图片的英语单词怎么读 _专业常考词汇表88个

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1、 absurd a

中文翻译: 荒唐的 荒谬的 不合理的 荒谬的荒唐的

例句:~ Never heard, how absurd... ~ 翻译:# Never heard, how absurd... #。



例句:has always developed admiration for me. 翻译:has always developed admiration for me.。




例句:in the end, i came to admire the lions. 翻译:I came to admire the lions.。

4、 affirmative answer

中文翻译: 肯定回答 肯定的回答 肯定的答案

例句:if both answer are affirmative 翻译:如果所有答案都是正面的话。

5、 intensive agriculture

中文翻译: 集约农业 精耕细作

例句:intensive agriculture is based on the use of chemical fertilizers. 翻译:密集农业以化肥使用为前提 。



例句:♪ And that is all, y'all ♪ 翻译:And that is all, y'all。

7、 falsely allege

中文翻译: 诡称 把不真实的或不实际的某种事物作为真实或实际的事物提出或提供

例句:To aver is to allege in a pleading. 翻译:立证是在辩护中引例证明。

1、 。

8、 phonetic alphabet n.

中文翻译: 语 音标字母

例句:C.N.N. is going live at

8:00 p.m. with the number

17 翻译:C. N. N.。



例句:Unlike all my non-animal children, 翻译:-animal children,。

10、 Battle of annihilation

中文翻译: 歼灭战

例句:... thephotonaccelerator annihilation beam! 翻译:灭绝死光!。



例句:What happened to appraisal fraud? 翻译:估价欺诈行为又是怎样呢? 。



例句:# Special guests of honour like the Archbishop Desmond Tutu 翻译:# Special guests of honour like the Archbishop Desmond Tutu。




例句:- Actually, how could it be an armenian thing? 翻译:how could it be an Armenian thing?。



例句:This arthritis is called psoriatic arthritis. 翻译:这种关节炎称为银屑病关节炎。。

15、 artificial leather

中文翻译: 皮革 人造革 人造皮 皮革 人造皮革 人造胶革

例句:Car, find Artificial Brain. 翻译:汽车 找Artificial Brain Car, find Artificial Brain.。

16、 Assault Girls

中文翻译: 突击少女 武装女猎人 突击女孩 片

例句:-Anyway, it's girls, girls, girls 翻译:反正就是girls , girls , girls。

17、 Authentic Leadership

中文翻译: 真诚领导 可信的领导 诚信领导 真实型领导

例句:i mean, completely authentic. 翻译:-- completely authentic.。

18、 Spirited Authenticity

中文翻译: 纯粹传承精神

例句:The last "A" is Authenticity. 翻译:最后一个A是本真(authenticity)。。

19、 authorizes cult

中文翻译: 权威迷信

例句:instead of which, you enslave yourself to this cult? 翻译:you enslave yourself to this cult?。

20、 stairs without barricade

中文翻译: 明步楼梯队

例句:The stairs, mateys, the stairs! 翻译:伙计们,楼梯,楼梯! The stairs, mateys, the stairs!。

21、 Beautiful World

中文翻译: 美丽世界 美丽的世界

例句:Emperor, beautiful calligraphy! i know these words, this is Ten, Nine, and world. 翻译:beautiful calligraphy! and world.。

22、 Green Bee-eater

中文翻译: 绿喉蜂虎

例句:One picture by Markus Varesvuo shows a brightly coloured bee-eater sitting on a branch and reaching out for a bumble bee in Csongrad, Hungary.

1、 翻译:一张由马库斯·瓦雷斯沃图拍摄自匈牙利琼格拉德州的照片中,一只颜色鲜艳的蜂虎鸟栖息在枝头,正凌空捕捉一只黄蜂。

2、 。



例句:No, Boov liberate and befriend. 翻译:波星人解放人们 和人们交朋友 No, Boov liberate and befriend.。

24、 But Beloveds

中文翻译: 但亲爱

例句:"They met their beloveds..." 翻译:' "They met their beloveds..." '又远远分离' "and separated"。



例句:Well, it's like it. He's a famous bloke. Look, you'll know him, i bet. 翻译:I bet.。



例句:Chao Gongwu's Achievement in Bibliography 翻译:晁公武的目录学成就。



例句:♪ Billow and breeze, islands and seas, ♪ 翻译:旅行的木讷 250.455)}时间轴: 薛定谔的猫。

28、 have a bird

中文翻译: 美国俚语

例句:Otherwise that talk of bird's nest would've killed me. 翻译:your talk about bird's nest would have killed me。



例句:The bracelet is the key? ! 翻译:钥匙就是手镯?。

30、 Web Browser

中文翻译: 网页浏览器 浏览器 网络浏览器

例句:Go to your EarthLink account in the web browser. 翻译:在浏览器里登入你的地球网帐号 Go to your EarthLink account in the web browser.。



例句:ANDWHATABOUTTHE FUCKiNG CACTi? 翻译:并且怎么样他妈的 仙人掌?。

32、 captive insurance business

中文翻译: 专属自保保险业务

例句:Bad time to be in the insurance business. 翻译:当时保险公司的日子都很难熬 Bad time to be in the insurance business.。



例句:Why is it not a whole carcase? 翻译:为什么不是完整的尸体? 。

34、 Chaplain Rive Gauche

中文翻译: 巴黎夏普兰左岸酒店

例句:Oh, and by the way, i made reservations for us Friday at La Rive Gauche. 翻译:哦,顺便说一下,我做了保留,我们星期。

五 在香格里拉左岸。

35、 royal charter

中文翻译: 皇家宪章 英国法律

例句:Massachusetts is run by the corporation strictly according to our Royal Charter. 翻译:公司是按照皇家颁布的特许权 Massachusetts is run by the corporation strictly sir.。

36、 Tsang Chi Hau

中文翻译: 曾至孝

例句:Cedar Rapids, Tulsa or Chi-Town? 翻译:or chi -town?。

37、 chimney hood

中文翻译: 烟囱帽 排气罩 烟囱罩 油烟机

例句:- Ah, says the chimney woman. 翻译:says the chimney woman.。

38、 duty of civility

中文翻译: 责任 国民任务

例句:"The people have not only a right, but a duty 翻译:but a duty。



例句:By Anse Hatfield and his clan? 翻译:By Anse Hatfield and his clan?。

40、 requests of clarification

中文翻译: 澄清要求

例句:A Disney spokeswoman the studios had not yet filed for co-production status but did not respond to requests for clarification. 翻译:迪士尼的一名发言人说,上述三家公司还没有为该片申请合拍片身份,但她没有回复记者提出的进一步澄清问题的请求。。

41、 around the clock

中文翻译: 日以继夜地 连续一整天

例句:# One, two, three o"clock, four o"clock rock # Five, six, seven o"clock, eight o"clock rock... # 翻译:Rock Around the Clock。

42、 clone technology

中文翻译: 克隆技术

例句:internet,computers,technology 翻译:Internet,computers,technology。

专业常用词汇表:0,43、 screen cloth

中文翻译: 筛绢 箩底筛网

例句:Application of Rotary Screen Printing to Knitted Cotton Undershirt Cloth 翻译:圆网印花在棉针织汗布印花生产中的应用。



例句:There was collateral damage. 翻译:连带伤亡惨重 There was collateral damage.。

45、 Last Commented Images

中文翻译: 最后一个注释的图像 最后评论图像 最新评论图片

例句:And i just commented on it. 翻译:所以就评论了一下 And I just commented on it.。



例句:- Look, this is complicated. 翻译:- Look, this is complicated.。



例句:As a connoisseur of human folly, 翻译:我身为人类愚行的鉴赏家。

48、 video game console

中文翻译: 电子游戏机 游戏机 电视游戏操作台

例句:[ Video Game ] You have no authority. 翻译:没有钱了。

49、 Contentment & Discontentment

中文翻译: 满意与不满意 满足与不满足

例句:Complacency and contentment. 翻译:还是有区别的 complacency and contentment.。



例句:They're not watching an add, they're saying, 翻译:about that game in a contextual way.。



例句:Control the algorithm, control the heist. 翻译:控制算法 控制偷窃 Control the algorithm, control the heist.。



例句:On the car. - What are you, crazy? ! 翻译:crazy?。



例句:- Yeah, Crimson Nightshade. 翻译:好,Crimson Nightshade。。

54、 Critter Rollers

中文翻译: 滚球大冒险

例句:Right before the Critter King blew. 翻译:在Critter King爆炸前。

55、 cuban dogfish

中文翻译: 古巴角鲨

例句:i thought he was born on a Cuban plantation. That's what they're all saying. 翻译:I thought he was born on a Cuban plantation?。

56、 pure line cultivar

中文翻译: 系品种 纯系品种 自交系品种

例句:"Earthly Pure." What is that? 翻译:Earthly Pure 那是什么?。



例句:- Cut it, cut it, cut it, cut it. -i don't think anyone's gonna call her after that. 翻译:停下, 停下, 停下, 停下. - Cut it, cut it, cut it, cut it. -。



例句:A decade away from treatment? 翻译:What are you? A decade away from treatment?。

59、 Amnesty Decree

中文翻译: 魔鬼天使

例句:i had a terrific pran i thought it would work 翻译:But it all went wrong And now I must decree。

60、 Man Destine Belong to Oceans

中文翻译: 段公子

例句:These pearls belong's to no man they belong's to nature! 翻译:这串珍珠不属于任何人 它们属于大自然。



例句:Detail, detail and detail again. 翻译:细节 细节 还是细节 Detail, detail and detail again.。

62、 blank determination

中文翻译: 胚料展开 胚料睁开 空白测定

例句:i me, self-determination is 翻译:self -determination is。

专业新课标单词表:0,63、 obstacle detouring survey

中文翻译: 测 越障测量

例句:♪ And i want to say, as i survey ♪ 翻译:♪ And I want to say, as I survey ♪。

64、 fault diagnosis

中文翻译: 故障诊断

例句:So the fault diagnosis of turbogenerators is an important question of the application of the fault diagnosis technic. 翻译:因此,汽轮机组的诊断一直是故障诊断技术应用的—个重要方面。。

65、 Strictly diagonally dominant matrix

中文翻译: 严格对角占优矩阵

例句:it's marked "Strictly Confidential". 翻译:Its marked "Strictly Confidential"。



例句:- ( no discernible dialog ) 翻译:- (没有明显的对话框)。

67、 Chinese diaspora

中文翻译: 华人离散 中国流亡 海外华人

例句:Just like the Canadians, the Chinese and the Dutch. 翻译:the Chinese and the Dutch.。

68、 diffusion bonding

中文翻译: 扩散压合 扩散接合 扩散粘结

例句:Diffusion of oxygen in the bonding coating and substrate is mainly grain-boundary diffusion. Grain-boundary diffusion coefficient is far greater than intragrain diffusion.

1、 翻译:氧在粘结底层和基体中的扩散是以晶界扩散为主,晶界扩散系数远远大于晶内的扩散系数。

2、 。



例句:Yes, but it's not very dignified, is it? 翻译:Yes, but it's not very dignified, is it? 对,但是好像不太庄重,对吗?。

70、 Disobeyed rules

中文翻译: 不服从校规

例句:He disobeyed the rules by not staying in the car. 翻译:他没有听从命令留在车上。



例句:This is my dissertation, my *thesis, um, *Diplomarbeit. 翻译:It's my dissertation. My thesis. 呃 毕业论文 Uh...。

72、 the most distasteful way

中文翻译: 最不愿意做的差事

例句:That is the most efficient way 翻译:- That is the most efficient way。

专业常用单词表:0,73、 For divorcing

中文翻译: 办理离婚手续

例句:- People there are divorcing. 翻译:- 那是离婚的地方。

74、 Meet John Doe

中文翻译:多伊 约翰多伊 风云人物

例句:Fill out a form for a john doe. 翻译:Fill out a form for a john doe.。



例句:You want to go downstairs? 翻译:You want to go downstairs?。

76、 boiler drum

中文翻译: 锅炉汽包 锅筒 鼓筒式锅炉

例句:Soda... coppers, boiler... sand and soap. 翻译:boiler...。

77、 duke it out

中文翻译: 打架 一决雌雄 用拳头猛击

例句:Duke... it was all Duke's fault. 翻译:Duke... 那都是 Duke 的错。

78、 elaborates on

中文翻译: 阐述了

例句:it elaborates on the different methods of NAS client configuration.

1、 翻译:本文将详细阐述配置NAS客户端的几种不同方法。

2、 。



例句:You used to be a little more eloquent. 翻译:曾经口才还好些 You used to be a little more eloquent.。

80、 data employs

中文翻译: 数据使用

例句:Family data can be used most simply by an approach which employs an individual culling level . 翻译:但是,一个更简便的方法是在顶层指明数据类型库。。

81、 fluent english

中文翻译: 流利英语 英语流利

例句:i've learned to speak fluent English 翻译:还学了一口流利的英语。

82、 oddly enough

中文翻译: 说来也奇怪

例句:- Oddly enough, it was Will. 翻译:说起来真的很奇怪 但是是Will告诉我的 什么...。

专业必背单词表:0,83、 Era News

中文翻译: 年代新闻台 年代新闻

例句:Are you still thinking of Era, sir? 翻译:你还在想Era吗 长官?。



例句:"No alibi err badly. Near by libra idol." 翻译:"No alibi err badly Near by libra idol"。

85、 Eternal Sonata

中文翻译: 信赖铃音 肖邦之梦 永恒奏鸣曲 永恒的奏鸣曲

例句:Administration is eternal! 翻译:行政代代相传 Administration is eternal!。

86、 Ethiopian Region

中文翻译: 埃塞俄比亚区 非洲区 衣索匹亚区 埃塞俄比亚区动物地理区

例句:They are mainly distributed in the palaearctic, nearctic, oriental, ethiopian region.

1、 翻译:他们主要分布在古北区、东洋区、新北区和非洲区。

2、 。

87、 on exhibition

中文翻译: 展出中

例句:And i guess you're trying to bring it back? 翻译:They had an exhibition at Woodstock.。

88、 exercises in all expects

中文翻译: 在所有演习预计 所有预计的演习 锻炼总计期望

例句:Five Exercises to Tame the Beast." 翻译:Five Exercises to Tame the Beast."。

89、 explosive power

中文翻译: 爆炸力

例句:- Explosive Disposal Unit is still on site. 翻译:- Explosive Disposal Unit。


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