纪初,许多改革者感到,如果没有与口语匹配的书面语言,所谓进步是不可能在中国实现的。

57、And this is called a "Pidgin," P-I-d-g-I-n, a pidgin.这就是所谓的"混杂语言"

58、The writing and realization of Cantonese music was undertaken in the context of the search for a "national music".当时粤乐的创作和实践活动,更是在一个探索何谓“国乐”的大语境中进行的。

59、Translation consists in producing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent to the message of the source language, first in meaning , and secondly in style.尤金?奈达说:“所谓翻译,是指从语义到文体在译语中用最切近而又最自然的对等语再现原语的信息。”

60、There is a tendency that the substantive can be shifted to the predicate in modern Chinese word-class.通过对现代汉语词类活用的分析发现,汉语词类活用中存在体词谓词化的倾向。

61、An image refers to a mental picture or an idea suggesting further meanings and association that are used in the reader's mind by the use of language.所谓意象,指的是在语言的使用过程中,语言使用者在脑中所形成的心象、观念或由此引发的意义或者联想。

62、Architecturally, Eclipse consists of a small run-time layer that hosts a number of functional modules, or "plug-ins," in Eclipse terminology.在架构上,Eclipse 由一个小运行时层构成,其中包含许多功能模块或 Eclipse 术语中所谓的 “插件”。

63、One specific aspect of situational use of language is that of address term usage.语言的情景使用的一个特殊方面是称谓语的使用。

64、Each child element (such as ) represents a predicate.每个子元素(比如 )代表一个谓语。

65、Appellations of academic research attention focused on the day-to-day language we use and the description of military appellation somewhat overlooked.对于称谓语研究,大家关注的焦点集中在日常语言运用上,而对军旅生活中的称谓语比较忽视。

66、A legitimate expression of the predicate calculus. That is, it is acceptable under the predicate calculus' syntax.一个合法的谓词演算表达式,即谓词演算语法所允许的公式。

67、In social communication, people often use the same titles to greet each other.社会交际用语中存在着一种现象,即用亲属称谓语称呼不具有亲属关系的人。

68、This so-called 'love' has become like a mantra: open sesame.这种所谓的“爱”像咒语一样:芝麻开门。

69、Furthermore, it is a basis for understanding and studying the concepts such as explicating and valence.同时,深刻理解和研究显义,也是理解话语交际中的显谓、配价等概念的基础。

70、The second chapter in this book for the adjective predicate sentences.第二章《尚书·周书》的形容词性谓语。

71、Kinship terminology is one of the important research subjects in anthropological linguistics. Every people's kinship terminology has its own characteristics and also mirrors its culture.亲属称谓语是人类语言学研究的一个重要课题,各民族的亲属称谓语有自身的特点,而且能反映本族文化。

72、For example, in nine years(1953-1962), China increased life expectancy by 譬如, 在xx年(1953~1962)的时间里, 中国人均寿命就增加了xx岁。(谓语动词增加或减少的数量)

13 years.

73、So I guess he is what they call "natural late talker".所以我猜他是他们所谓的“语迟者”。

74、Last night we students in senior joined an English Corner with three foreign teachers called Matt, Charlie and Jaclyn.昨天晚上我们有“英语角”的活动,所谓的“英语角”就是和外教对话。

75、So I advocate so-called 'Xiaocheng English'.所以,我提倡所谓的' 小乘英语'。

英文句子模板76:predicates in,76、My current English teacher is the luckily dog.或:My English teacher is the luckily dog.(仅变谓语动词的时态)

77、This includes the use of swear-words, bad language and offensive nicknames.这些包括诅咒的词语、脏话和无礼的称谓。

78、The following three aspects of self-reference of kinship terms in modern Chinese have been dealt with: semantic categories, expressive functions and translation strategies.借鉴前人亲属称谓语自称的研究,本文对亲属称谓语自称的语义类别、表达功能及其翻译策略三个方面进行了考察。

79、And hermeneutically, in terms of Paul Ricoeur, "discourse is an event of language".从诠释学的意义上说,这正是保罗•利科所谓的“话语即语言的事件”。



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