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关于”描述职业“的英语句子49个,句子主体:Describe occupation。以下是关于描述职业的专业英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Describe occupation


1、Wadsworth group described the degraded regeneration of entanglement and renewable.

职位描述:- 联系客户,接收订单;

2、Job Description:- Contact clients, receiving orders.


3、How do you describe what you do?

4、成为一个医生的人一定要很耐心Doctor is one of the greetest jobs in the world


5、The introduction describes the career path of physician-scientists and some of the pitfalls they may encounter along the way.


6、Describe the Work Instructions being used for the assembly process.


7、The error messages are professional and descriptive.


8、It provides the primary means for coordinating enterprise services and describing business logic.


9、Next, describe the number and type of people needed to carryout the project.


10、Training files, curriculum by position, position profiles and other components will be phased in during 2007.


11、The interviewers started lobbing questions at the job candidates, according to Gamble-Risley.

就像 Mayne 所描述 ,在他的职业生涯中 唯一不变的是人们告诉他一些事情是不能做的。

12、As Mayne describes things, the only constant in his professional career has been people telling him something can't be done.


13、The complete job description is shown for each column, which can be quite long.

分段的垂直线描述每个 IT 角色的职权范围。

14、The vertical segmented lines delineates the area of competence of each IT roles.


15、All the following are class features of the psychic rogue.


16、A 12th-grader wrote a college admissions essay about wanting to pursue a career in oceanography.


17、Effective career development plans contain milestones for the achievement of learning goals and descriptions of any other resources and support needed to meet the goals that you agree to.


18、Genesis puts some emphasis on the occupations of the brothers; Abel tends flocks while Cain is a farmer.


19、Group customers by profession and provide an overview on how many outliers can be found in each profession category.


20、The first is Geoffrey Londons essay, An Evolving Practice, which tracks the trajectory of Kerry Hills career and the refinement of his designs.

21、Thirdly, it illustrates the current situation and agglomeration status of EIMI in China.第三,描述我国电子信息产业制造业的现状和集聚状况;

22、Career plateau is a conception that describes the stagnancy of one's career development.“生涯高原”是描述个体在职业生涯发展中出现停滞状态的一个概念。

23、In addition to the flow model used to describe business processes, WSFL also applies to the global model to describe overall partner interactions.除用于描述业务流程的流模型外,WSFL 还应用于全局模型以描述整个伙伴交互。

24、Responsibilities: 职位描述: 工作职责: 协助项目经理控制项目整体安全、进度按时、高质量和费用不超预算;

1. Assist project manager for executing project in safety, on schedule, good quality and cost within budget;


1 。

25、In that period of his career, he untangled what he described as a "classical unsolved problem" related to differential geometry and to general relativity.在他职业生涯的这一时期,他解决了一个他描述的“经典未解问题”,这与微分几何与和广义相对论相关。

英文句子26:,26、JOB_DESC: the job description in free-formed textJOB_DESC:使用任意格式的文本表示的职位描述

27、医生为病人看病Doctors for patients to see a doctor

28、Would you address character description for the commercial and industrial arts staff?你能够给商业与工艺美术的职员讲讲特征描述吗?

29、The overview page contains a list of all professions with the number of customer records and the number of outliers per profession.概述页面包含一个职业列表,显示每种职业的客户记录数量和离群值数量。

30、People who is a doctor must be patient,friendly and careful,友善并且心细。

31、Qualify and quantify the business goals.描述和量化商业目标。

32、Finally, Galloppa outlined his career ambitions.最后,加洛帕概述了他的职业抱负。

33、Job Description: The lead roaster has the primary responsibility of managing the production of roasted coffee.职位描述:首席烘焙师的主要职责的负责咖啡的烘焙生产。

34、This part of the resume describes your previous jobs, including the job title, responsibilities, dates of employment, and your major accomplishments.履历的这部分描述你先前的工作经验,包括衔头、工作职责、雇用的时期,以及所成就的主要业绩。

35、Could you please tell me more about the main responsibility?能再多描述一下这个岗位职责么?

36、Ms. Lampley, whose benefits have ended, described the tough job market.失业补助金已经结束的兰普蕾女士描述了艰难的就业市场。

37、Saying the position is a “level-six role” or riddling an advert with internal jargon means nothing to external job seekers.例如将该职位定义成“Level-six“(资深级别)或者在职位描述上加一个内部标记,表示这个职位是不接受外部求职者的申请。

38、It can even describe how industry structures evolve.它甚至能描述产业结构是如何演进的。

39、The meta package descriptor, which typically has a .pkg extension, describes the overall job and lists all packages to be installed.元数据包描述符,通常带有 .pkg 扩展名,描述了整个作业并列出了待安装的所有包。

40、Until the mid-70s, there were no openings for a career in hostage negotiation and even now the job description is fluid.xx年代中期才有人质谈判的开放职位,即使现在,职位描述也是变动的。

41、During the years we worked on Viaweb I read a lot of job descriptions.在Viaweb工作的时候,我读了不少职位描述。

42、The approach described in this series is designed to support an enterprise or portion of an enterprise that is using models to help describe and control its evolution.本系列文章中描述的方法,用于支持使用模型的企业或者企业的一部分,以帮助它们描述和控制它们的发展。

43、In this thesis, guiding of the institutional change theory, we put forward the frame description of the usage of manager: the leapfrog institutional change.本论文以制度变迁理论为理论指导,提出职业经理人实施变革的一个框架性描述——蛙跳式制度变迁。

44、Compose the Job Description for underling and update it timely according to requirement of work.建立下属的“职位描述”并根据工作需要及时更新。

45、Position description: financial budget and final accounts management.职位描述:财务预算、核算、决算管理。

46、Develop position descriptions for all roles under the control of AHM.在AHM控制下按为酒店各工种制订职位描述。

47、This position will be FESCO employee. The Position Summary is as follows. For detail job description, please refer to attached file.该职位是外服公司合同员工。请参见以下职位概要。详细职位描述和要求参见附件。

48、Part I overviews how personality relates to careers.第一部分概述如何性格有关的职业。

49、The job deerrorscription is part of every Tristate Enterprises employee's contract.职位描述是联亚公司劳动合同的一个组成部分。

50、According to the provisions of the business work summary, regularly to the Department Manager report;按规定进行业务工作总结,定期向事业部经理述职;

经典英文句子51:描述职业,51、邮递员为很多的市民送信To a lot of people postman messenger

52、Ocdupation female how to face to the social pressure职业女性如何面对社会压力

53、Many programs have beefed up the career - services portion of orientation, incorporating a self - evaluation and assessment into the career department's presentation.许多专业已经在专业定位时增加了职业服务的部分,将个人评估和职业评估合二为一综合阐述。

54、TOGAF describes an enterprise architecture from four perspectivesTOGAF从四个角度描述企业架构

55、You can also select a job offering from the list overviews to see the complete job offering description.您还可以从列表概述中选择一个职位招聘,查看完整的职位招聘描述。

56、These units were conceived for young professionals这些单元是为年轻职业女性设计的

57、Concerned that my Elysian existence is not sustainable, I went to see a recruitment agency and described what I've been doing since my last job.由于担心这种天堂般的日子无法持续,我拜会了一家职业中介机构,描述了我辞职后一直在做的事情。

58、Description: Metal Film Resistors, Industrial, 1% Tolerance.中文描述:金属膜电阻,工业,1%容差。

59、Job Title:Pre-sales Consultant Job Descriptions: 职位名称:售前顾问 职位描述:

1. Responsible for the Business Development of web-based software solutions for trade and e-commerce;



60、Current traffic models can't describe the high burstiness of high-speed traffic.现有的业务流模型难以描述高速业务流的高突发性。

61、When writing about your time out of the paid workforce, only include activities that back up the skills relevant to your career goal.在描述你不工作的那段时期时,只需写上那些与你职业目标相关的专业技能的活动就可以了。

62、Students and New Graduates: Describe courses, school projects, internships and extracurricular activities that are relevant to your career goal.学生及刚毕业者:描述与你职业目标相关课程,学校项目,实习及课外活动等。

63、Contrast this career, encapsulated in those images, with this one.对比这些图片中简述的他的职业,以及这张。

64、The situation described here is clear enough: the doctor must treat a hateful patient and restrain himself from acting unprofessionally .诗里所描述的情形非常清楚:面对讨厌的病人,医生也必须加以救治,克制自己不要做出有悖职业道德的事情来。

65、Personalize Open Positions Long Descr Text.个性化空缺职位详细描述文本。

66、In this chapter the concept of public enterprise push, characteristics, and the status quo described in the description of the status quo of a few typical state-owned enterprises were discussed.在这一章中推公用企业概念、特点、及现状进行了描述,在现状描述中对几个典型的国有企业分别作了阐述。

67、Be specific, not vague or fuzzy.职业表述要精确,不可含混模糊。

68、These are characterizations of typical positions in an organization.用户角色是组织中典型职位的特征描述。

69、Saying the position is a "level-six role" or riddling an advert with internal jargon means nothing to external job seekers.例如将该职位定义成“Level-six“(资深级别)或者在职位描述上加一个内部标记,表示这个职位是不接受外部求职者的申请。

70、Could you please send more informations about this part time job, including the working time, the wages and the company details?根本没任何解答直接让面试,连具体职位描述、工作时间、工资都不清楚,你们还能再不专业点吗???

71、How do you describe your professionalism, motivation, interpersonal skills and life-long ambition?请问你怎么描述你的职业能力,动力,交际能力,和人生目标?

72、The activities described in a business process are very high-level.业务过程中所描述的活动的级别非常高。

73、Please describe your most outstanding non-academic achievement.请描述本身最突出的非学业成就。


标签: 职业

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