
作者:用户投稿 阅读:358 点赞:0





1、Ok, see you tomorrow and have a good dream.


2、You need to have a good rest today.


3、Paolo :Me too! I have also booked a hotel and planned our week.


4、You'd better get off at this stip. All right.

5、Everything is good when new, but friend when old. 东西新的好,朋友老的好。


6、The place needs a good clean-out.


7、They would do well to pause and ponder upon eir new responsibilities.

8、You need to go home and have a good rest. 你需要回家好好休息


9、Jane: I haven't made up my mind either, maybe I'll just get enough sleep for a recover.

10、A good fame is better than a good face.好的名望胜於好的相貌。


11、And speak contentedly, so I also want thoroughly to thoroughly adjust up the taste for my examination of this milestone type.


12、The image quality – Good is not good enough


13、everything is good when new, but friend when old.


14、You have to trust in something -your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever…


15、Iago . You are a fool; go to.

16、Everything is good when new, but friend when old.东西新的好,朋友老的好。

好好寻思寻思,你觉得是待在电脑屏幕前好呢? 还是和你喜欢的人待在一起好?

17、Think about it, do you enjoy yourself more in front of your computer screen, or in the presence of loved ones?

这有一个,我喜好这个。 - 好的。

18、Here's one, and I like this one. -Okay.

做好事 的人会得到好报的。

19、Those who do good will have their rewards.


20、A lot of friends in the street Xiaguang.

21、I must think out this difficult question.我必须好好想一想这个难题。

22、Fortunately the stepfather is a kind man.还好她的继父是个很好的人.

23、Great,we’d better make a booking. It’s quite busy this time of a day.太好了,我们最好先订位,这个时间他们生意都很好。

24、Rest both your mind and your body.让你的身心都能好好休息下。

25、I had a very good seat. The play was very interesting. I didn't enjoy it.搞了个好位子,剧情非常有意思,宝贝不能好好欣赏。

英文句子26:,26、You ask what is good, I answered, as before, make you very sad.你追问到底好不好,我回答,不如以前好,使你非常难过。

27、Good Pu-erh teas get better with age, like some fine wines.好普洱茶以陈年为佳, 像一些好的酒经过陈放变得比较好。

28、Sydney Central YHA - The best of the best!悉尼中央的YHA- 最好的最好!

29、Lora:Take a break and then go travel.应该先好好休息,出去旅行吧。

30、Looking better can help you feel better.良好的仪容能使你感觉更好。

31、The right food and care now -- that's all.注意饮食,好好照顾,就行了。

32、Thus, cherish life, hope we all have a better tomorrow! The advance together!生活如此,好好珍惜,望我们都有美好的明天!共同奋进吧!

33、Good morning, Li Ping, How are you doing today?早上好,李萍,今天还好吗?。

34、Trev: All right, But we're going out to spend some of this money later.崔佛:也好,不过待会我们要好好享受这些赢来的钱。

35、You have to trust in something -your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever...你得信任某个东西,直觉也好,命运也好,生活也好,因果报应……

36、Mr. Long, my good friend, how are you?龙先生 我的好朋友 你好吗?。

37、Knowledge is power- and power corrupts. So study hard and stay evil.学问就是气力,气力会邪好转。那么就好好研习当大魔王吧!

38、Chocks inserted, landing gear safety pins inserted, ground power unit on, release brakes, Please.挡 好,起落架安全销已插好,地面电源接好,请松刹车。

39、Sometimes really want to good posture and bar opened a dry well , but did not set you will not get the hey!有时候真想好好的拉开架势和扎好好干一场,可是没定你就不要进去了哎!

40、Stop being a machine and focus on what you love. Do it lovingly.别像个机器,只要好好的做你喜欢的事,而且把它做好。

41、China will forever be a good neighbor, a good partner and a good friend with ASEAN countries.中国愿与东盟各国永做好邻居、好伙伴、好朋友。

42、Yet the eco-friendly fuel is beginning to look less chummy of late.但是生态友好燃料好像并不像以前认为的那么友好。

43、Fortunately, she has several good partners, such as Luffy.好在有路飞这些好伙伴。

44、Have a good rest and don't worry about your work.好好休息, 别牵挂工作。

45、It seems very funny, I want to have the sand too. anyone know where to buy it?好似好好玩咁…我都想有…想问系边度先买到?。

46、Ann: OK. Your eggs are already here.好嘞。你要的煎蛋已经做好了。

47、I wanna leave for a few days to refresh my soul when everyone busy, so that I can escape with…好想、好想…放假!当所有人都忙碌嘅时候,可以有个好宁静嘅假期,你话有几好呢!

48、Okay, so staying out of the sun, eating a healthy Japanese diet and taking care of yourself-all great advice.好吧,避免晒太阳、食用健康的日式饮食、好好照顾自己——这些都是非常好的建议。

49、Chinese and Basotho peoples are not only good friends, but also good brothers and good partners.中莱两国人民不仅是好朋友,更是好兄弟、好伙伴。

50、I need get dolled up for the party.参加宴会,当然要好好打扮。

经典英文句子51:好,51、Do you think I should get my lips plumped ?你觉得我去丰唇好不好?

52、Everything is good when new, but friend when old.东西新的好,朋友老的好。

53、Everything is good when new, but friend when old.东西新的好,朋友老的好。



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