运动员 英语怎么说

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运动员 英语怎么说

运动员的英语说作" player",其次还可以说成" sports star",在《新英汉汉英词典》中,共找到63个与运动员相关的翻译和例句。


1. player

运动员 翻译为 player 。

示例:应该允许运动员拍广告挣钱。 Players should be allowed to earn money from advertising.


2. sports star

运动员 翻译为 sports star 。

示例:这些运动员缺乏门前的嗅觉。 The players lacked the killer instinct.


3. sportsman

运动员 翻译为sportsman。

示例:他个子高,比其他运动员有利。 Being tall gave him an advantage over the other players.


4. athlete -

运动员 翻译为 athlete - 。

示例:Who is the Olympic athlete? 谁是奥运会运动员? Who is the Olympic athlete?



1. athlete(运动员


2. jock(运动员


3. sportsman(运动员

4. jocks you(运动员)


5. butterflyer(蝶泳运动员

英语短语&俚语, distance runner runner long-distance runnerr ( 长跑运动员 )

baseball player player Logansport ( 棒球运动员 )

football player footballer soccer player player ( 足球运动员 )

gymnastics athlete gymnasts ( 体操运动员 )

basketball player basket baller cager ( 篮球运动员 )

sprinter Usain Bolt dasher ( 短跑运动员 )

high jumper jumper ( 跳高运动员 )

puckster pucras iceman ( 冰球运动员 )

long jumper broad jumper Springer ( 跳远运动员 )

运动员 翻译例句,

1. Oh, yeah! Well, you just messed with the wrong athlete!

译文:你有错 他妈的运动员。。

2. Racers! Please take your position.


3. - He was a boxer? A mediocre boxer.

译文:总统曾经是拳击运动员, 一个普通的拳击运动员。。

4. it's the first year players, they're... being held under by the veteran players.

译文:是新运动员 他们... 被老运动员按在水底。

5. What do you think, is Santa a skier or a snowboarder?

译文:你觉得 严寒老人是谁 滑雪运动员还是滑板运动员。

6. No athletes study each other like distance runners.

译文:没有运动员互相理解 就像中长跑运动员。

7. Athletes need role models.


8. The athletes' bodies have gotten much more different from one another.

译文:运动员的体型已经变得 与其他种类的运动员们非常不同。 。

9. gymnast body builder weightlifting bar inflated landing mat vaulter finger-tipped push-up


10. Bigshow the world largest athletes


11. A professional athlete. it builds character.

译文:专业运动员 锻炼品质。

12. - Like, which ones? Specifically, which athletes?


13. An athlete is an athlete.

译文:一个运动员,就是一个运动员。 。

14. if i'm reborn, i want to be an athlete. Maybe soccer or baseball.

译文:我来世想当个运动员 足球或者篮球运动员。

15. For athletes, we have Forrest Gump




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