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何炬学(1963·2—) 作家、诗人。

1、He Juxue (1963·2—), writer and poet.


2、Poetics of bamboo slips in Shanghai Museum is the earliest work ever known of Confucius' disciples on The Book of Songs.


3、His poems participate of the nature of satire.


4、Secondly , the process of the Mao Poems'classic .


5、It's lightness, elegant as poem and painting.


6、Meanwhile, Yan Can attaches great importance to "Book of Songs" enlightenment function, and put forward point of view that "poetry is the history of.


7、Poetry and complement each other, similar paintings that good poetry in the contemporary art world is also not uncommon.


8、One of the fathers in great severity called poesy vinum daenwnwn; because it filleth the imagination and yet it is but with me shadow of a lie.


9、Much affinity exists between the main features of Dai Wangshu's poetics and the essential characteristics of the French symbolist poetics.


10、Since spreading into Korea, the poems by Du Fu have enjoyed very high reputation. They have been respected as fine models of poems.


11、Of course, marrying a poet was one thing, but fathering a son who preferred burying his face in poetry books to hunting…



5 contains God's stipulations.


13、Poetry paintings, they will only painting.


14、And if it's a poet that you want to be, to what extent can the writing of poetry be considered respectable work?"


15、A study of Qin Zihao's modernist poetry.


16、With inscriptions on Chinese paintings, the belief at least becomes manifest, that the poetic meaning of a painting needs some verbal explication.


17、Just listen to the language, the poetry!


18、And in the Odyssey also he has made mention of it in these verses: 99


19、I croon this poem in delight.


20、She spent her spare time composing poetry.

21、It is often repeated by the Psalmist-'Wait on the Lord and he will strengthen your heart'. Good advice for Ruth and good advice for us.正如诗人经常在诗篇呼吁人要「等候主,祂必坚固你的心」。

22、Homeric epics were transmitted orally among the rhapsodes. However, they had been written down probably in Homer's age.荷马史诗最初在颂诗人之间口头流传,但在荷马时代可能就已经有写本了。

23、A man, who is a man, is stubbornly described as "Vagrant" in the poem so as to get the theme of the poem reinforced.人,便是人,诗中硬要说成“氓” ,这是用来强化该诗的内涵。

24、Of course, marrying a poet was one thing, but fathering a son who preferred burying his face in poetry books to hunting...当然,跟诗人结婚是一回事,但生个喜欢埋首诗书多过打猎的儿子……

25、The third kind is poems of complimentary copy;第三类是寄赠诗;

英文句子26:,26、George Santayana, [Three Philosophical Poets]桑塔亚那,(三位哲学诗人)

27、Although the studies of Pre-Qin scattered poems has more than 2000 years, it is subject to the investigation of the Book of Songs comparing with the studies of the Book of Songs before 20th century.先秦逸诗的研究已有二千多年的历史,但在20世纪以前,与《诗经》研究相比,逸诗研究始终处于从属地位。

28、First of all, the thesis makes clear the influences of Neo-Confucianism on poetics theory and composition practice.首先,联系理学思想对江湖诗派诗学理论、创作实际等方面的影响进行梳理。

29、Well--okay. This has nothing to do with the text, we say, and yet at the same time suppose it did.其实这和诗本身并没有关系,但是我们假设它和诗是关联的。

30、Jiangzhai take "idea" as the key elements commenting on the poem gist, and the "idea" is unfolded for "feeling" and "scenery".王夫之《姜斋诗话》以“意”为论诗主旨,并把“意”展开为“情”、“景”两要素。

31、You don't understand the poetry of life.你不理解生活的诗意。

32、Amen and Amen (Psalm 41:阿门,阿门(诗篇 41:



10 13)。

33、His poem compares poorly with yours.他的诗做得不如你的好。

34、Most of the songs in Hengchui Ballads were supposed as border poems by scholars.横吹曲题目中的大部分被文人们赋咏为边塞诗,横吹曲辞与边塞诗是有关系的。

35、To divert interest from the poet to the poetry is a laudable aim: for it would conduce to a juster estimation of actual poetry, good and bad.将兴趣由诗人身上转移到诗上是一件值得称赞的企图:因为这样一来,批评真正的诗,不论好坏,可以得到一个较为公正的评价。

36、Textual Research on Geography in The Book of Songs is the main representative works as a result of studying The Book of Songs by Wang Yinglin, who was a scholar in Nansong Dynasty.《诗地理考》是南宋学者王应麟《诗经》研究的主要代表作品,也是我国现存最早的考证《诗经》中相关地理的专著。

37、First, A study on Zhaoyin poems and Anti-Zhaoyin poems will discover the law of the Poems' emergence, development and extinction.招隐诗与反招隐诗研究,探讨其产生、发展以及消亡的规律;

38、That's why the poem, the lyric poem, is privileged among the forms of literary discourse in the New Criticism.这就是为什么诗,一首抒情诗,在新批评派眼里要优于其他各种文学形式。

39、To the specific levels, the Confucianist ideas on poetry and music are both identical and different.但是儒家对诗、乐的各自地位以及由此而来的对诗、乐的具体要求,却不完全相同。

40、Barracuda Point, Sipadan, Malaysia.马来西亚诗巴丹岛梭鱼点。

41、Fushi, to some extent, is characteristic of enigmatic language and metaphor from the phenomenon of explaining the poem after Fushi and the true idea being beyond the poem itself.从赋诗中赋后加以解释以及赋者之意不在诗本身而在其比附的对象来看,赋诗在某种程度上蕴含有隐语与譬喻的性质。

42、The method of "Poems" and thinking method of "Historic Classics" provided a thinking pattern for the creation and acceptance of eulogistic poems.用诗方式和史学思维为咏史诗的创作与接受提供了思维模式;

43、The most epic of Ragnar's adventures!进入拉格纳的史诗冒险!

44、Up to Han, Wei and Six Dynasty, they gained great development, forming the first culmination in the history of China's poetry.到了汉魏六朝,隐逸诗极大发展,形成中国诗史上第一个创作高峰。

45、His summary prosifies the poem.他的摘要把诗散文化了。

46、In 1980, at Hillary’s urging, I had joined Immanuel and begun to sing in the choir.xx年,在希拉里的怂恿下,我加入了以马内利浸礼会,开始在唱诗班中唱诗。

47、The combination of emptiness and Buddhism in Wang Wei's poems is not only a poetic but also a cultural phenomenon.王维诗中“空”与禅的合璧,不仅是一种诗学现象,也是一种文化现象。

48、The theoretic basis for the homogeny of drama and poetry is that both forms of art cannot exist without "tension".“诗剧同质”的诗学基础在于这两种体裁的文学作品都离不开“冲突”。

49、It is the essence of poetry, and its retention in the poetic translation is the highest ideal for all literary translators.翻译诗文要译出诗味,是文学翻译工作者在实践中一致的至高追求。

50、The concept of "harmony of poetry and painting" is closely related with the rise of modem-styled poetry and landscape painting.“诗画一律”的提出与近体诗和山水画的兴起有密切关系。

经典英文句子51:诗,51、He learned [learnt] the poem at school.他在学校学过那首诗。

52、Yao was named a reputation in the early Changqing years when he wrote the poems in Wugong county.而姚合则在长庆初年创作了《武功县中作》等组诗以后方获得诗坛声誉。

53、We can know every aspects of life in Pre-Qin times with the Book of Songs.通过时《诗经》婚恋诗的研究,我们可以了解到先秦社会生活的方方面面。

54、King find people, but also poetry visit.人们来寻景,更来寻诗。

55、According to the content Li Yuan-yang 's poems are devised into three category: The first kind is poems of reflecting society realistic;从内容看,李元阳的诗可分三类:第一类是反映社会现实的诗;

56、Wordsworth enters St John's, and publishes his first poem. He later became Poet Laureate.华滋华斯进入圣约翰学院,并发表了他第一首诗。随后他成为了桂冠诗人。

57、Misty poetry presents personal element.朦胧诗呈现出个人化倾向。

58、Chairman of Kincline Poetry Society in 1993.xx年任康乐诗会会长。

59、The one who wrote a preface to his collection of poems enjoyed the highest status among the Western Region poets on the frontiers.为其诗集作序者地位之高,在西域戍客诗人中也绝无仅有。

60、Sheng An Comments Poems by Yang Shen was the longest poem comments prior to the Ming Dynasty. It covers a wide range of profound knowledge.杨慎的《升庵诗话》是明代以前最长的诗话,其内容博大精深。


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