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关于”一般过去时“的英语句子21个,句子主体:general past tense。以下是关于一般过去时的八级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:general past tense

1、我想出去一下,一般 说 Sorry或者Excuse me, I would like to go out .

过去金属材料管接头一般采用铸造、 锻造和挤压工艺制造。

2、Metal pipe joints were generally manufactured by casting and forging in the past.


3、It will be very time-consuming and expensive using trial and error method to determine the process parameters.


4、People used to consider the Book of Songs and the Songs of Chu as the only belleslettres during the pre-Qin times.


5、I had thought of life going on at Twelve Oaks as it had always done, peacefully, easily, unchanging.


6、At a ceremony Tuesday, Bush peered into Marshmallow's eyes, stroked its white fluffy feathers and patted its red head.


7、Lin's grades are “so-so,” he said, and he dropped one class.


8、In the old days, the only solution involved physically sneaking out of the office and decamping for two hours or more with workplace confederates — almost certainly in a place where beer is sold.


9、Dazed , Langdon looked at the bedside clock. It was

12:32 A. M. He had been asleep only an hour, but he felt like the dead.


10、There are three paces of time: The future is slow in coming; the present is flying like an arrow; the past is always at a standstill.


11、After questioning him as to why he took the bike, he simply smiled, walked past me and ignored me.


12、The average person spends less than

7 hours of their day productively.


13、Dazed, Langdon looked at the bedside clock. It was

12:32 A. M. He had been asleep only an hour, but he felt like the dead.


14、Time flies! One year has been a history aleady!


15、Bao Xuelian had

20 years of sales, domestic shipments in the past only to factory inspection.

窦性心动过缓一般是发生于颈髓损伤后的1周以内,持续时间一般为7~ 10天。

16、The persistent bradycardia is found within the first week of post-injury and underwent

7 to

10 days.


17、Some do so by commanding spirits, commonly called Kin- Fetches , to watch over their children.


18、My weak points normally stem from those times when I'm not so organized.

寻找幸福的过程本身就是幸福这条路上没有终点站。那么,你就要像不愁薪水那般去工作;敞开心扉那般去欢爱; 旁若无人那般去歌舞。

19、Happiness is a journey not a destination. So work like you don't need money love like you've never been hurt And dance like no one's watching.


20、Dress is most often informal, EXCEPT on weekends, when semi-formal attire may be worn.

21、For me, there was a touch of nostalgia: at her age I had hitchhiked to Marrakesh.对我来说有点怀旧的原因,在像女儿一般年纪的时候,我曾经搭顺风车去过马拉喀什(Marrakesh)。

22、The past decade has not been kind to stocks generally.在过去的xx年里,行情低迷,一般股民的战绩均无上佳表现。

23、I have no feeling either for the future or for the past, while the present seems to me poison.当实现对于我而言如毒药一般时,对未来和过去,我已没有感觉

24、WHO cannot, at this point, solve the dilemma through universal guidance.此时此刻,世卫组织无法通过一般性指导来化解这一困境。

25、Past tense.过去时。

英文句子26:,26、From Kangding city to Kunga country, all the Tibetan houses are as grand as palaces.从康定过去,一路上的民居都极为富丽堂皇,各家都像是皇宫一般。

27、"Traditionally, if you would have asked an anthropologist or archaeologist how manypeople lived [in these Amazon uplands], they'd say almost zero, " hesaid.他说:“一般如果你去问一个人类学家或者考古学家(在这些亚马逊高地)曾居住过多少人时,他们会说几乎没有。”

28、Sometimes, we may look very good in the morning after we use the skin products and cosmetics.有时,因为早上刚刚使用过护肤品和化妆品,我们一般在上午的时候会看上去气色不错。

29、If Fumigation, what chemical is used and how long is the product allowed to soak in the fumigation?如果有经过蒸薰过程, 请告知工厂是用什麽化学剂去蒸薰, 一般会蒸多久时间?。

30、Most people like to sleep in on the weekends since they don't have to go to work.大部份的人喜欢在周末时比一般平常时晚起床,因为不必去上班。

31、In any case over the last almost 100 years it has reemerged not only for dogs but for women as well.在过去几乎xx年的时间里,一般说来,这个再次出现的单词不仅针对狗,而且也针对女性。

32、They were like devils preying on the people in the past.在过去他们凶神恶煞般地鱼肉百姓。

33、Happiness is a journey, not a destination. So, work like you do not need money, love like you have never been hurt, and dance like no ones watching.寻找幸福的过程本身就是幸福,这条路没有终点。因此,你要像不愁薪水那般去工作;敞开心扉那般去欢爱;旁若无人那般去歌舞。

34、In the previous year, 93.8% (960/1024) of participants had contact with general practitioners.过去xx年中,93.8% (960/1024)的参与者曾经和一般开业医师联系。

35、The continuous education was conaidered asea linking point of sci - tech and economy.过去一般将继续教育看成是科技与经济的连接点。

36、Your sister sings better than you (do). 一楼也对,不过英语中一般不这样用.时态允许变,要考虑语境!

37、Where do you like to skateboard?你一般去哪里玩滑板?

38、In style and temperament , this CD is a real throwback to the past.在风格以及格调上,这张CD 就像是回到过去一般。

39、Melinda: This week just flew by! It wasn't long enough for me.美琳达:这个周飞一般就过去了!对我来说它不够长。

40、In years past, turkeys spared in presidential ceremonies were sent to live at a local farm.过去,在总统举行的仪式上被放生的火鸡一般会被送到当地的农场去颐养天年。

41、Happiness is a journey, not a destination. So, work like you don't need money, Love like you've never been hurt, And dance like no one's watching.寻找幸福的过程本身就是幸福,这条路上没有终点站。那么,你就要像不愁薪水那般去工作;敞开心扉那般去欢爱;旁若无人般去歌舞。

42、This type verbs change both the internal vowel sound and consonants to create the past and past participle form. Both the past form and past participle form are the same.这种类型的过去时和过去分词的元音和辅音都会变化,通常过去时和过去分词一致。

43、He used to definitely "problem child'."他过去时一位“题目小孩”。

44、Generally The new year's gifts given to relatives and friends are mainly food-based.过年去探亲戚朋友的礼物,一般是食品为主。

45、Love yourself for me everyday,一般情况下时间会后置吧~ 不过要强调,放前面也是可以的。

46、adn die as though they had never lived.又像从没没有活过般死去。

47、His past is ancient and unbeknown just like his true power.他的过去古老而不为人知,就如同他的真实力量一般。

48、Normally I love to get into the kitchen to cook, but I had left starting dinner too late, and began to feel overly hungry and irritable.一般我都是喜欢去厨房做饭,但是开饭的时间太晚,而且开始感觉到过分的饥饿和急躁。

49、Grandma told us that in the past it was almost impossible to have out-of-season.告诉我们,过去一般是吃不到背令水果的。

50、Once you get over that initial period, the temptation to go back to bed is usually gone.一旦你度过这10分钟,想再躺回床上的欲望一般也就随之而去了。

经典英文句子51:一般过去时,51、Mainly, I like to skateboard in downtown,一般的话,我会去市区,

52、We keep the past alive by holding tightly to it, so perhaps it is occurring in this present moment.我们对过去紧抓不放,这使得过去如阴影般挥之不去。如是,过去也许便(因此而)存在于当下。

53、Nay rather, vindictive persons live the life of witches; who, as they are mischievous, so end they infortunate.与此相反,欲报私仇者过的是巫师一般的生活,他们活着时于人有害,死去则可叹可悲。

54、It was a perfect May evening. Three 1930-model Citroens flashed over the bridge, turned westward, and headed straight along the North Soochow Road.这时候——这天堂般xx月的傍晚,有三辆一九三○年式的雪铁笼汽车像闪电一般驶过了外白渡桥,向西转弯,一直沿北苏州路去了。

55、How times fies, there's just another week.时间过的真快,又是一周过去了。



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