倾盆大雨用英语怎么说 倾盆大雨英语翻译

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倾盆大雨用英语怎么说 倾盆大雨英语翻译

倾盆大雨通常被翻译为" downpour"的意思,在日常中也可以翻译为"downpour heavy rain a flood torrent of rain a heavy downpour a pounding continuous torrent rain cats and dogs cloudburst drencher",在《荷林斯英英小词典》中,共找到98个与倾盆大雨相关的短语翻译和用法。


1. downpour

倾盆大雨翻译为 downpour 。

示例:顶着倾盆大雨走三英里路,我可不认为是好玩的事。 Walking three miles in the pouring rain is not my idea of fun.


2. downpour heavy rain a flood torrent of rain a heavy downpour a pounding continuous torrent rain cats and dogs cloudburst drencher

倾盆大雨翻译为downpour heavy rain a flood torrent of rain a heavy downpour a pounding continuous torrent rain cats and dogs cloudburst drencher。

示例:暴风雨和倾盆大雨造成了全国的交通混乱。 The storms and torrential rain caused traffic chaos across the country.


3. Cloudburst

倾盆大雨翻译为 Cloudburst 。

示例:这是一个暴风雨之夜,下着倾盆大雨,刮着强风。 It had been a night of stormy weather, with torrential rain and high winds.



1. downpour(倾盆大雨


2. drencher(倾盆大雨

3. pouring rain(倾盆大雨)

4. rain in torrents(倾盆大雨)

5. ingravidated( 倾盆大雨)

英语短语&俚语, rain cats and dogs it rains cats and dogs pour Rain Pitchforks ( 下倾盆大雨 )

du bist der gro&szlig e regen du bist der groe regen ( 你是倾盆大雨 )

torrential downpours/rains rains torrential downpours (倾盆大雨 )

torrential ( 倾盆大雨的 )

In pouring rain ( 和倾盆大雨 )

Commonwealth cats World downpour Cruising world ( 天下倾盆大雨 )

It pours ( 我看下的是倾盆大雨 )

torrential downpour ( 急剧的倾盆大雨 )

In pouring rain ( 在倾盆大雨中 )


1. Japan is no stranger to heavy downpours during the early summer rainy season.


2. For two days it was like being in the sea. Really.


3. Blistering heat in the morning, rained all afternoon.

译文:- 你记得! 上午暴热,下午一直下着倾盆大雨.。

4. Sprinkles at first, then a downpour.


5. They gather over the forest until, finally they burst.

译文:水汽逐渐集结在森林上空 直到... 汇成倾盆大雨。

6. These downpours are really unusual.

译文:这些倾盆大雨真的非常不寻常。 。

7. The sudden downpour put a chill into the picnickers.

译文:突然落下的倾盆大雨使野餐的人感到扫兴。 。

8. Suddenly it began to rain heavily


9. And it had been raining for two weeks straight. Pouring.


10. - Well, it's really pouring, huh?


11. it's raining cats and dogs outsides.

译文:外面下着倾盆大雨。 。

12. He mails a ransom note in the pouring rain.


13. it was raining cats and dogs. We told him not to go, but he was as headstrong as a bull.


14. i'm not talking about regular rain, it was like torrential-downpour rain.

译文:我说的不是普通的雨哦 而是那种倾盆大雨。

15. it's raining, it's pouring.



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