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关于”形容的优美“的英语句子55个,句子主体:Beautiful description.。以下是关于形容的优美的初三英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Beautiful description.


1、The music sounds, in the hall, beautiful beyond any description.” (Forsyth, 1985)


2、Define your perfect self in adjectives that are measurable and obtainable.


3、The beauty of the lake is beyond describing.


4、It not only elaborates on the relation between content beauty and form beauty, but also innovatively discusses the important role of form beauty in expressing ideas.


5、Objective:To sum up the experience of using skin expanding technique in aesthetic plastic surgery.


6、The top of hill snow landscape's beauty is matchless, but that kind of the beauty can use horrifying to describe.


7、I exhausted all the words you can not describe the beauty。


8、Objective: To investigate the craniofacial characteristics and aesthetics of Tibetan youth for studying physical anthropology, aesthetics and plastics surgery.

这都体现在他的几篇重要著作中,例如“形式美”、“抽象美”、“意境美”、“形式决定内容”、“ 人体美”等内容。

9、This all embodies in his several important works, such as"form beauty", "abstract beauty", "beauty of artistic conception", "form decides the content"and"physical beauty", etc.


10、A great many people describe the red wines of Margaux as the most elegant, female-oriented wines, permeated with intoxicating flower fragrance and silky smoothness.

11、You should not miss the Great Wall. 你不要错过长城。


12、The spectacle was so dazzlingly beautiful that it beggared description.


13、Facelifts are now second only in popularity among men to nose jobs (rhinoplasty) which at 993 is up




14、Its contribution is increasingly significant as people currently expect to return Nature and favor the green beauty.


15、The scenery of Jiuzhaigou is beautiful beyond description.


16、The word that seems to fit most exactly this feeling of resonance, this sympathetic vibration between inside and outside, is beauty.


17、The contents discussed in the third chapter is form of present-day trademark:

1, content and form of trademark;



18、Fish sinking and birds alighting, a description of the stunning beauty of a woman.


19、Chinese aesthetics is a metaphysical aesthetics, and performance is based on the unity of form and emotional content of a unified concept, which united in the "elephant."


20、Outstanding book design should appropriately embodies the combination of content and form organically, which is an unification of beauty from content and form.

21、The merits of complex method and its application to optimum design of cylinder under superhigh pressure are discussed.本文概略地介绍了复形法的优点及其在超高压容器优化设计中的应用。

22、Beauty indications comprehensive solution: According to customer demand, customized beauty solutions to the most optimum combination to create the most value for customers.美容适应症综合解决方案:针对客户需求,量身定制美容解决方案,以最优化组合为客户创造最大价值。

23、The scenery is beautiful beyond description.那里的风景美得非笔墨可形容。

24、Many of China's triumphs went beyond excellence.很多中国运动员的凯旋不仅仅应该用优秀来形容。

25、Every moment some form grows perfect in hand or face;每一刻,双手之中、面容之上的某种形态渐现完美;

英文句子26:,26、Objective To enrich the morphological basis for anthropology and clinical cosmetology.目的为临床下肢美容术及人类形态 学积累 资料。

27、Music is not only of art excellence but also moral excellence in the content.音乐作为一种艺术,除了形式上的艺术美外,还有内容上的道德美。

28、Tummy tucks, rhinosplasty and other surgical procedures can cost thousands of dollars more than nonsurgical measures, and they require a longer recovery.腹部整形、鼻部整形和其他手术美容的花费可比非手术美容多出数千美元,而且也需要有一个更长的恢复期。

29、The teachers' good words are harmonious unity of content and form in education and teaching.教师语言美是教育教学内容美和形式美的和谐统

30、Because of this fish have gorgeous color , Swim beautiful and feed easyly, people form different countries all like them very much.它因为体色斑斓艳丽、体形优美高雅、泳姿轻悠飘逸、饲养繁殖容易而备受各国人民所喜爱。

31、As aesthetic sessions increasingly go organic or employ traditional remedies, women at the "Beauty World Japan" exhibition this week lined up to try acupuncture, long known for its health advantages.如今美容界越来越推崇有机美容和传统美 容法。 上周在日本举办的“美丽世界美容展”上,女性朋友们纷纷排队尝试针灸美容。

32、It is important factor that affects anterior dental aesthetic restoration.无继发龋及牙龈炎形成,是影响前牙美容修复中的重要因素。

33、The beauty of that country is more than I can describe.我无法用言语形容那乡村的景色之美。

34、The esthetics concepts, the categories and the adjectives originate from the comments on the personality enjoys.美的概念、范畴、形容词,发源于由人格美的评赏。

35、Sugar and spice and everything nice. That's what little girls are made of, right?甜蜜,芬芳,一切美好的形容词,大概就是用来形容小女孩的吧?

36、She has the beauty that beggars description.她的美貌绝非笔墨所能形容。

37、Mercds turned her eyes with an ineffable look towards heaven.美塞苔丝带着一种难以形容的神情抬头望天。

38、She runs up the stairs with a light graceful step. 她举止优雅。

39、"Words like distinguished, refined and dignified are regularly used to describe older men," Bob Michaels, Synovate spokesman, said in a statement.思纬公司的发言人鲍勃•迈克尔在一份声明中称:“人们常用优秀、优雅、高贵这些字眼来形容年长的男士。”

40、Iker has always been a good goalie, but this season he has been supernatural.伊克尔(卡西)一直是名优秀的门将,而他在本赛季的表现只能用神奇来形容。

41、Prioritisation of ads vs content.对于广告的优化大于对内容的优化。

42、It argues the beautiful form and the beauty in form that what make people confused.并对容易使人产生混淆的美的形式和形式美进行了辩析。

43、Describing someone as average-looking is rarely seen as a compliment.形容哪个人长着一张“大众脸”很少被看作赞美。

44、Objective To explore the application of hairs in ophthalmic cosmetology.目的探索人发取代其它缝线在眼部美容整形中的应用。

45、Its beautiful tree figure and fleshy red aril make it perfect for a gardening plant.它优美的树形、鲜艳的红色假种皮使其非常适合于园艺。

46、At the same time, it summarizes the proir alignment of the trend verb as an adjective complement.同时还总结了趋向动词作形容词补语能力的优势序列。

47、Joe: But your beauty transcends words. I adore you.乔:但你的美貌非笔墨可形容,我爱慕你。

48、The scenery there was beautiful beyond description.那儿的风景美得难以形容。

49、Good food and wine are sometimes called sublime.有时,美酒佳肴会用“sublime”来形容。

50、The scenery is too wonderful to describe.景色美的难以形容。

经典英文句子51:形容的优美,51、This is the harness into which Mother must strap herself in order to display that perfect figure.这就是母亲为了展示她的优美体形所使用的束带。

52、I think she is a hottie. 所谓的 hottie就是指那种很辣的辣妹,穿著打扮各方面都非常地时髦。

53、Hey, look at the chick over there. Chick这个词代表的就是女孩子,它念起来就像是chicken 前面的几个音。


1)For the cosmetic purpose, cosmetic CL is the first choice for the leukoma patient. It is convenient, not expensive, safety and effective.

55、Objective To enrich the morphological basis for anthropology and clinical cosmetology .摘要目的为临床下肢美容术及人类形态学积累资料。

56、Expert proposal, do cosmetic begin prior to must set up the correct hairdressing mentality, otherwise is likely the loss outweights the gain.专家倡议,做美容整形前,首先要树立正确的美容心态,否则极有可能得失相当。

57、Plastic. Stria thorn. Beauty equipment, materials products.整形。 纹刺。美容美体设备,材料产品。

58、Beautiful is a serious and approving description, suggesting elegance and perfection.是个有分量的、表示赞许的形容词,含有高雅和完美的意思。


标签: 优美

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