家谱用英语怎么说 家谱英语翻译

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家谱用英语怎么说 家谱英语翻译

家谱的英语翻译是" pedigree",还经常被译作 family stemma,在《大课标百科词典》中,共找到12个与家谱相关的释义和例句。


1. pedigree

家谱翻译为 pedigree 。

示例:她能把本族家谱追溯到16世纪。 She could trace her family tree back to the 16th century.


2. family stemma

家谱翻译为 family stemma 。

示例:他正在画他的家谱。 He is drawing his family tree.


3. genealogy book

家谱翻译为 genealogy book 。

示例:你的家谱可以追溯到多少代? How far back can you trace your family tree?


4. genealogical tree

家谱翻译为genealogical tree。

示例:- i need a tree like i need... What tree? - I need a tree like I need...



1. family archivess(家谱)

2. genealogial( 家谱)

3. genealogic( 家谱)

4. genealogick( 家谱)

5. genealogise( 家谱)

英语短语&俚语, FamilyKeeper Fami ( 家谱先生 )

My Family Roots ( 我的家谱 )

ancestry ( 家谱树 )

family tree Genogram ( 家谱图 )

Genealogy for veket ( 电子家谱制作软件 )

Ancestry ( 家谱网 )

Pedigree ( 血统家谱 )

A Family Tree ( 一个家谱 )


1. By looking at genetic variations in living strains of Yersinia pestis, Dr. Achtman's team has reconstructed a family tree of the bacterium.


2. You asked for a name, not a pedigree.


3. but i'm really big into that 'family tree' kind of thing...

译文:但我真的大到了 '家谱'之类的话。

4. We let Uncle Bernie and his fellow genealogists document their family trees through a genealogy website called geni.com.

译文:我们让伯尼叔叔和他的家谱同行, 通过族谱网站 geni.com 记录他们的家谱。 。

5. We are sponsored by Pedigree, because your dog is important.

译文:我们对家谱主办, 因为你的狗是很重要的。。

6. We can even have more surprising findings as we move from family trees and we let our genealogists document and crowdsource DNA information.

译文:随着我们从家谱树展开, 让我们的家谱学专家建档, 并且众包DNA信息, 我们能有更多惊奇的发现。 。

7. But now check out where they go on our tree of life.

译文:但是看它们在这个家谱上的位置。 。

8. We were assigned a genealogy project.


9. Joan's family tree's due tomorrow.


10. We know that you're into that genealogy stuff.


11. When users upload their trees to the website, it scans their relatives, and if it finds matches to existing trees, it merges the existing and the new tree together.

译文:当用户上传他们的家谱树到网站时, 网站会扫描他们的亲戚, 如果它发现匹配上现存的家谱树, 它会合并现存的和新的家谱树。 。

12. How far back can you trace your family tree?

译文:你的家谱可以追溯到多少代? 。

13. Wow. Yeah, well, look. i got a family tree.

译文:我拿到了你的家谱 你爸爸家的。

14. (Laughter) And our tree has millions of stories like that.

译文:(笑声) 我们的家谱树有数百万类似的故事。 。

15. She could trace her family tree back to the 16th century.

译文:她能把本族家谱追溯到16世纪。 。


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