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关于”愤怒的小鸟台词“的英语句子45个,句子主体:Angry Birds lines。以下是关于愤怒的小鸟台词的高中英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Angry Birds lines


1、What about market outlook for fake commodity?angry bird expec to be the most fake doll in china.


2、So I wandered the streets of Shanghai, observing, window shopping in closed stores, playing more Angry Birds in another KFC with another drink for another hour.


3、I saw this T-shirt at Disneyland that had a picture of Donald Duck quacking and it said "The original Angry Bird". I died laughing!


4、Matilda is the leader of the anger management class on Bird Island. She is a former angry bird herself, but has since learned the error of her ways.


5、Talks of an Angry Birds movie, of course.

-Right.多家电视台一直在一次又一次地播放她愤怒的原声摘要… - 对。

6、The networks have been playing her angry sound bites over and over again…

自愤怒的小鸟,FourSquare check-ins和Skype chatter等游戏在黒莓手机上崩溃以后,黑莓便失去了其在手机行业的控制力。

7、Crushed under an avalanche of Angry Birds, FourSquare check-ins, and Skype chatter, the BlackBerry is finally losing its grip on the enterprise.


8、Hey, with Angry Birds on his side, who can blame him?


9、So far, Rovio has yet to spend a single penny on marketing or advertising, reports TechCrunch, but sells a million Angry Birds toys and a million T-shirts every month.


10、Mandy summoned her inner banshee, threw a lamp and some decent flatware.


11、Notate certain lines that need to be said with a specific tone, emotion or volume. For example, mark a line if it needs to be said in anger or a whisper.


12、High well-being asked He An about he and angry birds, He An thought of his mother.


13、The Angry Birds craze continues to captivate smartphone users across the globe.


14、It's fast, and to coin a well-used phrase, it's furious .

更新: 动漫周边- 手机绳- 愤怒的小鸟和乔巴手机绳!

15、Updates: Anime - Mobile strings - Angry Birds and Chopper Mobile strings!


16、And just the opposite is true as well. In the presence of anger, rage, hate, jealousy, DNA was tightened like a little knot.

罗维奥旧金山Web2.0峰会上发表演讲。 他还说,世界范围内的人们每天加起来有3亿分钟在玩《愤怒的小鸟》。

17、Speaking at the Web

2.0 conference in San Francisco, Rovio also said that Angry Birds is being played for 300 million minutes per day worldwide.


18、Life is like angry birds. There are always several pigs laughing when you lose.


19、The phrasal might originate from a cat's reaction of arching its back when angry or a dog's "hackles" (back hair) rising.


20、That proved to be enough to push it to number one, past Angry Birds, Tiny Wings, and other insanely popular apps.

21、Ye also says that the Angry Birds theme park has not received as much attention as expected, due to the opening of school terms and lack of promotion.叶还说,由于新学期的开学以及缺少推广,“愤怒的小鸟”主题公园并没有受到预期的关注。

22、When you're playing Minesweeper, Solitaire or Angry Birds, it's a little difficult to convince yourself that you're being productive.当你在扫雷、纸牌或者愤怒小鸟游戏时,你自己都无法相信自己正在从事创造性的工作。

23、Get your slingshots at the ready: Angry Birds are coming your way.装备好你的弹弓:你遭遇“愤怒的小鸟”了。

24、The chain is selling green and red burgers in its Chinese outlets to honour the upcoming Angry Birds film.为了向刚上映的愤怒的小鸟电影致敬,麦当劳中国分店近期开始热销绿色汉堡和红色汉堡。

25、Much of his attention has centered on the anger that can consume boys during their high-school years.她将注意力集中在“愤怒”上,愤怒可以在高中时期毁掉一个小伙子。

英文句子26:,26、He An accidentally saw a user called angry birds, newsroom asked just know is original finish editor registered the editorial department of the public.何岸无意间看见编辑部有个用户名叫愤怒的小鸟,问了才知道是原来的毕主编注册的编辑部公众号。

27、There's no question that Angry Birds can be Rovio's Mickey Mouse -- the company's central symbol.毫无疑问,《愤怒的小鸟》有望成为Rovio的米奇——该公司的核心标志。

28、Subconscious anger-related stress may be observed as a propensity toward anger from even the smallest inconveniences or violations of the individual's expectations.潜意识愤怒相关应力是作为由极小的不便或违背个人意愿而造成愤怒的倾向而被注意到。

29、For example, if the line needs to be angry, write "(angry)" before the line of dialogue.比如,如果需要愤怒地念出,则在对白前写下“(愤怒地)”。

30、Updates: Anime - Others - New Hitman Reborn multifunction clock, One Piece hat and Angry Birds bag!更新: 动漫周边- 其他周边- 新款家教多用途钟,海贼王草帽和愤怒的小鸟手袋!

31、He choked down his anger.他强忍住愤怒。

32、I don't use the term "Nazi" frivolously or out of anger.本人通常不会轻易使用这样的词汇,即使是出于愤怒之情。

33、So did Little Davey need some anger management?那么小戴夫还需要接受愤怒治疗吗?

34、Don't make Garg angry.不要使它愤怒。

35、Ping Li (@ping_accel) is a Silicon Valley-based partner with Accel Partners, a venture capital firm whose investments include Angry Birds, Atlassian, Facebook and Dropbox.Ping Li (@ping_accel)是风险投资公司Accel Partners常驻硅谷的合伙人。 Accel Partners的投资包括《愤怒的小鸟》(Angry Birds)、Atlassian、Facebook和Dropbox。

36、But Vesterbacka said people shouldn't just chalk the success of "Angry Birds" up to luck.但是韦斯特巴卡(Vesterbacka)称,人们不能仅仅将“愤怒的小鸟”的成功归于运气。

37、Since its creation in 2009, Angry Birds has been downloaded more than 80 million times.《愤怒的小鸟》自xx年开发以来,下载次数已超过八千万次;

38、The teacher declared indignantly.老师愤怒地宣称。

39、Angered even further, Kojiro leapt into combat, blinded by rage.因此,小次郎更加愤怒了,而被怒气遮蔽了双眼。

40、One that he mentions, which will be as quaint as Pong some day, features the use of a slingshot to launch angry birds to destroy pigs and their fortresses.他特别提到,有一天,发射愤怒的小鸟,摧毁肥猪堡垒的弹弓,它们也会像Pong一样,成为历史。

41、Rovio is planning to make an Angry Birds movie and to open offices outside of Finland.路威公司目前正计划拍摄一部关于“愤怒的小鸟”的电影,并在芬兰之外的地区增加办公地点。

42、the villagers in rage caused a tragedy on the cage-like stage.极端愤怒的乡村居民在笼子形的戏台上打造了一场惨剧。

43、Rovio in June paid an undisclosed amount for Finnish animation studio Kombo to create "Angry Birds" short films.Rovio公司在xx月份向芬兰动画工作室Kombo支付了一笔不明数额的资金来用于创作“愤怒的小鸟”动画短片。

44、Angry birds Super Mario Teenage Mutant Ninja turtles Sesame Street Cherry pizza Broadway Sushi Eat pearls Oz …愤怒的小鸟 超级玛丽 忍者神龟 芝麻街 樱桃披萨 百老汇 …

45、You have waited long enough. It is now time for another Angry Birds post.距离上一篇讨论愤怒小鸟游戏的文章已经很久了,大家一定等不及了吧(译者注:上一篇文章之后将一并译出)。

46、Experienced Angry Birds players can tell from the micro-second the first bird leaves the launcher if they are on the road to a higher score or a waste of time.从第一只小鸟离开发射器的那一刻,有经验的《愤怒的小鸟》玩家就知道自己有望拿到比较高的分数,还是纯粹浪费时间。

47、Dressed in a bright red Angry Birds sweatshirt and carrying an Angry Birds balloon, he said he's been impressed by the unlicensed merchandise in China.身穿大红色“愤怒的小鸟”运动衫、手里拿着“愤怒的小鸟”气球的维斯特巴卡说,中国市场上这些未经授权的商品让他印象深刻。

48、These verbs mean to reprimand or criticize angrily or vehemently .这些动词意为愤怒或恶毒地斥责或批评。

49、Speaking of Angry Birds, de Rochefort is never one to let the whims of the market go to waste.谈到《愤怒的小鸟》,德•罗切弗特绝不会让市场的任何奇思妙想白白浪费。

50、She is writing in Braille, spelling out a single word - furious.她在是盲文书写,并拼写出一个词 - 愤怒。

经典英文句子51:愤怒的小鸟台词,51、Mr. Maisel says he is talking to potential writers, directors and financing partners about getting an "Angry Birds" feature film off the ground.Maisel先生说他正在就制作一部以“愤怒的小鸟”为主角的电影与潜在的作家、导演还有投资伙伴进行谈判。

52、Kennedy handled the firestorm of outrage with self-defeating smugness.肯尼迪用自我拆台的自命不凡来对付愤怒的烈火。

53、The angry crowd hailed blows on the thief.愤怒的群众把那个小偷乱打一顿。

54、The angry crowd howled the speaker off the platform.愤怒的人群把演说者赶下了台。

55、China National Radio, a state-run agency, broadcast the citizens’ outrage.中央人民广播电台是一家国有机构,报道了市民的愤怒之情。

56、To secure the cheese or carrot on the Angry Birds' face, use thin spaghetti strips to fix them.为了确保“愤怒的鸟类面临的奶酪或胡萝卜,使用带薄面条,解决这些问题。

57、Creative cake: Angry Birds become guards for a cool castle.超有创意的蛋糕,愤怒的小鸟们变身城堡守卫者啦!

58、They purchase a $499 phone or tablet, impress their friends, and then spend all their time watching YouTube videos and playing Angry Birds.他们花499美元买一部手机或平板电脑,在朋友面前炫耀,然后看没日没夜地看YouTube视频或玩愤怒的小鸟游戏。

59、He who angers you controls you, there-fore you have no control over your anger .他愤怒你们谁控制你,那儿突出你无法控制你的愤怒。

60、The villagers in rage caused a tragedy on the cage-like stage.极端愤怒的村平易近在笼子形的戏台上打造了一场惨剧。

61、Then there's Angry Birds proper and the more recently-released Angry Birds Rio, which swaps out smug neon enemy swine for marmosets.Rovio公司最近还发布了《愤怒的小鸟》的续作——《愤怒的小鸟之里约大冒险》,玩家们这次面对的敌人从洋洋得意的猪头变成了小狨猴。

62、Reel shadows of the indignant desert birds.沙漠上愤怒的鸟群阴影飞旋。

63、The networks have been playing her angry sound bites over and over again … -Right.多家电视台一直在一次又一次地播放她愤怒的���声摘要…-对。

64、Mr. Maisel says that will be a powerful tool for getting people to see an "Angry Birds" movie.Maisel说这是让人们去看“愤怒的小鸟”这部电影有力的手段。

65、The world champion angry bird, though, may well be the goshawk, a large raptor with needle-sharp talons that breeds in northern regions.不过,愤怒小鸟的世界冠军很可能是苍鹰,这是一种在北方地区繁殖的具有尖利爪子的大型猛禽。

66、Rovio, the Finnish developer behind “Angry Birds”, is rushing out a range of tie-in cuddly toys for Christmas.“愤怒的小鸟”的芬兰开发商Rovio正准备在圣诞档期火速推出一系列游戏周边玩具。

67、But there is something that makes the outrage even greater: The lack of outrage.但是总有一些事情甚至使这种愤怒变得更大,那就是愤怒的缺席。

68、A furious player kicked his racket into the grandstand.一位愤怒的球员将他的球拍踢向了看台。

69、In great anger, he makes a huge chandelier fall onto the stage.在巨大的愤怒中,他将一个巨型的装饰灯打落在舞台上。

70、This makes yellow team members were very angry, and Scud-Xiao Ming can be angry it!这使黄队队员们愤怒极了,飞毛腿小明可气愤呢!

71、Not so. Studies show that expressing anger aggressively only aggravates it;研究表明,以一种带有攻击性的态度宣泄愤怒只会使愤怒感加重;


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