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关于”季节的诗“的英语句子54个,句子主体:Poetry of the Season。以下是关于季节的诗的xx年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Poetry of the Season

莫扎特季节。 追星族没有的Secks。

1、Mozart Season. Groupie Without Teh Secks.


2、What is the season in London now?


3、This is the right season for sugaring off.


4、When the crawfish season ends, around June, the traps are pulled out and the rice season begins.


5、Different teas in different seasons have different features .


6、Falling on the catkins of the season.


7、Called a solstice, the date traditionally marks a change of seasons -- from spring to summer in Earth's Northern Hemisphere and from fall to winter in Earth's Southern Hemisphere.


8、Purple is the color of the season.


9、Welcome to the most easily misunderstood season of all, winter, a beautiful season of intimacy and reflection. I'm Faith at Faith Radio Online-Simply to Relax.


10、Thanks for the season greetings! Hope your holiday season was awesome!

说明: 这个xx月是日月食的季节。

11、Explanation: This August was eclipse season.


12、Many seasons have passed me by.

於这个美丽的季节 不曾离开我

13、never leave me in such beautiful seasen


14、Set nodename to the dedicated nodename used for your quarterly backups


15、I pledge allegiance to the wrong kind of snow.


16、In the harvesting season, the crop fields are shinning .


17、In the annual growth season, the growth of seabuckthorn has marked correlation with soil moisture of woodlands, and seasonal variation of growth falls behind that of soil moisture.


18、Bangkok is low-laying and always threatened by floods during monsoon season.


19、In June, the flowers in full bloom season;

but don't cling to it once it's over. You've gotta know when to say goodbye.拥抱生命的每个季节,一个季节过后也不要恋栈,人应该知道何时说再见。

20、Embrace each season of your life…

21、It was a chilly season!这真是一个滴水成冰的季节! !

22、The Arctic ice cap fluctuates with the seasons, growing in the freezing winter and shrinking over the summer.北极冰盖随季节而变化,在严寒的冬季增长而在夏季则会减少。

23、Little tumuli of oyster shells in the oyster season, and of lobster shells in the lobster season, and of broken crockery and faded cabbage leaves in all seasons, encroached upon its high places.在牡蛎季节中的牡蛎壳,在龙虾季节中的龙虾壳,在所有季节中的破碎的陶器和枯萎的卷心菜叶,像小坟般一堆一堆地侵占了铁路线的路堤。

24、This sickness sends in the cold dry season.本病好发于寒冷干燥的季节。

25、Summer sun exposure should be prevented, the winter cold season, the construction insulation measures should be taken.夏季应防止阳光暴晒,冬季低温季节施工应采取保温措施。

英文句子26:,26、Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness.雾霭的季节,果实圆熟的时令。

27、The season comes in a gentle and mild way.和风细雨的季节又来了。

28、The results show: in clear case the ratio of PAR to global radiation is a range from 0.419 to 0.426 over Zhangye region and the seasonal variation is not obvious.结果表明:张掖地区晴天PAR在太阳总辐射中所占的比例在0.419—0.426之间,季节变化不明显;多云天气条件下比值大于晴天,且有较明显的季节变化,夏季大,冬季小。

29、Pedantry is the unseasonable ostentation of learning.“炫学者”,不合季节卖弄学问的人。

30、The IOD has significant influences on the MJO intensity in boreal summer.IOD对北半球夏季季节内振荡强度存在显著影响。

31、The water quality has seasonal variation.泥河水质具有季节性变化。

32、The old South, the spring season.旧时的江南,草长莺飞的季节。

33、The decree is made that Baal will rule during the seasons of fertility and Mot during the seasons of sterility and drought.法令已经制定,在丰产的季节由巴力统治,贫乏和干旱的季节则由莫特统治。

34、A hot season; a spell of hot weather.热天炎热的季节;一阵热天气。

35、Time series of horizontal kinetic energy show an obvious seasonal variation with the maximum in winter when jet is strongest and the mimimum in summer when there doesn't exist the jet.数据分析结果表明,重力波活动存在明显的季节变化,冬季较频繁,夏季活动较弱,与急流强度的季节变化一致,这意味着重力波的激发与背景风密切相关。

36、Bangkok is low-lying and always threatened by floods during monsoon season.曼谷的地势很低,在季风季节,市场受到被洪灾威胁。

37、The paulownia will blossom next month.下个月就是桐子开花的季节了。

38、But with the off-season cultivation technique.这里运用的是反季节的栽培技术。

39、There were obviously seasonal variation of polychaete quantity.数量有明显的季节变化。

40、Quebec City is known for its Winter Carnival, its summer music festival and for its Saint-Jean-Baptiste Day celebrations.魁北克因其冬季嘉年华,夏季的音乐节和圣徒让帕斯特节日庆典而出名。

41、Out of season, out of price.季节过,价钱落。(贵在时令。)

42、It is calving season in the Arctic.这是北极圈的裂冰季节。

43、So, have seasonal of melancholia say.所以,有季节性忧郁症之说。

44、This is the season when fish migrate.这个季节正是鱼洄游的时候。

45、Notes : Figures in brackets denote seasonally unadjusted quarter-to-quarter percentage changes.注释:括号内数字指未经季节性调整的按季变动百分率。

46、Harvest time for the moneylenders.对放债者来说是收获的季节。

47、Actually, many artists appealed to the theme of seasons, trying to illustrate the unique features and particular atmosphere of each season.确实,众多艺术家都诉诸于季节主题,尝试阐释每个季节的独特之处与特定氛境。

48、You may have the winterblues, or seasonal affective disorder (SAD).也许你患上了冬季抑郁或者是季节性情感抑郁症(SAD)。

49、Tao Heung season, we harvest of hope.稻香的季节,我们收获着希望。

50、Every year, an action plan is prepared ahead of monsoon season.每年赶在季风季节前,苏拉特已作好行动计划。

经典英文句子51:季节的诗,51、The best solution; the best time for planting.该季正值最盛时节。

52、Jenna: Is the puppet show about season?简娜:木偶剧是关于季节的吗?

53、It’s allergy season again– oh, sorry.又到了易发过敏的季节。 哦,对不起。

54、We have sharp distinction between the seasons.我们这季节差别很明显。

55、The photosynthetic abilities of A. ginnala with seasonal adaptability are still higher under low temperatures in autumn, so A. ginnala has higher view value.通过以上分析认为,茶条槭光合能力有季节性的适应,秋季低温季节仍具有较高的光合能力,并具较高的观赏价值。

56、It’s not the same beats season after season.它每一季的节拍都不相同。

57、never leave me in such beautiful seasen於这个美丽的季节 不曾离开我

58、Most fractures happened in summer and the leading causes were traffic accidents.夏季为好发季节,交通事故为主要致伤原因;

59、Winter is known as cold season - and it's not just because the temperatures are dropping.冬天是一个寒冷的季节,不仅仅是因为它的温度在降低。 你感冒的几率在这个季节里在增大。

60、The one, it's beautiful, it's beautiful.但有一个季节非常非常美的。


标签: 季节

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