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1、They set to after calling each other names.


2、Honesty—If you tell lies or does not keep your words, no one will rely on you. I would rather be scolded than cheat (others).


3、He was very angry for being smacked down.


4、Does your boss try to outswear you?


5、Some of them said I was a human being and deserved treatment, and others fought her right in front of me." - Said, Somali refugee displaced by xenophobic violence.


6、He chided the naughty children away.


7、New and old employees to work equally, no one reminder, but no one scolded, smoking and drinking water freely (done all know)


8、Some suspect she thought she would have more to lose than Ms Macleod in a public slanging match;


9、If things were in an awful mess here, they would have let their journalists come, knowing that the result could only be vicious articles.

人在这个时候看山也感慨,看水也叹息, 借古讽今,指桑骂槐。

10、People at this time are also feeling the mountains, watching the water also, alas, to make oblique accusations.


11、While the two were getting the money, the one at the door covering us with the gun obviously got a bit of an anxiety attack and started swearing at them, telling them to hurry up and get a move on .


12、They were fre-quently cursed in those days.


13、He was reprimanded for nodding off in class.


14、He greeted me with a stream of abuse.


15、In the western world it is not customary to smile at the reprimands of others, as it is in Japan.


16、But it is also the audience most fun nuwa posterity, many netizens said she did not like the nuwa posterity, bristle.


17、Savannah: No, I can't tell you because it's filthy.


18、and they want the celebrity to lose it because if they lose it, and they yell or anything,


19、Don't think that we Chinese can't use English to swear at people!


20、The reporter professes is to collect fees the controller of the station, help of hope the other side expunges these name-calling post.

21、Inside were four armed SS men, one of whom – an Untersturmführer, or second lieutenant, was shouting and swearing at him.车里有四个全副武装的党卫军,其中一个少尉正朝他大喊大叫,骂骂咧咧。

22、Jn. 约九28 他们就骂他说,你是那人的门徒,我们是摩西的门徒。

9:28 And they reviled him and said, You are His disciple; but we are disciples of Moses.

23、Ah! and the devil teaches you to swear at daddy?啊! 鬼教你去乱骂爸爸啦?

24、I will not scold you, my little Frantz.我的小法兰兹,我不会责骂你。

25、His answer was a torrent of abuses.他的回答是连珠炮式的“漫骂”。

英文句子26:,26、They lashed out at gays sometimes.他们时而甚至会痛骂同性恋

27、Inveighing and mocking won't solve any problem.谩骂嘲讽能解决什么问题?

28、He was slanged away at by his boss.他被他的老板臭骂了一顿。

29、Has she scolded you again lately?她近来还常常骂你吗?”觉慧含笑道。

30、You will catch it for breaking that vase.你打破了那花瓶要挨骂了。

31、The Red Army never scolded people or beat people up. It never looked down on ordinary people, whether they were rich or poor.红军从来没有骂人或打人,从来没有瞧不起普通百姓,不管你有没有钱。

32、LuBin had quarreled and red town, he scold with red town is a who take delight in other peoples pain.路彬和具瑞镇吵了起来,他骂具瑞镇是个把快乐建立在别人痛苦之上的人。

33、Otherwise, there is abuse and abuse everywhere and always.否则,到处是骂声一片。

34、He got a wigging for being out late last night.回来太迟而被骂了一顿。

35、Abbiati cursed: Who goal prostrate up!阿比亚蒂大骂:谁把球门弄倒了!

36、The two girls were calling each other names.两个女孩正在相互对骂。

37、"we are all honest gentleman, how can you do like that?" the teacher scolded in an angry voice.老师厉声骂道:我们都是有教养的规矩人,你怎么能做这等事?

38、I couldn't stop condemning the hateful Song Lu.我忍不住骂声可恨的宋路者。

39、"You call me old witch, do ye, you deceiver!" says she, "when ye ought to ha' been calling me mother-law these last five months!"‘你骂我老巫婆,你敢骂我,你这个骗子,’她悦,‘这五个月来,你该叫我丈母娘才对!’

40、After abusing you so abominably to your face, I could have no scruple in abusing you to all your relations.我既然能够当着你自己的面,深恶痛绝地骂你,自然也会在你任何亲戚面前骂你。

41、The bold old soldier scolds the cold officer.大胆老兵骂冷淡的军官。

42、Sebastian calls the Boatswain a "bawling, blasphemous, incharitable dog"in The Tempest.在《暴风雨》中,西巴斯辛骂水手长:“你这大喊大叫、血口喷人、没有心肝的狗东西”。

43、Bloggers have hectored celebrities, including the basketball star Yao Ming, whose relief donations are not deemed big enough.博客中对知名人士进行威吓谩骂,包括篮球明星姚明,说他的个人捐款不够多。

44、Because who needs to hear people cursing like Tourette's patients on speed and failing to work together?有谁愿意听他们滔滔不绝的骂人并导致团队解散吗?

45、You will catch it for breaking that vase .你打破了那花瓶要挨骂了。

46、BEARD, n. The hair that is commonly cut off by those who justly execrate the absurd Chinese custom of shaving the head.那些理直气壮骂中国人剃光头为荒唐习惯的人们剃掉的毛发。

47、So numerous people circular, and then feel emperor Cha the Jie and mini Ze be scolded, oneself doesn't tranquility down not to work.这么多人围着,又觉得帝刹桀和少泽被人骂了,自己不冷静可不行。

48、Destroy the people's faith in their natural leaders by holding the latter up to contempt, ridicule and obloquy.摧毁人民对他们当然领袖的信仰,代之以轻蔑、嘲笑和漫骂。

49、Therefore, either the thought of only " less scolding and more help "of Dagong Bao, or denying it thoroughly, was unilateral.因此,认为新记《大公报》只是“小骂大帮忙”是片面的,但如果完全否认“小骂大帮忙”也是片面的。

50、LJ is being scolded by his mother, Lisa Rix.LJ的母亲Lisa Rix责骂着他。

经典英文句子51:骂人,51、The two of us stood in the middle of a large, open-plan office and let rip.我们两个人站在一间大大的开放式办公室中央对骂。

52、Da wei malicious scolded, afterwards he went the mirror tip I: friendship is man, ten million cannot love him!达伟狠骂了一顿就走了,事后他照着镜子提示本人:阿雅是男人,千万不能爱他!

53、They reached the morgue, and were greeted there by the curses of the attendant on duty.他们到了太平间,受到值班人员劈头盖脸的痛骂,算作打了招呼。

54、Producers of TV shows promoting new music scolded him for diving into the audience during performances.营销新音乐的电视节目制作人,因他在表演过程中跳入观众人群里而责骂他。

55、For instance, one person dreamed that her deceased mother scolded her for giving away her belongings too soon.例如,一个人梦到已故的母亲骂她,责怪她大手大脚挥霍家财。

56、Verbal abusiveness is a kind of speech-cat, it has a close connection with literary writing.骂 是人们言语行为的一种特殊形式,它与文学创作有不解之缘。

57、They rowed the cook about the meal.他们为了饭菜大骂厨师。

58、Beating is a sign of affection, cursing is a sign of love.打是亲,骂是爱。

59、A man was sued by a woman for defamation of character. She charged that he had called her a pig. The man was found guilty and fined.一个女人起诉一个男人诽谤。她指控这个男人骂她是头猪。男人被叛有罪并受到处罚。

60、I also have intermittently manic sickness, I am wants to fall the thing to curse at people asks the human to fight one.我还有间歇性的狂躁症, 我时不时的就想摔东西骂人找人打上一架。

61、Follow the rules and you won’t get chewed out.遵守规定你就不会挨骂。

62、His invective was turned against himself for he was reminded that everyone knew he himself had been to prison.他骂人只是对他自己不利,因为有人提醒他,大家都知道他曾经坐过牢。

63、She abused him soundly for his neglect.因疏忽被她痛骂了一顿。

64、We call some people dear without a heart to love. But for some we call idiot, we love them truly.有些人我们叫着敬爱的却并不真心爱好,有些人我们骂着傻瓜却是真的爱着。

65、But evolution has been, but gradually to the mudslinging and abuses in the direction of attack.但演变至今,却逐渐向挖人隐私乃至谩骂攻击的方向发展。

66、You can't define things in terms of themselves.老师会骂你的定义了。

67、WOMEN drivers who lean on the horn and swear at fellow motorists have their fathers to blame, say Finnish scientists.芬兰的科学家门说,那些经常对乘汽车者骂骂咧咧的女司机都有该谴责的父亲。

68、When quarreling with somebody, he has a bad habit of pointing at one person but abusing another.他有个坏习惯,那就是,当他跟某人吵嘴时,经常指桑骂槐。

69、My elder brothers, after a few spasmodic efforts, gave up all hopes of me--they even ceased to scold me.我的兄长们作过一段时间的努力之后,对我完全绝望了---他们就连责骂也不责骂我了。



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