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关于”查语法的软件“的英语句子25个,句子主体:Software for checking grammar。以下是关于查语法的软件的六级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Software for checking grammar

闹钟管理软件有捷克语、丹麦语、荷兰语、英语、 芬兰语、法语、德语、希腊语、意大利语、拉丁语、挪威语、波兰语、俄语、西班牙语以及繁体和简体中文版。

1、Alarm Manager is translated into Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Italian, Latvian, Norwegian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish and Simplified &Traditional Chinese languages.

了解了用于探查 C++ 中几种函数类型的 Vue 语言语法、访问其参数的方法以及头文件的结构。

2、You learned Vue language syntaxes for probing several function types in C++, how to access their arguments, and the structure of header files.


3、Hhe research and design of description language and description method of software component have also laid a solid foundation for the next phase of development the muter .


4、In his PhD, Yaser is investigating how software reuse and customization can be achieved using agile methods.


5、To investigate the claim for a primary grammatical impairment, we distinguish between grammatical abilities, non-grammatical language abilities and non-verbal cognitive abilities.


6、And remember, your email software's spellchecker won't catch grammar mistakes.


7、Aspect-oriented Software Development and real-time Language Programming can reduce the complexity of real-time software. The formal methods can increase dependability of Software Development.


8、The far-ranging application of some software platforms needs to use the input method of local national language.


9、Conclusion: The X-ray examination for chondroblastoma is the first choice method, CT and Mill are the supplementary examination methods.

查看下面的 参考资料 小节获得这些软件包的链接。

10、Check the Resources section below for links to these software packages.

同学: 你最好是找个人帮你检查一下拼写和语法错误,因为Word中的自动检查插件不一定能帮你检查出每一处错误。

11、Classmate: You'd better get someone to check for spelling and grammatical errors, because a spell-checker won't pick out every mistake.


12、This task localises the desktop in Danish.


13、To help you check the syntax of your xml files, we have created this link so that you can syntax-check any XML file.


14、Through fuzzy operating and adopting the approach of software query on controlling, a total controlling table was finally obtained. The experiments indicated that it was…


15、Wetware ---- Slang for human beings ---- part of the environment that also includes hardware and software. Also called liveware.


16、Parsing and checking are two necessary processes in grammar check.


17、The Extreme English! training content, coupled with the functionality of SuperMemo software, is a perfect way to learn English words and phrases effectively.


18、We wrote our software in a weird AI language, with a bizarre syntax full of parentheses.


19、During playback, however, software has to convert these strings of bits into the corresponding syntax elements.


20、Run the Spell and Grammar Checker

21、The software is mainly programmed by C-Language, and partly by built-in Assembler-Language.系统软件以C语言为主体,结合内嵌汇编语言。

22、Research of the software architecture has been emphasized a variety of ADLs and relevant supporting tools.软件构架技术的研究的重点在于软件构架描述语言及其支持工具。

23、The utility tcpdchk checks for syntax errors in your hosts.allow and hosts.deny files.tcpdchk 工具会检查 hosts.allow 和 hosts.deny 文件中的语法错误。

24、Designed all function modules and NIOS soft CPU by VHDL, and the BLDCM control algorithm with feedforward, current, speed and position three-closed loops by C.利用VHDL语言设计了各功能硬件模块和NIOS软核处理器,并用C语言编程在软核中实现了针对无刷直流电机的带前馈的电流、速度和位置三闭环软件控制算法。

25、Unable to unpack update package.无法解压缩更新软件包。

英文句子26:,26、Use the Metrics - detailed tab to see a summary of a single measurement by language or file type.使用 Metrics – 细节项来通过语言或者文件类型查看单个方法的总结。

27、Really, this is the most complete information I' ve seen of the lexical grammar software.说真的,这是我见过的资料最齐全的词法语法器软件了。

28、It also allows you to check the latest football scores on the go .这款软件还能让你查到最新的比赛战况。

29、Nuance (NUAN), the creator of Dragon speech recognition software, has been working in healthcare for a decade.语音识别系统Nuance公司是语音识别软件Dragon的开发者,这款软件在医疗保健行业的应用已经长达xx年之久。

30、Methods Aphasia Battery of Chinese (ABC) and Chinese Agraphia Battery (CAB) were used to examine the ability of oral language and writing.方法采用汉语失语检查法和汉语失写检查法测试口语和书写能力并区分类型。

31、For example, syntax highlighting and code assist make software development quick and easy.比如, 语法高亮和代码协助使软件开发既快捷又容易。

32、Optionally, it provides speech output to any Industry Compatible Speech Synthesizers .本软件可输出声音至语音合成器。

33、Methods the literature study, questionnaire survey method, teaching experiments and mathematical statistical method, software development method and other methods.采用文献法、问卷调查法、教学实验法、数理统计法、软件编制法等研究方法。

34、Many agile software projects use modern software tools and programming languages -- i.e., technologies in which component architectures are dominant.很多灵活的软件项目使用现代软件工具和编程语言,比如,模块构建占主导的技术。

35、One thing to consider when deciding if you want to use this syntax is that the query will be dependent upon the ordering of the component sub-properties in the metadata.当你想决定用这个语法时一件事情要考虑,在元数据中,查询将不取决于组件子查询排序。

36、Shareware application UltraEdit ($49.95) is user-friendly programming editor with support for syntax highlighting, code folding, macros, and tons of similar features available to most of the rest.共享软件UltraEdit($49.95)用户感觉很友好的编辑器,只吃语法高亮显示,代码折叠宏和和同类软件相比拥有大量的可用功能。

37、The software is written in C Language and the basic method is grey-scale converting technology for images.整套软件采用C语言编制,基本方法为图象的灰度变换技术。

38、PyDev re-parses the Python file as it is being edited, and updates the Outline view, performs syntax checking, and syntax coloring.PyDev 在编辑 Python 文件的过程中对齐进行预先解析的工作,同时更新 Outline 视图,执行语法检查,并用不同颜色显示语法元素。

39、The Problem: Word processors can’t always catch mistakes, especially in proper nouns and grammar.存在的问题:文字处理软件不能总是捕捉到错误,尤其是专有名词和语法错误。

40、Queries can be executed based on a text base query language, whose syntax follows the LINQ pattern for C#.可以通过支持 LINQ的C#语法的文本查询语言来进行查询。

41、A localization pack is a standardized approach for software to support multiple languages and locales through a single executable.本地化包是软件通过一个可执行文件支持多种语言和语言环境的标准化方法。

42、Microsoft technical specialist Tim Pash said grammar and spelling technology is meant to help writers and editors, not solve all their problems.微软的技术专家蒂姆·帕什说,语法及拼写检查技术能为作者和编辑提供帮助,但并非万能。

43、Concepts and methods for the design of large-scale software and design modeling using the Unified Modeling Language(UML) notation.塑造使用统一的塑造的语言(UML)记法的大规模软件和设计的概念和方法。

44、That is because I have to translate from English to Chinese writing using softwares.那是使用软件,因为我必须从英语到汉语文字翻译。

45、With regard to the software, the assembly language and C language are both adopted in calculation and the control of the main circuit.在软件部分,采用汇编语言和C语言的混合编程实现算法和对主电路输出的控制。

46、In view of the facet classification method, this article uses the language of XML to describe the component and raises the expressive method of the multiplying software component.本文主要针对刻面分类的方法,使用XML语言对构件进行描述,提出了软件构件的表示方法。

47、The instruments employed in the study include one questionnaire, an E-mail interview, an oral English test and SPSS 研究采用的工具包括:问卷调查,在线访谈,口语测试以及社会科学统计软件包

12.0 software.


48、Liveware ---- A slang term for people, to distinguish them from hardware, software, and firmware. Also called wetware.活件----- 人们用来区别硬件,软件和固件的一个专门术语,也称为湿件。

49、The syntax of an MQL query is as followsMQL 查询语法如下

50、New sofware and programming languages arrive frequently.新的软件和编程语言抵达频繁。

经典英文句子51:查语法的软件,51、The check form method in the software can directly read the value of the temperature corresponding potential of 软件中的对分搜索查表法,使5种热电偶分度值所对应的温度值得以快速直读;

5 thermocouples.

52、The program also offers a speaking alarm clock and supports 该软件还提供了一个语音报时钟并且支持11种语言。

11 languages.

53、Language is widely used in embedded software development, but the debugging and error-finding are difficult.嵌入式软件大都采用C语言开发,存在着调试困难、不易查错的特点。

54、Conventional software testing approaches follow the same document-driven approach that was applied to software development.传统软件测试方法遵循相同的、应用于软件开发的文档驱动方法。


标签: 语法

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