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关于”表扬学生“的英语句子53个,句子主体:Praise students。以下是关于表扬学生的小学英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Praise students


1、He kena praised.

2、. They praised him highly. 他们大大地表扬了他。


3、The student made a creditable effort on the essay.

4、)/ this is really a nice place.(这真是个好地方!

5、)/you look nice in that color.(你穿那种颜色很好看。


6、And in the Dominican Republic, Tzi Chi honors exemplary students at the La Romana Tzu Chi School.

对基础差的学生要适当放宽评分尺度, 不吝啬地给与表扬, 以肯定为主;

7、Want to the foundation bad student appropriate loosen grade point dimensions, not and illiberality give give public recognition, regard affirmation as principle;

8、I Have Confidence In Your Judgment我坚信你的判断


9、In 2000, she held a teacher-student dulcimer concert and got the Excellent Theaching Award in the same year Also her students performed well in various competitions at different levels.


10、From the Academy of Visual Arts, Betty Lo received the Sir Edward Youde Memorial Scholarship for Disabled Students in recognition of her persistence in academic pursuit.


11、So we should learn to pile praises on those who deserve and help to create a light, pleasant atmosphere in which to live.

on the one hand,they are very nice to me. For example, they don't look like other people's parents, no matter good or bad of achivement,they won't fight with me .on the other hand , my mom and dad take care of me very well ,but they still let me do housework ,Because it is good for my development and independence .As a word ,i have a happy family. 对于我来说,多么

12、I love them very much , do you konw what the main reason is?


13、The head-teacher praised Tom so that he could work even harder.


14、He is the only one who was praised。

15、I Like The Way You Handled That我欣赏你的做法


16、People love the antithetical couplet, yangzhou foreign language school principals funding a students' learning, and let him go to yangzhou foreign language school reading.

17、I Knew You Could Do It我知道你能做的

on the one hand,they are very nice to me. For example, they don't look like other people's parents, no matter good or bad of achivement,they won't fight with me .on the other hand , my mom and dad take care of me very well ,but they still let me do housework ,Because it is good for my development and independence .As a word ,i have a happy family. 对于我来说,多

18、I love them very much , do you konw what the main reason is?

on the one hand,they are very nice to me. For example, they don't look like other people's parents, no matter good or bad of achivement,they won't fight with me .on the other hand , my mom and dad take care of me very well ,but they still let me do housework ,Because it is good for my development and independence .As a word ,i have a happy family. 对于我来说,

19、I love them very much , do you konw what the main reason is?


20、The research shows that teachers should praise students who are field dependent immediately, orally, publicly and frequently.

21、)/your classroom looks tidy and clean!(你们的教室很整洁)/ you have a good taste.(你很有品位。

22、Undeserved praise will cause more pangs of conscience later.不该表扬时表扬将会让人感到良心不安。

23、The Academy Awards celebrate the best and brightest talents in the movie industry.学院奖旨在表扬电影业最优秀和最杰出的人才。

24、More than one student was praised at the meeting.大会上不止一个学生受到了表扬。

25、I love them very much , do you konw what the main reason is?on the one hand,they are very nice to me. For example, they don't look like other people's parents, no matter good or bad of achivement,they won't fight with me .on the other hand , my mom and dad take care of me very well ,but they still let me do housework ,Because it is good for my development and independence .As a word ,i have a happy family. 对于我来说,多么好的父母呀。

英文句子26:,26、Many researchers cite Harvard’s probe as further proof of science’s self-correcting mechanisms, and praise students for doughtily standing up to an authority figure of Dr Hauser’s distinction.许多学者赞赏哈佛的科学自我纠错机制,也表扬了学生们勇敢地站出来挑战Hauser博士的权威和声望。

27、I love them very much , do you konw what the main reason is?on the one hand,they are very nice to me. For example, they don't look like other people's parents, no matter good or bad of achivement,they won't fight with me .on the other hand , my mom and dad take care of me very well ,but they still let me do housework ,Because it is good for my development and independence .As a word ,i have a happy family. 对于我来说

28、Give play to the moral function of the physics history, mould students' noble personality ;阐扬物理学史地德育功用,塑造学生地高贵人格;

29、And especially praised Li Xiaohui little friend, let the other kids learn from her.并着重表扬了李小惠小朋友,让其他小朋友向她学习。

30、The professor have a look at the flabbergasted student, then swaggered off.教授看了看那个目瞪口呆的学生,扬长而去。

31、Her conduct at school well merits praise.她在学校的表现理应受到表扬。

32、(你们的教室很整洁)/ you have a good taste.(你很有品位。

33、The Award was set up to recognize and reward teachers, staff members and students of Lingnan who have demonstrated outstanding service to the University and the community.该奖项的成立旨在表扬及奖励对岭大及社会有著卓越贡献的教职员及学生。

34、At Yangzhou University, I often got invited for a weekend at a student's home.在扬州大学,周末时学生常常请我去他们家。

35、I love them very much , do you konw what the main reason is?on the one hand,they are very nice to me. For example, they don't look like other people's parents, no matter good or bad of achivement,they won't fight with me .on the other hand , my mom and dad take care of me very well ,but they still let me do housework ,Because it is good for my development and independence .As a word ,i have a happy family. 对于我来说,多么好

36、Thomas graduated from Nanjing Art College, Nanjing, with a bachelor degree in Art Design in 1996.孙扬元先生xx年毕业于南京艺术学院并获得文学学士学位。

37、He is one of those were praised。他是被表扬的学生之

38、Praised by the teacher, the student smiled happily.在此过去分词表示学生被老师表扬。

39、Thy outward thus with outward praise is crowned.这样,表面的赞扬载满你仪表;

40、Believe it or not, our football team defeated theirs. 他在英语学习中取得了如此大的进步,以至于老师表扬了他(make progress)

41、In the last years of the Qing Dynasty, the scientific train of thought represented by the seismograph of Zhang Heng was promoted overseas, and modern seismology came into being.清朝末年, 以张衡地动仪为代表的科学思路在海外得到发扬,诞生了现代地震学。

42、The leader of Wenzao's violin club is one of the outstanding students nurtured in Hongdian, whose high quality reputation in teaching has been well-acclaimed among Wenzao's students.文藻外语学院小提琴社社长亦是宏典音乐教育中心得意门生之一,其教学品质与口碑已全然于学生表现中发扬。

43、Praise them.表扬他们。

44、Professor looked at the flabbergasted student and proceeded on his way.看了看那位目瞪口呆的学生,教授扬长而去。

45、The two contrasted artistically each other with the soul charging into the lives, expressing, free style and the soul dissolving the lives, meditation, form style.在艺术上表现为心灵“突入”生活、抒情的张扬、自由诗体与心灵“溶解”生活、玄学的沉思、格律体的对立。

46、In contrast, kids praised for their hard work were more interested in the higher-scoring exams.对比之下,被表扬努力的学生对取得更高分数的测试更感兴趣。

47、)/ you look like a million dollars. = you look outstanding.=you look like a movie star.(你看上去帅呆了。

48、Saunderson says. "They want to hear praise on a more frequent basis."桑德森先生说,“他们想要在更频繁的基础上听到表扬。”

49、We may think that the praise of others boosts our self respect, but, actually this praise creates a vulnerable ego.我们或许认为来自他人的表扬会增加我们的自我尊重,但是实际上,这种表扬会生成一个易受伤害的自我。

50、I am sure you will catch up soon.学生也想被尊重、被表扬、被认可

经典英文句子51:表扬学生,51、Mr. Stevenson was mentioned in the annual report for his cooperation.史蒂文生先生因乐于合作在年度报告中被提名表扬。

52、Must relax the grading criterion suitably to the foundation bad student, gives the praise not parsimoniously , by definitely primarily;对基础差的学生要适当放宽评分尺度, 不吝啬地给与表扬, 以肯定为主;

53、Where is the student whom Professor Su praised at the meeting?苏教授在会上表扬的那个学生在哪里?

54、I love them very much , do you konw what the main reason is?on the one hand,they are very nice to me. For example, they don't look like other people's parents, no matter good or bad of achivement,they won't fight with me .on the other hand , my mom and dad take care of me very well ,but they still let me do housework ,Because it is good for my development and independence .As a word ,i have a happy family. 对于我来说,多么好的

55、The report praises staff in both schools. 该报告表扬了这两所学校的教职员工。

56、Letters of commendation.表扬信。

57、Who is the student whom Professor Wang praised at the meeting?王教授在会上表扬的那个学生是谁?



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