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关于”经典的长难句分析“的英语句子26个,句子主体:Analysis of Classic Long and Difficult Sentences。以下是关于经典的长难句分析的中考英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Analysis of Classic Long and Difficult Sentences


1、The typical assays shall be close to the actual quality.


2、At the same time, their prediction for 2009 has come down to

1.0 percent from

1.5 percent.



作者认为 ,这一特点形成了经典社会学家研究社会的基本分析范式。

3、This background determines that classic sociologists, like Weberian ideal-types method, classified social formation in dichotomy.


4、Through a typical case study, the calculation results show that the safety factor of energy method is smaller than rigid limit equilibrium method.


5、They point to an improving labor market as underpinning growth.

下二门油田是典型的断块油田 ,经过长期高速开发 ,剩余油分布较为复杂。

6、Study on residual oil distribution in block faulted region by earth stress modeling;


7、The newly created plays can rarely reach the level of the classics.

经济增长; 科教投入; 互谱分析; 相关性; 贡献率;

8、Economic Growth; Input of Science & Education; Cross-spectrum Analysis; Correlation; Contribution Rate;


9、The nonclassical secretory proteins are factors whose biological functions are of tremendous importance to biomedical research.


10、Economists have marked down growth forecasts for the second half of the year, but they remain in positive territory.


11、Analysts view the slowdown as a return toward more normal, sustainable growth, rather than the beginning of a worrying slump.


12、The synthesize study about CCOS and Stressed lap and Classic method are presented.


13、The result from traditional statistics shows that the variability available phosphor of meadow albic bleached soil is between moderate and strong degree.


14、The 36-meter long scroll of soft sheep leather was also subjected to carbon dating tests.


15、Commentators have suggested the drop was caused by continuing concerns about slowing Chinese economic growth in the long term.


16、The Video Content Analysis (VCA) market endured another difficult year in 2010.


17、The loading method and process was presented by studying machine deformation of the thin-wall components in end milling.


18、Influences of sewage discharge on environmental geochemical processes of nutrients were investigated in the Yangtze estuarine and tidal flats.


19、OMB Circular on Economic Analysis.


20、It is essentially a story and can be enjoyed as such.

21、The principle and algorithm of K- nearest neighbor, Naive Bayes, Support Vector Machine Nerve Network etc. are elaborated.分析了K-最近邻居、朴素贝叶斯、支持向量机、神经网络等经典分类方法的原理及算法。

22、Analytical and simulation results verify the accuracy and effectiveness of the proposed closed-form in OPDM.经由分析与模拟,最佳封包长度封闭解的准确性与有效性获得充分的验证。

23、It's more difficult to pin down where it goes wrong.这个论证更难分析出,哪里有错。

24、Mint condition vintage clothing especially unworn stock, is very rare.崭新的经典服装,尤其是从没穿过的,太难找。

25、Equilibrium dialysis is a classical method in studying on the interactions of proteins with organic small molecules.平衡透析法是定量研究蛋白质与有机小分子相互作用的经典方法。

英文句子26:,26、Due to the existance of various errors and outliers , observed geochemical data often deviate from the normal or lognormal distribution and thus are not suitable for classical statistical methods .由于外总体混入或误差等原因,实际观测到的地球化学数据常偏离正态或对数正态分布,因而难以用经典的方法进行统计分析。

27、Changsha incorporated different kinds landscape types because of the advantages of geographical position and the natural scenery.分析长沙古典园林的形式及特点,可知长沙因其地理位置、自然风景的优势,集各地园林形式于一体。

28、Farmland Conversion; Economic Growth; Co-integration Analysis; Coupling Degree; Panel Data;耕地非农化; 经济增长; 协整分析; 耦合协调度; 面板数据;

29、The growth regression on misalignment shows that misalignment has a significant negative effect on economic growth, specifically, overvalue does harm to growth, while undervalue may improve growth.增长回归分析表明汇率失调对经济增长率有负面影响,高估会降低经济增长率,而低估对经济增长有一定的促进作用,实际汇率波动对经济增长没有显著影响。

30、Experiencing a long time of breeding, technology studies has an affinity to philosophy of technology and history of technology.技术学经历了长期的孕育过程,同技术哲学、技术史有着难分难解的交叠关系。

31、Basing on Neo-classical economic growth, we demonstrate embodiment technology (management laboring), non-embodiment technology and the contribution distribution according technology.在新古典经济增长理论的基础上我们论证了按技术分配对经济增长的贡献。

32、This is a classic example of Munchausen's trilemma.这是曼秋森三难理论的经典案例。

33、The first chapter is named as "Case introduction".本文第一部分是对两个典型案例的简析。

34、Mid-term and long-term streamflow prediction is of vital importance in flood control, reservoir operation and water resources management.中长期径流预报是水文预报中的经典难题之一,其在防洪、水库调度及水资源管理中起着十分重要的作用。

35、For the best feature, we also use the classifier based on KCCA to reclassify it.对检测率最高的特征,我们用基于核典型相关分析的分类器重新分类。

36、Analytical methods should be validated unless the method employed is included in the relevant pharmacopoeia or other recognised standard reference.分析方法应验证,除非所采用的分析方法包含在相关的药典或其它的认可的标准中。

37、Methods:Analysis the characteristic of spasm of muscles and vessels, by the nerve and muscles recovery from modem medical, point of view and by classical theory of the TCM.从现代医学神经肌肉恢复的角度以及从中医经典理论对筋脉拘急的论述进行分析。

38、Quadratic general rotary unitization design was used to study spatial heterogeneity of soil nutrients with the classical method and geostatistics.以经典统计学和地统计学为分析工具,在对试验地土壤养分空间变异性分析的基础上进行二次回归旋转组合设计试验。

39、Ray-tracing method, which is one of the typical method in room-acoustic computer simulation, is discussed.对房间声学计算机模拟方法中的经典方法之——声线跟踪法进行了分析。

40、With the retrospection of the plans and their significant factors, the necessity and the methods of getting out of the " formularized plans" are discussed.结合历史回顾与成因分析,在肯定“经典”重大作用的基础上讨论走出“经典”的必要性与可行方法。

41、The lengths of the double stranded cDNA fragments were about 500 base pairs.其双链链长,经凝胶电泳分析,约为500碱基对。

42、"It's difficult when you don't have a good answer even in an ideal world, " says Jesper Roine, an economist who sat on a Swedish commission to examine the future of work.“如果你在一个理想的世界里没有一个好的答案,这就很困难的,”经济学家Jesper Roine在一个瑞典委员会分析工作的未来时说。

43、Objective: To amplify and sequence nerve growth factor (NGF) gene from Naja naja atra.目的:扩增广西眼镜蛇神经生长因子(NGF)的全长基因并进行序列分析。

44、The rare agate-like structure of diamond is first discovered in Mengyin area, Shandong Province, China and its characteristics and genetic mechanism are discussed.利用该技术首次发现蒙阴金刚石中罕见的“似玛瑙状” 生长结构,并分析了该典型结构的特征和生长机制。

45、Analysis result validates long-used empirical design.分析结果验证了长期使用的经验设计。

46、The fifth chapter at first generally introduced principle and structure of vortex precession flowmeter, expanded on the classical theory of vortex precession flowmeter, and discussed its limits.论文第五章介绍了旋进旋涡流量计的有理和结构,阐述该流量计的经典理论,分析了经典理论的局限性。

47、We can see one variation in one input or output data may result in variation of two data in classic DEA models. It increases the difficulty of Sensitivity Analysis.从经典DEA模型可以看出,若是输入或输出中的某个数据发生变化,那么在单纯形表中,变化的数据实际上是两个,这无疑会加大分析难度。

48、Analyze the management in weak economy village after the reform of tax by some surveys, find out reasons for difficulties in management, and make some suggestions.通过典型调查分析了目前经济薄弱村税费改革后运转的情况,并分析了运转困难形成的原因,对如何正常运转提出了一些建议。

49、The example of engineering practice shows the multi dimensioned nonlinear method has more advantage of the local characters than traditional linear one in time field and frequency.碰摩故障诊断实例表明,与经典线性信号的时域和频域分析相比,多尺度非线性信号分析方法具有明显的局部特徵优势。

50、That is, discourse power, empirical power and power of male.分析《马桥词典》中权力的多元形态——话语权力、王权、男权。

经典英文句子51:经典的长难句分析,51、Objective To relax linear assumption of explanatory variable in classical linear model and explore semiparametric regression model.目的放宽经典线性模型中的解释变量的线性假定和探讨半参数回归分析模型。

52、The third part emphasizes "NvJie" which has been regarded as a classic work about women education.第三部分重点分析《女诫》这部女教经典作品。

53、Classical music hardly seems like a growth business.经典音乐很难被视为有增长潜力的商业门类。

54、The traditional methods for detecting menstrual blood were reviewed and their obstacles in forensic application were discussed.本文就月经血鉴定的几种经典方法进行回顾,并分析其应用局限性。


标签: 经典

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