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1、The honey made by collecting nectar or secretion of one kind of honey source plant.


2、Four hims and a her. All alive!


3、Her bosom rose and fell as she breathed.


4、Having bosom friends is a blessing in itself.


5、With the honey for the bee.


6、Go with the cater-cousin in boudoir again bubble!


7、She clasped the baby to her bosom.


8、A heart whose love is innocent!

姜暮烟即将回国与闺蜜聊天时,说自己与柳时镇的再次相聚很棒,最后又将打好的“后悔没有抓住机会接受他的表白”删除。 。

9、Ginger both smoke coming home chat with girlfriends, said he and liu town together again is great, then will play a good regret not seize the opportunity to accept his profession deleted.


10、I chatted with my big close mate today, so happy.


11、"Now you know why I'm still single," my thirtysomething girlfriend mused the other day as I complained about yet another disappointing date. "Single men are all the same," she continued.


12、Immediately the girl stood up and walked around (she was twelve years old). At this they were completely astonished.


13、He bared his bosom to the crowd.

Spend some time with your ladybros. 想让自己感觉更漂亮、压力更小、更健康、更快乐?

14、Want to feel prettier, be less stressed, be healthier and happier?


15、The girl was fortunate enough to have her mother as a bosom friend.


16、This is for ponds launch a share, honey whitening result of activities, Amy came up with beauty, is to blossom slogan for the peace appreciation, ZhaoZong played very cold.


17、University graduate from their hometown hunan Amy came to Shanghai to own, ChenYan honey, one day early in the morning two people together to take the bus to go to their company for an interview.


18、The bee makes honey.

19、Share that celebration with a ladybro. 有什么好事要庆祝?


20、To greet the bride from her bedroom.

21、I'm a maiden who grew up in China.我是在中国长大的大家闺秀。

22、Neo-Boudoir Art is the mainstream of contemporary female's painting in China. Xia Junna is one of the representatives of Neo-Boudoir Art.新闺阁艺术是我国当代女性绘画的主流,夏俊娜是新闺阁艺术家的代表。

23、“You're welcome, old girl,” the vet said, shaking it.“老闺女,不客气,”兽医握着爪子说道。

24、You are my best love close friend I love you给个好评呗,谢谢。

25、Talk to your best friend at work. 与知心朋友聊聊工作。

英文句子26:,26、Honey. Bees are animals. Bees make honey. Vegans don't eat it.蜂蜜。 蜜蜂是动物,蜜蜂酿蜂蜜。纯素者不吃它。

27、Because of the expressive force of space, the images with space significance are interpreted to express the theme of maiden's sorrow.结合空间转移对于闺怨的表现力,表现空间意义的意象贯穿了闺怨的主题。

28、Much joy to you in the upcoming year.愿您在新的xx年充满快乐.

29、It is the close friend of young city ladies;她是都市年轻女性的闺中密友;

30、Bees make honey.蜜蜂酿蜜。

31、I rode in the women's car, as usual.跟以往一样,我坐在了“闺房车厢”。

32、"I love getting an alternative perspective from guy friends, " says Nellie Gaintsev, 22, an Interior Design student at The University of Technology, Sydney.xx岁的奈丽是悉尼科技大学室内设计专业的一名学生,她说:“我很喜欢从男性闺蜜那里得到一种全新的观点。

33、Spend some time with your ladybros. 想让自己感觉更漂亮、压力更小、更健康、更快乐?

34、Honey specialties from all over the world, organic and conventional, honey preparations, organic Agave and Maple syrup, Date syrup.经营来自世界各地的蜜类美食,包括有机及传统食品、蜜制品、有机龙舌兰蜜和枫蜜、枣蜜。

35、A dead bee makes no honey .蜜蜂不停地酿蜜。

36、Nothing is sweeter than the smell of a rose.香闺;有香味的文具;香皂。

37、Her boudoir is clean and tidy.她的闺房干净而整齐。

38、Have the girls ever seen it?闺女们看过吗?

39、Don't you know she is a Diana?难道你不知道她还待字闺中吗?

40、The liquid gives them food and material to make honey.花蜜为蜜蜂提供食物和酿蜜的原料。

41、Having bosom friends is a blessing in itself. 有知心朋友,本身就是一种幸福。

42、Bees are animals. Bees make honey.蜜蜂是动物,蜜蜂酿蜂蜜。

43、The threat of death makes bosom buddies of us all.死亡的威胁使我们都成了亲密的伙伴。

44、She made three paces thro' the room.她于闺房跨出三个脚步。

45、The spokeswoman added: 'This survey proves that despite the fact women spend more money when shopping with their friends they have a better time than shopping alone.这个发言人补充道:“这项调研证明,撇开女性与闺蜜逛街会花更多钱的事实外,她们比起独自逛街会拥有更美好的时光。

46、I was inspired by my female friends who like to confide their troubles about family, study and work.来自上海的 “讨骂网店”店主王平(音译)表示:“我的几个闺蜜很喜欢向别人倾诉家庭、工作和学习上的烦心事,正是她们启发我开了这个网店。

47、We get honey from bees.蜜蜂为我们采蜜。

48、Warmest thoughts and best wishes form your daughter.寄上无限的思念和最美好的祝愿,你们的女儿.

49、Her boudoir is clean and tidy.她的闺房干净而整洁。

50、Honeybees don't just make honey;蜜蜂不止是会酿蜜;

经典英文句子51:闺蜜,51、Honey ants collect honeydew.采蜜蚁采集蜜露。

52、After a farce passes 一番闹剧过后三个原本幸福的家庭陷入情感信任危机,直接导致大闺女家冷战、二闺女家离婚、三闺女家分居。

3 originally happy family is immersed in affection accredit crisis, bring about home of divorce of home of cold war of old girl home,

2 girls,

3 girls to live apart directly.

53、Talk to your best friend at work.与知心朋友聊聊工作。

54、Eric used his nanny van to send Yeung Sau Wai, who was half drunk, home.返伊人香闺孙耀威见杨秀惠饮至半醉,出动保母车送伊人返香闺。

55、生日快乐亲爱的闺密,我俩同乐 Happy birthday to my dear girlfriends, our pleasure

56、A present from me is on the way. Hope you'll like it.寄上一份礼物,希望你们会喜欢.


标签: 英文 简短

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