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关于”常用的句型“的英语句子57个,句子主体:commonly used sentence patterns。以下是关于常用的句型的初一英语句子。

英文句子模板1:commonly used sentence patterns


1、Symptoms: Code that uses a recursively defined datatype is signaling a null-pointer exception.


2、This is especially true for the strategic competencies , which are often paired with complementary tactical competencies .


3、For this model, I really only used the "loft by spline", however I have often used the "loft along path" and "skinning" in past models.


4、The calculated mass action concentrations are in agreement with the reported activities.


5、Based on the traditional color model for chicken chimeras, the multi-phenotype chimeric model was brought forward using the black silkies chicken with

10 characters.


6、Second, the applications are typically so complex and critical that many organizations are understandably nervous about decommissioning or porting them to mid-range platforms.


7、Using the endowment, discoveries, and consumption data, model the depletion or degradation of the commodity over a long horizon using resource modeling principles.


8、The mechanism of the novel herbicide ZJ0273 is studied with the conventional bioassay and bio- chemical methods.


9、PU seal has good mechanical, wear-proof and oil-proof property, most frequently used in hydraulic oil cylinder with medium and high pressure.


10、Actually, hook according to off line (it is in the graph

3) different, commonly used shuttle coming back can be divided roughly for A model, B with BOH model wait for

3 kinds.


伊娃·门德斯用这条Alice + Olivia的珊瑚红高腰裤搭配轻松又有型的白色上衣,使得整个造型可爱又不失舒适,又用非常有型的项链和包包来是整个造型更完整。

11、Eva Mendes mixes cuteness with comfort, pairing her Alice + Olivia coral high-waist pants with various effortlessly chic white tops and finishing the look with a cool necklace or bag.


12、We then utilize OLS Model and Fixed Effect Model to explore the relationship between unexpected employee bonuses and abnormal returns.


13、So, it is necessary to apply Kansei Engineering to product design.

Python 中既有强制类型转换也有强迫同型,通常使用更多的是前者(“显式优于隐式”)。

14、Python contains a mixture of casts and coercions, with a usual preference for the former ("explicit is better than implicit").


15、The emphasis is placed on introduction to the computation of the weak interaction the steady flow.


16、Bounded search tree and dynamic programming are frequently-used techniques in parameterized algorithm.


17、I agree with Samuel Johnson's oft-quoted "when a man is tired of London, he is tired of life;"


18、Used for everyday wear or formal hairdos , as decoration or to create a certain style, hair sticks are a very versatile hair accessory.


19、The latter simulates a milling cutter with an extremely large number of miniature cutting edges.


20、Oligosaccharides are new feed additives, and have very extensive application value and great exploitation foreground.

21、Experiment results indicate that the model has better efficiency in identifying the abnormal intrusion compared with no update model and non-fuzzy model.实验证明,在辨认不正常的入侵行为中,与没有进行模型更新和采用模糊规则的模型相比,该模型具有更高的效率。

22、Model-dependent realism applies not only to scientific models but also to the conscious and subconscious mental models we all create in order to interpret and understand the everyday world.依赖模型的现实主义不仅适用于科学模型,还适用于我们所有人为了解释并理解日常世界而创造的有意识和下意识的心理模型。

23、Its single expansion slot uses a reduced form factor SD card, which admittedly fits quite nicely in a very crowded case.它唯一的扩展槽使用了一种简化型的 SD 卡,无疑它非常适合这种非常拥挤的设备。

24、Flat cups without cleats are flexible and work well in applications that do not require lifting heavy loads.平面型的吸头,没有夹板很灵活,应用在那些不需要提升重型荷载的行业效果非常好。

25、Whenever the actual code encounters any type of error, it throws an exception, which then goes to the call stack.每当实际代码碰到任何类型的错误,它就抛出一个异常,然后该异常就进入调用栈。

英文句子26:,26、The utility model relates to an umbrella-like hat, which is a rainproof sunshade tool and a traveling tool for daily use.本实用新型帽伞是日常使用的防雨遮阳工具和旅行工具。

27、The utility model relates to the field of articles for daily use, in particular to a pair of nail clippers with multiple purposes.本实用新型涉及日常生活用品领域,尤其是一种具有多种用途的指甲刀。

28、A similarity model is designed according to the type of bolts commonly used in coal mines and their grouted situation.针对煤矿井下常用锚杆的类型及其锚固结构状况,设计制作了相似物理模型;

29、This model is not only adaptable to the calculation of the leakage of the normal clearance, but also to the calculation of the severe leakage of the abnormal clearance.该模型不仅适用于柱塞与泵筒正常间隙漏失的仿真计算,也适用于非正常间隙严重漏失的计算。

30、Shift instruction is more commonly used in the PLC control, according to the data length displacement can be classified as byte shift, word shift and shift of double word;移位指令在PLC 控制中是比较常用的,根据移位的数据长度可分为字节型移位、字型移位和双字型移位;

31、Carlson type, such as albino protoplasts using the normal intake of green body, and then develop into normal green plants;如卡尔森用白化型原生质体摄取正常的中绿体,进而发育成正常的绿色植物;

32、The conventional photoelastic modes and procedures suffice to indicate whether or not the yield point of the material of the prototype will be exceeded.常用的光弹性模型和方法都是以指明原型材料的屈服点是否将被超过。

33、Static approaches of modeling 3D tree generally utilize fractal features and stochastic features of tree.静态的树的3D造型方法通常利用树的分形特征和随机性。

34、The typical vitamin premix used in the finishing barn should be replaced with a "breeder" vitamin premix.要用种猪维生素预混料来代替常用育肥猪饲养期的典型维生素预混料。

35、Stained glass is often made in large, richly detailed panels that are set together in a framework of lead.常用于制造大型的、用丰富的颜色拼凑成各种图像而置于一铅制框架中。

36、The utility model relates to an article for daily use, in particular to a novel bunk bed used by students in boarding schools. The novel bunk bed comprises upright posts, rails and bed bodies.本实用新型涉及一种日常家具生活用品,具体的是涉及一种适于寄宿制学校学生使用的 新型高低床。

37、The constructors with target type parameters are most frequently used when reading from the queue.读取伫列时,最常用的是具有目标型别参数的建构函式。

38、The results show that: The model constants and the measured deflections under the changing load are very close to the model theoretical values.结果表明:模型常数以及在变载作用下的实测挠度值和模型的理论值有较高的拟合度。

39、The clamping mechanism can fix automobile equipment which is picked and placed frequently, particularly un-cylindrical type fire fighting equipment.本实用新型可对车用经常取放的器材,特别是车用非圆柱类消防器 材进行固定。

40、Active contour model(Snake)is a flexible tool of using various of restricted conditions, but this model has a strong pertinence and weak currency.主动轮廓模型提供了一个非常灵活的综合使用各种约束机制的工具,但是这种模型的针对性很强,通用性差。

41、The knitting principle of Mal-imo and Maliwatt machines which are usually used in the manufacture of glass fibre composite material is described.在玻纤纺织复合材料加工时,常用的是马利莫型和马利瓦特型,文中介绍了马利莫和马利瓦特型缝编机的编织原理;

42、In particular, you will often have multiple choices about how to structure your use case model 特别地,你将时常会有关于如何构建用例模型 当你这样做时,用上述的属性定位你的用例模型。

11 ; when you do, align your use case model with the above attributes.

11 的多种选择;

43、CONCLUSION The Hill coefficient is considered not any physiological meanings in the mathematics model usually used in fitting pharmacodynamics S dose-effect curve.结论常用的药效学S型剂量效应曲线拟合的数学模型中,Hill系数无生理学含义。

44、Objective Two-dimensional symmetrical models are used to simulate the steady flow in the AAA models.目的应用两维对称模型模拟腹主动肪血管瘤的定常流动。

45、Sirolimus is a kind of anti-proliferation drug, and acrylate resin is a kind of universal non-degradable biomaterial, moreover, PLGA is a kind of biodegradable medical polymer.雷帕霉素是一种抗增生型药物,丙烯酸树脂是一种通用的非降解型医用高分子材料,而PLGA是一种常用的可降解医用高分子材料。

46、And how to raise the sensation has always been a key problem. Chemically modified electrode is widely used nowadays. But at the moment, most of the modifications are adsorption type or mixture type.如何提高碳糊电极的灵敏度一直是分析化学界追求的目标,最常用的方法为化学修饰,但是目前常用的修饰剂多为吸附型修饰剂或混合型修饰剂。

47、Within GSA, Popkins System Architecture (SA) is one of the most used data modeling tools.在GSA中,Popkins系统架构(SA)是一种最常使用的数据模型工具。

48、It is characterized in that: it changes the common drip line-type body of submarine into flat round type.它的主要特征是: 改变潜水艇常用的水滴线型艇体,而采用了近似的扁圆体。

49、If the fault is defined with a type, the name and package of the exception is mapped from the fault's type name and namespace.如果使用类型定义错误,则从该错误的类型名称和命名空间映射该异常的名称和包。

50、The practical application of LVC work roll contour indicates that the quality of strip shape can be improved and good utility can be obtained af…从使用LVC辊型与使用常规工作辊轧制的板形工艺数据比较可知,LVC辊型可以明显改善板形质量,具有较强的实用性。

经典英文句子51:常用的句型,51、Conventional models for continuous piecewise linear (PWL) functions have too many parameters which cannot compactly represent PWL functions.因为连续分片 线性常规模型使用过多参数 ,所以研究它的紧凑模型很有必要。

52、Large- sized crawler dozers normally have a set of claws called a ripper that is installed at the machine's rear end and can crush a hard rock.通常大型的履带挖掘机尾后部会装有爪型的排状粗齿锯,用于碾碎石块。

53、As the saying goes: a hundred words to practice the word, a thousand words together.常言道:百字练一字,千字合一句。

54、Builders allow to create hierarchical structures with very little Ruby code. menu_barBuilder可以让开发人员使用非常少量的Ruby代码创建出层次型的结构。

55、Methods: Normal mice and alloxan-induced diabetic mice were fed immune bovine milk for 30 days.方法:用正常小鼠和糖尿病模型小鼠研究免疫初乳调节血糖、血脂的作用。

56、To optimize downloading an application by putting seldom-used types in a module that is downloaded only when needed.将不常用的类型放在只在需要时才下载的模块中,以优化应用程序的下载。

57、Today the majority of large ships use light assist landing device, which help to provide an optic slide runway.当古大长数的大型舟舶常常当用灯光引导体解,为飞机供给一个光教上滑跑道;

58、This type of graphite deposits were formend in the Late Archaean to Early Proterozoic.鲁西晚太古代的侵入岩属无铕异常型,早元古代的侵入岩为负铕异常型;

59、These early production experiences in a large-scale converter have an important reference for normalization production of our new large-scale.这些早期投产的大型转炉的经验对我国新建大型转炉生产正常化有重要参考作用。

60、A curious experiment. Today's children talk about old things which were actively used by representatives of older generations in Russia.一个不同寻常的实验。今天的孩子们谈论典型上一代俄罗斯人经常使用的“老古董”。

61、Kayaks used for creeking are usually larger than others to give them more stability.用于急流回旋的皮艇通常比其它类型的要大,使其更具稳定性。

62、Objective To observe the antiarrhythmic activity of taurine-magnesium compound (TMC) in vivo.目的观察新型配合物牛磺酸镁(TMC)的整体抗心律失常作用。

63、In application, it indicated the model can run though the cross temperature measuring was in bad condition.应用表明,在十字测温仪不能正常使用时,该模型仍然能够运行。

64、The theoretical crystal habit ofβ-artemether, which was predicted based on AE model or BFDH model, show good agreement with the experimental ones.采用BFDH模型和AE模型进行晶习预测,得到的理论晶习非常接近实际晶习。

65、The One Touch UltraMini Blood Glucose Meter is small fast and very easy to use.单触超小型血糖仪是小而快,非常容易使用。

66、Objective To evaluate the efficacy and safety of calcitriol in the treatment of psoriasis vulgaris.目的研究骨化三醇外用治疗寻常型银屑病的疗效和安全性。

67、The two most common models are Pay-As-You-Go Collaboration and Membership-based Collaboration.两种最常用的模型是即付即用协作(Pay-As-You-Go Collaboration)和基于成员资格的协作(Membership-based Collaboration)。

68、General-purpose point style designed for septum penetration in all chromatographic techniques.常规针头类型用于在所有色谱方法中刺穿隔膜。

69、The small package outline and low profile make this device ideally suited for use in applications where printed circuit board area and component headroom are at a premium.小型封装和纤薄的外形使该器件非常适合于印刷电路板区域和元件净空具有非常重要作用的应用。

70、To supply the part elements for simulation, build the facet model of standard part in common use through geometry modelling.通过几何建模,建立常用机构标准零件的面片模型,为机构模型的建立提供了必要的构件单元。

71、It is surprisingly light, yet features magnum power to manage big fish.他非常的轻,但是腰力十足,可以用来对付任何大型鱼种。

72、This is a very typical use of virtual Ethernet, because the communication is very fast and no additional hardware is required.这是虚拟以太网的一个非常典型的应用,因为通信速度非常快,而且不需要任何另外的硬件。


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