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关于”比较通用“的英语句子51个,句子主体:more general。以下是关于比较通用的xx年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:more general


1、Its feasibility is discussed comparing with the tipping-bucket rain gauge.


2、The dosimetric data measured by silicon diode were evaluated compared with those by ionization chamber and in literature.


3、Design: A retrospective review of an osteoporosis screening protocol comparing QUS and DXA.


4、The up side is that this can work fairly well, an advantage of a more general purpose GPGPU chip.

因此可以对 Box 使用 extends 通配符,而对比较器使用 super 通配符。

5、So it makes sense to use an extends wildcard for the Box, but a super wildcard for the comparator.


6、The results have deminstrate that the Hausdorff fractal dimension is comparatively low and the space relation fractal dimension is high according to the ratio.


7、Methods Contrasting the group that uses reservoir and the group that doesn't use reservoir when setting sprue.


8、Returns distinct elements from a sequence by using the default equality comparer to compare values.


9、With a switched range meter, the 200 k position is usually suitable.


10、Tender and bidding is an universal, mature and scientific project contract mode.


11、There may be a special fork for the fish, or it may be similar to the meat fork. Often it is smaller.


12、Men's big men, usually act.


13、Finally, the main differences and the consistencies are illustrated by comparison.


14、However, permeable asphalt is best used in low traffic areas because it has a lower load-bearing capacity than conventional asphalt.


15、Late oesophageal strictures are usually severe.


16、As to Mutong spironolactone group and Mutong group, immunohistochemical index has statistical significance compared with each other before and after medicine_taking.


17、Chapter three accounts the guiding role of "international Chinese Teaching Universal curriculum" word, vocabulary and by comparing reveal links between them;


18、Uniform PCM and non-uniform PCM experimental comparison for communications students to do experiment.


19、The forming cutter can usually be used to process the orifice chamfering, but when the Chamfering radius is special, it is more difficult to use the traditional method to process.


20、The studies compared the blood-thinner unfractionated heparin to a placebo, or low-molecular-weight heparin with a placebo, or both types of heparin with each other.

21、Indirect importing is convenient but limited in selection of goods and less profit.通过间接进口比较便利,但商品的选择面较窄且利润较低。

22、Dark-sided Flycatchers often appear strongly "gorgeted".乌鹟通常看起来会有比较显眼的领圈。

23、Then it introduces the characteristics of legal education of higher vocational colleges, compared with law education, legal education of common universities and legal education on common citizens.然后通过与法学教育相比较、与普通高校法制教育相比较、与一般公民法制教育相比较,介绍高职法制教育的特点。

24、Comparing by calculation, the proposals on the scope of application of Colebrook formula are offered.通过计算比较,提出了柯列勃洛克公式的适用范围;

25、In the areas with high precipitation and low temperature, zero flux plane method is not fit for calculation of groundwater evapotranspiration and infiltration.在降雨量比较大或气温比较寒冷的地区,零通量面法就不适用于地下水蒸渗量的计算。

英文句子26:,26、There are well-trodden trails abroad, such as to Australia.通常有几个比较受欢迎的去处,比如澳大利亚。

27、A mechanism of competition between medical institutions and a market operating mechanism for medicine production and circulation have also been set up for "better medical service at lower cost."通过建立医疗机构之间的竞争机制和药品生产流通的市场运行机制, 努力 实现“用比较低廉的费用提供比较优质的医疗服务”的 目标。

28、By comparison, we find that the application area of WSN is narrower than the EPC's, the former is almost applied in the local and subtle area, but essential.通过比较,我们发现WSN的应用面较之EPC还是窄一点的,前者多应用在局部细微处,但其不可或缺。

29、Gender-neutral language is often appropriate.采用中性的语言通常是比较适当的。

30、Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and modulated differential scanning calorimetry (MDSC) are universal at present.比较通用的方法是差示扫描量热法(DSC)和调制式扫描量热法(MDSC)。

31、STUDENT: Comparing values?学生:用来比较值的么?

32、The horses were sent to the race place by the big trucks.由于是一个小型比赛所以比赛的马都是比较普通的马匹。

33、Determines whether a sequence contains a specified element by using the default equality comparer.通过使用默认的相等比较器确定序列是否包含指定的元素。

34、As compared with dormer windows, VELUX windows has better functions of ventilating and lighting.通过对斜屋顶窗与一般老虎窗比较,说明斜屋顶窗的良好通风采光作用。

35、This way has no heavy traffic and is faster.这条路交通不拥挤,比较快。

36、But they, measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves, are not wise" (他们用自己度量自己,用自己比较自己,乃是不通达的”(哥林多后书

2 Cor.



37、One-time pass rate is higher.一次性通过率比较高。

38、Besides, if viscidity of the liquid is high, high-viscosity solenoid valves are favorable.如果流通液体的粘度比较高,就要选用高粘度电磁阀;

39、By comparison, Net.Data requires a function to be created using the DTW_SQL language environment.通过比较,Net.Data 要求使用 DTW_SQL 语言环境创建函数。

40、This was " Hinayana ", which means a vehicle of lesser energy, but is more user-friendly and easily accepted by the general public.意指一种能量较小,但是使用起来比较方便顺手的交通工具,可以为一般人接受者。

41、Chapter 第六章比较二者的艺术风格,重点比较作品的通俗性特征。

6 is the comparison of the two writers' writing style, focusing on popularity comparison.

42、ObjectiveTo compare the effect of the normal frequency jet ventilation with the high frequency jet ventilation in suspension laryngoscopy.比较常频通气与高频通气在支撑喉镜手术前应用效果。

43、This method is not browser-specific and is therefore the preferred implementation.这种方式是各种浏览器通用的,所以是比较好的实现。

44、"The first labour is usually protracted, " the nurse said.护士说:“初产通常时间比较长。”

45、Using the standard C string functions or your favorite string library, compare the common name and the host name.使用标准的 C 字符串函数或您习惯使用的字符串库对通用名和主机名进行比较。

46、As a rule, big houses are always draughty.一般说来,大房子总是比较通风的。

47、It can be obtained the trace to the source of large direct current with self-balancing DC comparator through self-calibration circuit, addition circuit, compare circuit and multiplication circuit etc.介绍了用自平衡比较仪通过自校、加法、比较和乘法等校准线路实现直流大电流量值的绝对溯源。

48、For example, you may conduct customer visits or ethnographic research and uncover some unmet needs.比如说,你可能通过用户访问或是种族研究(译注:这个比较西方,中国没什么种族的问题)发现了一些潜藏的用户需求。

49、Single earner households are less common.独身者赚得家庭是比较不通常。

50、By comparing the two we finally find a suitable ellipse fitting method for the environment of sea.通过比较找出一种适用于海洋环境的椭圆拟合方法。

经典英文句子51:比较通用,51、About carrier channel, some problem are very distinct, such as quality and using of transceiver, testing and adjusting of channel parameter.在专用载波通道中,收发信机质量及使用、通道参数测试及调整问题比较突出;

52、From the raw PMC event comparison, you can see通过原始 PMC 事件比较,可以发现

53、Comparing a mockup table with the JTable from the running example通过运行示例比较模拟表和 JTable

54、According to the comparison through their works, it can be found that Xugu has got a relatively straightforward learning to Hongren.通过作品的比较,可以发现虚谷对弘仁的学习是比较直接的。

55、RESULTS The dietary requirement(nutritional density) calculated by the panel were no significantly different from the ordinary method.结果:用通用营养尺计算的xx日膳食营养结果与标准法比较无显著性差异。

56、Produces the set union of two sequences by using the default equality comparer.通过使用默认的相等比较器生成两个序列的并集。

57、In addition, the design of comparison logic gates and universal comparison logic gates is also proposed.此外,还提出了使用晶体管的比较逻辑门及通用比较逻辑门的设计。

58、Comparison is right, through which we can be fueled enough to pursue our dream.比较本身没错,通过比较我们才能有更充足的动力去追求我们的理想。

59、It proves that the road performance of cold-recycling mixture is better than the ordinary semi-rigid material by contrast.并通过与普通半刚性材料的比较,论证了冷再生混合料路用性能的优越性;

60、People from "closed" cultures are usually quieter and seem shyer and more modest than people from "open" cultures.来自“保守的”文化中的人们通常比较文静,似乎比较腼腆,比“开放的”文化中的人更谦虚。

61、Usually, this comparison is performed on a byte-by-byte basis.通常,这种比较是逐字节进行的。

62、"But there is a lack of a common criteria for comparing results," she says, adding that research rarely looks at solutions for DLDD.“但是缺乏通用的比较结果的标准。” 她说。

63、Though the hardware configuration time is long, we can use pre-configuration method which is very easy to realize to decrease it.虽然硬件函数的配置时间较长,但是可以通过使用配置预取和配置重用等比较容易实现的技术来改进。

64、She prefers shandy to ordinary beer.她比较爱喝混合啤酒而不大喜欢普通啤酒。

65、Dense wavelength division multiplexing(DWDM) is an advanced and mature fiber optic transmission technique.波分复用(DWDM)技术是一种比较先进且相对成熟的光纤通信技术。

66、Rubber tracks, by contrast, usually last more than 比较之下,橡胶履带通常能够使用超过3000公里。


67、By reviewing it and interviewing the user, it becomes clear that通过检查这个文件并和用户交流,情况比较清楚了

68、Flash converters are usually expensive.闪速转换器通常比较昂贵。

69、Through experimental comparison it is shown that the roasted aluminium electrode is rather suitable for PTC thermosensitive ceramics.通过实验比较表明,烧渗铝电极较适用于PTC热敏陶瓷。

70、216. Usually,I have a big breakfast. 通常我的早餐比较丰盛。

71、Produces the set intersection of two sequences by using the default equality comparer to compare values.通过使用默认的相等比较器对值进行比较生成两个序列的交集。

72、You also can use a flower diffuser, linen and cotton or some other sustainable materials.您还可以用通草花、麻、棉线等比较环保的材料。

73、Methods Different scan modes were compared with each other.方法:通过使用不同的扫描模式进行比较分析和研究。

74、You can compare the search results of Google and Bing side by side using the Google-Bing search comparison tool. This tool gives the search result of both the search engines side by side.你可以通过使用Google-Bing搜索比较工具将两者并排放在一起来比较他们的搜索结果。

75、UACC and its implications are discussed below when generic profiles are compared.在下面比较通用概要文件时将讨论 UACC 及其实现。

英文句子模板76:more general,76、Nitrates can have side effects, but they are usually milder than with other drugs.硝酸盐可以有副作用,但他们通常是较温和的,比与其他药物。


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