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关于”简单的词语“的英语句子36个,句子主体:simple words。以下是关于简单的词语的托福英语句子。

英文句子模板1:simple words


1、" in French and is masculine and singular.


2、The book 2006 Chinese New Words edited by Zhou Jian shows that the percentage of three kinds are respectively about 52%, 46.5% and



3、Plese input the following word and send your report.


4、The statement from TFD seems a little meaning, but what does the Persian word chini really mean?

在印欧语中,单词ked指“to go(去)”。

5、In Indo-European the word ked meant “to go.”


6、Ancient Chinese was extremely succinct, having no verb tense or other complex grammatical construction.


7、To think that she'd be cribbing Michelle Obama's words is crazy.


8、My poor English, I think English is to recite the words and grammar.


9、Its colorful language has the following stylistic features:

1) Simple words;

2) Spoken and informal language;

3) Loanword;

4) Coinage or misspelling;

5) Humorous words;

6) Commendatory adjectives.








10、Phoneme: the smallest unit of sound in a language which can distinguish two words.


11、Today, English has loan words from many of the world's languages.


12、However, languages such as Chinese or Japanese do not have word boundaries like this.


13、Wang Ping has learned thousands of English words.


14、The E/C section has the English word followed by the Chinese equivalent.


15、Chinese vocabulary mainly from a monosyllabic word, the transition to sound words mainly in Chinese history is a great development and changes.


16、The word made Global Language Monitor's list for 2011.


17、One can also link to the other language Wiktionary pages to get the meaning of a foreign word.


18、In order to find the developments of prepositions in this book, and which have existed in Pre-Qin chinese.


19、I haven't learn English words for sevral days.


20、A phrase does not contain a finite verb and does not have a subject-predicate structure.

21、本来根据汉语意思是I think he is not a goog boy.这是考think 这个英语单词的用法。

22、The word virgin appears first in English around the year 1200 according to The Oxford English Dictionary.根据《牛津英语词典》的信息,单词virgin大约在xx年左右首次出现在英语中。

23、The effects of polysemy and word frequency in the identification of Chinese one- character word were examined in lexical decision, naming tasks and go-no go naming task.运用词汇判断、简单命名及辨别命名任务,考察汉语多义单字词的识别优势效应。

24、What does the aphasic substitution reveal about how words are likely to be stored in the brain?失语症患者的词语替换体现了单词可能是以何种方式存储在大脑中的?

25、Words in each field are semantically related and define one another.注意:答语义场的简答题与它的名词解释相同。

英文句子26:,26、The word nightmare was already a word before it came into English from Germanic languages.英语单词“梦魇”(nightmare)源自于日耳曼语。

27、In the passive voice, the subject of the sentence is neither a do-er or a be-er, but is acted upon by some other agent or by something unnamed (The new policy was approved).在主动语态,主题和动词的关系非常简单:这个问题是一个是儿还是做儿和动词动作沿判决。

28、And soon OK was to find its place in many languages as a reminder of a familiar word or abbreviation.很快OK就在不同语言中作为某个常见单词或缩写词的提示语存在。

29、The morphemes forming modern Chinese double-syllable words are largely derived from single-syllable words of the Pre-Qin Dynasty.构成现代汉语双音词的语素多由先秦的单音词发展而来。

30、More than a third of all English words are derived directly or indirectly from French, and it's estimated that English speakers who have never studied French already know 而三分之一的英语单词都是直接或间接从法语演变而来的。 评估显示,即便没有学过法语,一个母语为英语的人都能辨认15000个法语单词。

15, 000 French words.

31、Does Liu Hua ever guess the meanings of English words?刘华猜测英语单词的意思吗?

32、The key to learn English well is to recite words.要想学好英语,关键是背单词。

33、There are mainly six ways of producing them: newly-coined words, new meanings from the old, loanwords , slang, sketchy words, technical terms.而新词语产生的途径主要有六种:新创造的、旧词产生新义的、吸收的外来词、启用的方言词、简略词、术语新词。

34、Staphylococcus from Greek means “bunch of grapes.”单词Staphylococcus源于希腊语,意为“成串的葡萄”。

35、Etymonline agrees with the slang origin but also offers a couple of words from Scottish dialect and French that could have lead to bamboozle.Etymonline也同意bamboozle来自俚语的说法,但给出了几个可能是该单词前身的苏格兰方言词和法语词。

36、Her spoken English is very good and know lots of new words.她的英语口语佷好,而且她认识佷多的新单词。

37、Irony, put simply, is a gap between words and their meaning, a space across which speaker and listener exchange a knowing wink.简单的说,反语是词面与语义之间的隔阂,这个空间在讲者与听众之间可形成一种只可意会不可言传的交流。

38、The linguists know that that's not at all necessarily the case.语言学家认为语言的基本单位不一定是词。

39、Callum: Spiel, it's not an English word, is it?推销,不像是个英语单词,是吧?

40、It concludes as Chinese associative compounds are picture-liked, indirect and illegibility while English compounds are grammatical, direct and exact in the motivation of compounding motivation.简单的概括起来就是,组合理据上,汉字会意字是图画性、间接性、模糊性的,而英语合体词则是语法性、直接性、精确性的;

41、The second half of the word butter is supposed to represent turos the Greek word for “cheese” and also have Indo-European roots.butter一词的另一半据悉代表着希腊语单词turos,即英语中的“奶酪”,同样有印欧语系的渊源。

42、But the root of the word, as hinted by the spelling, isn't English, it seems to be Dutch.不过它的词根并非英语,而似乎是荷兰语,我们可以从单词的拼法中看出端倪。

43、Conklin: What is the French word for "stakeout, " huh?“监视”的法语单词是什么,嗯?

44、Shortened words and expressions has been a universal phenomenon since the pre-Qin dynasty period.词语简缩是自先秦至现代汉语存在的一种普遍现象。

45、Dalzell. Concise. New. Partridge. Dictionary. of. Slang. and. Unconventional.[达尔泽尔特殊英语与俚语新简明词典]。

46、In modern Chinese, a numeral alone can't function as an attributive but must be combined with a measure word inserted between the mineral and the noun it modifies, e. g.在现代汉语中,数词一般不能单独做名词的定语,中间必须加量词。

47、While in the revising-process, the Chinese is used to help the student writers to modify some ungrammatical and awkward words and expressions.在写作过程中,汉语被用来帮助修改一些不合乎英语语法规则和习惯的单词及词组。

48、You can't make a full command of English words if you depend on mere mechanical memory.只靠死记单词是不能熟练掌握英语词汇的。

49、Idioms are the gems of a language which have been refined through ages of application. Idioms are fixed sentences or phrases which are concise in forms and comprehensive in meanings.习语是人们经过长期使用而提炼出来的精华,是人们长期习用的形式简单而又意思精辟的定型词组或短语。

50、The word has Greek roots but didn’t exist in classical Greek.这个单词有希腊语的根源,但在古希腊语中并不存在。

经典英文句子51:简单的词语,51、A great selection of English and German monolingual and bilingual on-line glossaries in various subject areas.的英语和德语单语和双语在线在各个学科领域的词汇伟大的选择。

52、The word loot itself is an Anglo-Indian word with a root in the Hindi word “lut”.LOOT这个单词本身是英印语,其中包含了北印度语的词根 “lut”.

53、In French, words are either masculine or feminine, singular or plural.在法语中,词语有阴阳性和单复数的变化。

54、Be concise and succinct in all descriptions and avoid the use pronouns and articles (a, an, the) whenever possible.任何描述都要简单明了,尽可能不要使用代词或冠词。

55、it’s simply to do some of the work for her and provide all of the pertinent data points that you’d like included in the letter.而是简单的为她做点工作,准备好你希望包含在信中的所有中肯贴切的词语。

56、I use the word “tentative” here because these are more rough thoughts than a philosophy that I trust with certainty.我在这里使用了“暂定”这个词语是因为这些简单的粗糙思想肯定比高深哲学更能令人信服。

57、Both words trace back through Old English to an Indo-European root bheid meaning to split.印欧语系词根bheid有“分开(to split)”的意思。 它经由古英语,一路发展,生成了现代英语中bitter和bite两个单词。


标签: 英文 简单

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